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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Is that going to be on Vita?

And yasss get CC because it's added tons more songs and backgrounds. Seeing Balamb Garden destroyed me.
Yeah it's Vita, should be great. Remixes of P4 music and the story is they have to use the power of dance to destroy Shadows that kidnapped Rise's fellow idols. Sounds so dumb and amazing.




completely off topic, but I really do like this girl a fucking lot, and I wanna thank you guys for your consent. Don't even know why I post this now. Carry on.

Something something videogames.

Damn it Bufbaf stop making me feel bad about being single.



completely off topic, but I really do like this girl a fucking lot, and I wanna thank you guys for your consent. Don't even know why I post this now. Carry on.

Something something videogames.
You both are adorbz!
Yeah it's Vita, should be great. Remixes of P4 music and the story is they have to use the power of dance to destroy Shadows that kidnapped Rise's fellow idols. Sounds so dumb and amazing.
Sweet I'll have to get it then.

Still need to beat p4. That last boss put me off lol

Why does US get this? :(((


Hey fakeGAF friends,

Me and my bro got a house sorted, aww yiss. Still need to send over references and stuff, but it seems like a done deal.


The move fast approaches, the excite rises, Manchester is happening! Can't fucking wait man, less than two weeks now!



EDIT: Just Googled that and now I'm sad that more of the results are about Paramore than Refused :C


completely off topic, but I really do like this girl a fucking lot, and I wanna thank you guys for your consent. Don't even know why I post this now. Carry on.

Something something videogames.
She is totes awesome, big fan me. Treat her real nice Timo!

Also, Margaret Hatcher is the best name for Em's chick.


There's a wasp somewhere in my house. A very, very large wasp. My weapon choices are fly swatter, anti-flying insect bug spray, and batarangs. What do I do?
Tried to talk to my parents about changing what I'm doing with my life. The responses were oh so useful.

My dad: It could be a worse job, get more experience and do more interesting things (way to miss the entire point of what I was saying just because you also hate your job)
My mum: ...I got nothing



Tried to talk to my parents about changing what I'm doing with my life. The responses were oh so useful.

My dad: It could be a worse job, get more experience and do more interesting things (way to miss the entire point of what I was saying just because you also hate your job)
My mum: ...I got nothing


I get you. I've been considering switching out of computer science, but I don't know how I would explain that to any of my relatives. I'm supposed to be the computer-savvy one.

But I have to find it first. I saw it flying around the skylight and I went to go get my bug spray. When I came back, it was gone. I'm considering turning on the gas and throwing some aluminum and batteries in the microwave, then making a run for it.
And then it arrives
The moment before
The anticipation
You know it's like ooooooooooooooohhhhh
Wait for it
Wait for the buildup
And then let's do it again

Don't care what they say
It hurts so good
I don't wanna stop
I know I should

I get you. I've been considering switching out of computer science, but I don't know how I would explain that to any of my relatives. I'm supposed to be the computer-savvy one.

Well, if I manage I'll give you some advice.

...I wouldn't expect any advice if I were you :c

And now for a relevant song:
If there's one thing in your life that you'll never forget,
Its that we're dead in the future but we're not dead yet.
Your life starts right now so start acting like it,
Or else you'll wake up one day feeling like a silhouette


So from looking at it, I think it's a tarantula hawk, which explains the size. It's on the ceiling so My spray can't reach it. I tried hitting it with a really long pole but I think that just pissed it off and it's hiding near the skylight again. What do I do?


Pray for mercy.

Never. It's either him or me, unless he chooses to land on the screen door, in which case i can let him out without killing him, but since that's not an option right now. Why did he have to pick the skylight in the kitchen?! Either come down and fight me like a bug or leave. I won't have it building a nest up there.
So from looking at it, I think it's a tarantula hawk, which explains the size. It's on the ceiling so My spray can't reach it. I tried hitting it with a really long pole but I think that just pissed it off and it's hiding near the skylight again. What do I do?

Wear protective stuff, like a jacket and gloves. Then arm yourself with spray and a newspaper.

It's what I did! I've never been stung!



The tarantula hawk is relatively docile and rarely stings without provocation. However, the sting, particularly of P. grossa, is among the most painful of any insect, though the intense pain only lasts about three minutes

Damn it.

Okay I have one last idea: What if I move all of the food out, tape the spray can to my long pole, and tape down the nozzle so that it sprays continuously. My kitchen will be covered in bug spray but he will be dead.
Commenting on his own experience, Justin O. Schmidt, entomologist and creator of the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, described the pain as "…immediate, excruciating pain that simply shuts down one's ability to do anything, except, perhaps, scream. Mental discipline simply does not work in these situations."

Yeahp, I agree with the majority of the thread. Fire is the only option if you've pissed it off. Which you probably have.
When you say you've had enough
And you might just give it up
Oh, oh
I will never let you down
When you're feeling low on love
I'll be what you dreaming of
Oh, oh
I will never let you down



Scaley member
Someone end me now. I gave up on doing my math work so now I'm trying to study for biology but this is just as boring.

Kill meeeeeeeeeeeee
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