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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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Tiddums' current invasion of PopGAF.



Damn. So difficult to ping Gambino as a rapper after seeing him as a comedian for so fucking long.
Haha I know. I honestly couldn't take it seriously when he first started releasing music since he was just Troy to me. Troy wouldn't talk about his dick this much!


Geez some guy was roaming around my area with a book while I was sitting in my friends truck along with my brother and we were all joking that he was crazy and casting a spell before crossing the street since he was taking forever to actually cross even though there were no cars.

We got out and went inside and when we did he walked up to our friends car. She asked if he was okay and he started trying to get in her car so she sped off. She called saying he looked demonic and fucked up, probably on hard drugs or something.

I was monitoring him and was going to ask if he was okay but he tried to break into my friends car and he doesn't just look drunk, he looks unstable. He's been walking back and forth down my street.

I've locked all my doors, got my family ready near the phone to call in case he attempts to enter my house and a bat ready for trying to scare him off if he tries.

I feel bad not asking him if he's okay but my god dude seemed really unpredictable and nuts.
Geez some guy was roaming around my area with a book while I was sitting in my friends truck along with my brother and we were all joking that he was crazy and casting a spell before crossing the street since he was taking forever to actually cross even though there were no cars.

We got out and went inside and when we did he walked up to our friends car. She asked if he was okay and he started trying to get in her car so she sped off. She called saying he looked demonic and fucked up, probably on hard drugs or something.

I was monitoring him and was going to ask if he was okay but he tried to break into my friends car and he doesn't just look drunk, he looks unstable. He's been walking back and forth down my street.

I've locked all my doors, got my family ready near the phone to call in case he attempts to enter my house and a bat ready for trying to scare him off if he tries.

I feel bad not asking him if he's okay but my god dude seemed really unpredictable and nuts.

Vinzer Deling demands his revenge.


Vinzer Deling demands his revenge.
Eh I never did anything to him, ya know?

I just saw his sketch on FB...
Yeah he was wearing a blue plaid button up, black shorts and was holding a book.
I mean in that situation asking if he is okay isn't really going to accomplish anything.

That's not true. He could be really drunk and might need someone to call a cab for him. It's the fact that he could respond aggressively that is the issue. If I didn't think he would respond that way I would have gone to see if I can get him home in a cab.

Ah I see you added in based off the description. That's why I didn't ask if he was okay, mainly because of his actions and trying to get into my friends car.
Along similar lines, in around the same neighborhood, my dad's work laptop was stolen out of our car late last night.

.... I'm locking all doors and windows now thx.


He still prowling?

Nah I think he finally wandered off. I should be sleeping but I keep staying awake watching out for him in case he comes back. I just hope someone else either reported it or helped him out if that's what he needed.

Anyway I think coast is clear for around here.

He was definitely unstable, though. He sat down and started rocking back and forth at one point before getting up and wandering again.


Right, my point is that you shouldn't feel bad not doing so. If the dude was unresponsive and still taking action towards your car, the guy isn't going react to another question.

It's risky to assume everyone is in need of help in those situations, and even if they are, you don't know who they are, what they have done or may be capable of doing, if they want help etc. That's all.

edit: Sounds like a junky and/or someone not all there.

Or maybe it's a demon who just inhabited a human. Guess we'll know Oct 31st if something goes down.


Friend called the police and they said they're going to search for him.
Hell, I live in the country and I still lock my doors.
Yeah some people can be really scary when they're like that.

Right, my point is that you shouldn't feel bad not doing so. If the dude was unresponsive and still taking action towards your car, the guy isn't going react to another question.

It's risky to assume everyone is in need of help in those situations, and even if they are, you don't know who they are, what they have done or may be capable of doing, if they want help etc. That's all.
I know but it's just how I am. I always want to try and make sure it's not someone in need before jumping to the conclusion they're unstable and a threat.

But the moment he tried entering my friends car is when I should have just watched out for him.


at least you're not sitting at the computer waiting for all of the optional windows 7 updates to finish.

i said "update me" and forgot to say that I don't want 99% of the optional shit
at least you're not sitting at the computer waiting for all of the optional windows 7 updates to finish.

i said "update me" and forgot to say that I don't want 99% of the optional shit

Almost as bad as when you forget to uncheck the "yes install malignant add-on bars in my browser" option.


There was an extremely annoying set of frat boys and sorority girls in my dream last night who were getting upset because I walked through their bean bag toss thing on my way to class. The sorority sisters were being passive aggressive and one of the frat boy was clearly trying to start something...over bean bags. I didn't want to get in trouble so I just shouted at him to drop it and kept walking, but I woke up and realized that it was a dream. Now I want to go back into that dream and punch him in the face. Not wise to pick a fight with me in my dream.
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