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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Have to fly up and deliver your punishment in person

Still as parched as ever I see. It's nice to be back.


Still as parched as ever I see. It's nice to be back.


wait I should read all of your hashtags before asking that question ;_;

But we're the only OTP allowed here.

Gurl Jake and I are the original OTP and I have the fanfic in my inbox to prove it ;D


jk we can share the spotlight I guess.


Morning ladies and germs. I need a plausible excuse to miss this meeting this morning, can't, be, arsed.

Wahay, Jake is back! Good to see you man.
I can't compete. My otp's have forsaken me </3
Aww, poor feline. You'll always have Windam.

(I never left you. Forget Pete, he's a scumbag and I'm pretty sure he sells drugs to kids.)


So I have finally booked my hotel for my Disney trip guys. Headed there from the 18th to the 22nd. I haven't been to Orlando since I was a kid. So fucking excite.


999 Ending S

This one was mindblowing. First off, the shit Junpei pulled to get into room 3 was FUCKED UP. Just further reinforced me thinking that he's kind of a dick :lol. Hearing the stories from Kammy and Junpei's childhood was really touching though, finally got the deets and it made her dying at the end that much worse :'(

But WHAT THE FUCK at Lotus' kids being two of the 16 kidnapped! That seriously took me by surprise but also gives us her connection to this whole thing. Seven is connected because he was a cop investigating the kidnappings. So that leaves two more runs to find out what the seven other connections are. No new Egyptian stuff this time which was kinda disappointing. Torture room was hella creepy, this game is so effective at making you feel really uncomfortable during certain segments. The whole experimenting on children thing is gross. GROSS.
I feel like I can't even comprehend where this is going. Only thing I'm sure of is that someone here is in on it. One of the 9 knows a lot about what's going on.

Wazzy, get ready to give them requirements for the last ending. I think I'll get there tomorrow.


999 Ending S

This one was mindblowing. First off, the shit Junpei pulled to get into room 3 was FUCKED UP. Just further reinforced me thinking that he's kind of a dick :lol. Hearing the stories from Kammy and Junpei's childhood was really touching though, finally got the deets and it made her dying at the end that much worse :'(

But WHAT THE FUCK at Lotus' kids being two of the 16 kidnapped! That seriously took me by surprise but also gives us her connection to this whole thing. Seven is connected because he was a cop investigating the kidnappings. So that leaves two more runs to find out what the seven other connections are. No new Egyptian stuff this time which was kinda disappointing. Torture room was hella creepy, this game is so effective at making you feel really uncomfortable during certain segments. The whole experimenting on children thing is gross. GROSS.
I feel like I can't even comprehend where this is going. Only thing I'm sure of is that someone here is in on it. One of the 9 knows a lot about what's going on.

Wazzy, get ready to give them requirements for the last ending. I think I'll get there tomorrow.


I'm so excited because the next ending shit gets fucking cray.

Also for the requirements, ask me the MOMENT you start the last ending. Don't continue until I've told you them.


I started Persona 3 on my PSP a few months ago. I played for about 5-6 hours, got bored and turned it off. I guess it's just not my thing. It seemed like a fairly rudimentary dungeon crawler with some weird high school dating sim populated by cookie cutter genre clichés tacked on.

Much tsundere, wow.

I didn't get it.
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