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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I'm gonna give blood tomorrow, but I normally go to the gym tomorrow night. Is it safe to work out after giving blood?

I personally wouldn't. Better safe than sorry

Shit gotta post something more than that


Guys, this tune is so smooth and sexy (I bet Jake can't resist clicking the link regardless), Cat's vocal man, hnnnggg:

Handsome Boy Modelling School feat. Cat Power - I've Been Thinking

"I've been thinking 'bout
Why you act so proud
I've been thinking 'bout
What's this shit about
Am I losin' control
Am I losin' my soul
Just tell me am I losin' you"

So lush, goosebumps every time.
Did you see my gif. How can you say no to snowpuff snuggles. That'd be amazeballs.

Man I'm tired and it's not even 2130. Getting old
"snowpuff snuggles", haha quality. Alliteration is the best. And they do look like mint pets, I'd have one in a heartbeat.

Not Spaceghost

Monday the 16th of June, 2014
  • Stayed at work fixing some nerdos stata code until 8:30pm
  • Got home and my Master Replica lightsaber arrived, but I had no batteries and I was too tired to get batteries.
  • Played some titanfall, lost every single round of TLS.
  • Showed up early for a meeting that got cancelled this morning.

I am just getting fucked this week.


Monday the 16th of June, 2014
  • Stayed at work fixing some nerdos stata code until 8:30pm
  • Got home and my Master Replica lightsaber arrived, but I had no batteries and I was too tired to get batteries.
  • Played some titanfall, lost every single round of TLS.
  • Showed up early for a meeting that got cancelled this morning.

I am just getting fucked this week.

Oh man, that sucks. always keep batteries around!

Not Spaceghost

Is it possible to just...stop going to your job?

You have no idea how many times I've asked myself that.

It's not even that I hate my job it's just that I WANT MY FREE TIME BACK. I miss being able to wake up and be all like "today I'm going to do nothing", then go back to bed and wake up 3 hours later at noon.

Also don't feel too down, I feel like everyone thinks they're not qualified to do the shit they're asked to do at some point in their life.


Is it possible to just...stop going to your job?

It's funny. When I was really young, I was always busy. I never had time to hang out with my friends because there was always some sport or extracurricular activity that I had to be doing at the time. But I did end up making a lot of friends through those extracurricular activities. Then, sometime in middle school, I just kinda stopped, and I had all the free time in the world, but nothing changed. Now I had to be the one to wait and see if my friends were free. Sure I could do anything, but I would have to do it alone. That lasted for a long time, pretty much throughout my entire time at high school. In my last year I picked up extracurricular stuff again, which helped because I started making friends again. I tried joining clubs and stuff in college too, which only lasted through my first quarter (I gave one of them my email and they never took me off of the email list so I still get updates about club meetings and evites and stuff), so I haven't met a lot of people in college that I didn't already know, and the ones that I did know were still busy with stuff like SO's or work. Now I have a job and I know that it's going to be tiring, but I keep thinking back to that several-year lazy period and how those were some of the worst years of my life, and how if I quit now just to have more free time, I'll be right back where I started, and that keeps me going.


Now I have a job and I know that it's going to be tiring, but I keep thinking back to that several-year lazy period and how those were some of the worst years of my life, and how if I quit now just to have more free time, I'll be right back where I started, and that keeps me going.

Yup, totally agree between jobs its free time everywhere but not a thing to do. Although I sometimes book a day off mid week once every 2-3 months. Its nice walking around town and shopping when its not a busy weekend and cooking a decent lunch.
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