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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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My problem with DC is that they reboot way too often. Characters so broken that reality breaks on a regular basis. They literally punched reality and brought Robin back to life.


As opposed to a never-ending sliding timescale filled with retcons anyway?

Yep. There's only so many different ways I can see Bruce's parents get shot, Superman cope with his powers, and Wonder Woman deal with her weird reverse sexism.

That said, I'll be reading Arkham Manor when it comes out.
After 75 years and 8 movies I should not be surprised.

To be fair, it's not so much on Batman himself, Year One and The Killing Joke are still fucking great, it's just the constant "BATMAN THE BEST PREP TIME" of the internet is so boring and irritating.

Moving on, I still can't get over how good Everything Will Be Alright In The End sounds like it's going to be. Weezer might actually be making a good album again. How did that happen.
Yep. There's only so many different ways I can see Bruce's parents get shot, Superman cope with his powers, and Wonder Woman deal with her weird reverse sexism.

That said, I'll be reading Arkham Manor when it comes out.

Part of that is just that they're the big 3, so they get done a lot. The Universe gets reset on a timescale more of decades than "omg they're rebooting again". There are a variety of Marvel characters that have multiple mututally exclusive backstories, and the sliding timescale makes stuff move up over time - the Punisher is now an Iraq war vet or something instead of Vietnam for example. It was my understanding these had in some cases multiple explicit retelling of origin stories over time, even if the universe didn't actually hard-reset.

To be fair, it's not so much on Batman himself, Year One and The Killing Joke are still fucking great, it's just the constant "BATMAN THE BEST PREP TIME" of the internet is so boring and irritating.

Prep time batman doesn't really exist that much except in the minds of Grant Morrison and the Internet. And usually even then only in the presence of the justice league becuase you've gotta make him not shit when surrounded by supermen.



So prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Welcome to Carcosa.


I was so close to winning beerpong but my teammate got trashed by the time finals came.
Was so close to getting that free bar tab I could taste it.


My best mate is going to china for 6 months for work next week... gonna miss that bastard

Who wants to be my temporary mate for 6 months?

Duties include:
Taking the piss out of each other
Playing lots of Fifa
Drinking wine and/or wheat beer
Deep knowledge of The Office (USA)
Playing Squash


What a pretty creature. :)

If I had the money and a house (plus own garden) I would get a Groenendael.

Thanks. She's sweet as gold too. She's huge and very imposing, but doesn't have a mean bone in her body. When she's happy, she shoves her face into whoever's crotch is the closest and pushes her head between your legs so her nose is exiting out the back. It takes a bit to get used to, but she's so damn strong that you can't really stop her. Her nickname is simply 'Head' and she responds to it.

I'd never heard of a Groenendael. Beautiful dog.


Thanks. She's sweet as gold too. She's huge and very imposing, but doesn't have a mean bone in her body. When she's happy, she shoves her face into whoever's crotch is the closest and pushes her head between your legs so her nose is exiting out the back. It takes a bit to get used to, but she's so damn strong that you can't really stop her. Her nickname is simply 'Head' and she responds to it.

I'd never heard of a Groenendael. Beautiful dog.
It's a Belgian Sheperd dog. They need a lot of attention and exercise. And they cost a fortune. :(

Yeah, the dogs that live in my aunts house are like that too, shoving their faces in your crotch and all that. But they are still young so maybe she can teach them to drop that stuff. :D


It's a Belgian Sheperd dog. They need a lot of attention and exercise. And they cost a fortune. :(

Yeah, the dogs that live in my aunts house are like that too, shoving their faces in your crotch and all that. But they are still young so maybe she can teach them to drop that stuff. :D

My dog is only 3 years old so I could probably train her not to, but it makes her so happy. =)


DC has a ton of short comic series which I really like.
Marvel has crazy long stories that I like too...

I like em both for different reasons.

Love the Watchmen love the X-Men.
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