Massive fan thinks the first album is called "Pressure" (it's called All We Know Is Falling), lol. Only joking Em, I know you are a big fan.
But I've got to disagree about when they went pop. The first album is easily their punkiest, but I think Riot! is one of their poppiest records. That's What You Get could be an Avril Lavigne track. Then BNE got a bit less pop IMO, the opening to Careful is about as harsh and discordant as they've ever sounded.
But yeah, Paramore is almost a straight pop record, for better or worse. I love it personally, can't get enough.
Hey it was early and I don't remember any of the other songs from that album
But I can see where you're coming from. Whatever, the music's good
Last Hope is great though. I jam to it often.