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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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My friend has an old fashioned longbow. This thing is huge. He let me use it, and surprisingly, I was almost able to draw back to my chin.

Managed to hit the target, but just barely. It's amazing how much strength bows actually require.
As I understand, modern bows have all sorts of pulleys and things to make it easier to draw. But if you think about it, all of the energy that goes into throwing the arrow into the air and piercing the target must be imparted into the arrow by the person pulling the string. It's not like a gun where the energy comes from chemical reactions in gunpowder. It's really just a machine that allows you to remotely punch something. In that sense it seems obvious that it would require a lot of strength to draw the bow fully.
I went to an archery class last year and the bow had a little rest for the arrow. The arrow had a little clip at the end so it could clip on to the string. Kinda felt like cheating, ha.


I learned how to use a regular recurve bow in freshman year of college. It's a shame that voice activated bows with interchangeable arrowhead features aren't commonplace.

But long before that, back when I used to do pretty much everything, I learned how to use several types of weapons when I did martial arts. I learned how to use nunchucks, a bo staff, sai, etc.

As a heads up, nunchucks suck.

I also play with knives occasionally. I'm actually kinda good at throwing them. I have some batarangs too (literal, very sharp batarangs) but that's a story for a different time.
Emily rite now


Just don't be a mess like me and actually blackout drunk.

It was so weird when that happened. One minute the clock was about two and the next it was like almost six. It seemed instantaneous.
Just don't be a mess like me and actually blackout drunk.

It was so weird when that happened. One minute the clock was about two and the next it was like almost six. It seemed instantaneous.

I know how that goes. Then I have to text everyone to find out wtf I did and make sure I didn't make an ass out of myself.
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