Whoa whoa whoa, watch out for tiddums.
From time to time. I usually do a lot of situps and pushups because it's averaging 90 degrees outdoors right now.
Terror in Tokyo is pretty good so far actually.
A friend snuck spam into the survival portion of our survival training. When you're starving and eating wildlife cold spam is like a cut of the most delicious steak.
I assume you mean starving figuratively?
I love/hate Bear Grylls.
I assume you mean starving figuratively?
I fudged the name it's called "Terror in Resonance" (in English).
Badass visuals and lots of smoking. Classic Watanabe.
ROTF. Bear is the KING of "FUCK THAT".
I was talking about good wildlife :|
I remember when he drank his own urine. GOD WHY.
But all the times he strips down and shows his butt make up for it.
lol, happens all the time. But they just compact into a small ball and that's all.Third time in a fucking row I've washed my clothes with tissue in the pockets.
lol, happens all the time. But they just compact into a small ball and that's all.
Oddly enough, I'm drying my clothes right now. At 3am. This is how much I suck as a bachelor.
Not a fan of the gamely foods. ):
I was talking about good wildlife :|
Surely there are better butts out there to gander than Bear's. :/
Nah man. Literally. You catch your own food, eat berries, etc. A majority of it is classified but it's called SERE school. All military aircrew attend it and for a time you're out in the wilderness surviving. Then you get captured and have to go through POW training. It's not fun by any stretch of the imagine. You can end up very
Not a great painting but it has a cool vibe to it.
Is this from a yaoi manga or something?
It's from DA. #closeenuff
Is this from a yaoi manga or something?
Deviant Art. I actually never thought of the yaoi thing but I guess it could be seen that way.
Or it's just two dudes in a room.
Drinking wine while one of them is topless and the other stares deeply at him.
Drinking wine while one of them is topless and the other stares deeply at him.
I didn't notice the wine cups.
But he's kind of just looking at him like "Who we gonna kill today?"
I'm getting more of a "shove your 'gun' up my anus" vibe. But that's just me.
And mine drifts toward sex more often than not.
So who knows.
In my defense, my mind tends to drift towards violence more often then not.
Same here. I love 2:35.
It starts off with so much promise and then... well, you'll see. Fucking ridiculous.
They're going to commit suicide because the world doesn't accept them for who they are.
Same here. I love 2:35.
Gay hit men it is then.
Howdy peeps.
Work is bleh. It's cold and raining. Will be happy to go home and catch up on the last 3 eps of true blood because I hate myself and need to see the ending.
How is everyone?
Can I get a tl;dw?
Yeah. I don't know if it's right or wrong but that's the way I've always been.
Howdy peeps.
Work is bleh. It's cold and raining. Will be happy to go home and catch up on the last 3 eps of true blood because I hate myself and need to see the ending.
How is everyone?
I wathced Glee for two seasons. Maybe we should start a support group for people who compulsively watch shitty shows.
I'd like some more interesting or badass characters in fiction where they're gay and it's not treated as a big deal. But I guess that's naïve considering the current times were in.
Howdy peeps.
Work is bleh. It's cold and raining. Will be happy to go home and catch up on the last 3 eps of true blood because I hate myself and need to see the ending.
I also watched all of Dexter ;__;I wathced Glee for two seasons. Maybe we should start a support group for people who compulsively watch shitty shows.
I wathced Glee for two seasons. Maybe we should start a support group for people who compulsively watch shitty shows.
I can get very violent thoughts, but I'm also not very violent by nature, I think. Never been in a fight or provoked anyone or anything. Maybe it's just because of my size, though.
Maybe by the time Disney makes a two princes film..In the next century.
I also watched all of Dexter ;__;I think we need itand arrow
I'll probably watch the last episode of True Blood but I am so done with that show.
I love fighting but I only like it when it's a mutual thing though. Hate fights aren't fun.
Boxing's more fun though. It lasts longer and there isn't much injury. Also, there tends to be a lack of dickheads in fight gyms believe it or not.
Maybe by the time Disney makes a two princes film.In the next century.
I remember when I used to exercise. I did regular pushups, crunches, and decline pushups. I made it to exactly 100 pushups once (followed a guide on how to do it for about two months), and damn it felt good. Then I fell out of the habit. :/ My abs are pretty much gone.
Gustafo Fringe from Breaking Bad was actually gay.
two princesses will come out 1st![]()
I think crunches/sit ups aren't necessary if you just want abs. They kind of take care of themselves.
I used to 100 sit ups in a pattern with 50 leg raises. Kind of got a muscle gut so I quit. They don't look any different, just not as thick.
Pushups, pull ups and just about anything that requires you to really work the torso will take care of it.
Hardcorps is soooooo good. Best if you're playing online with a friend. The levels are batshit crazy.