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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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There's nothing more tedious than looking for the next notch on the wall I'm supposed to climb to, and I think a big part of why I loved TLOU was probably because it had none of this superficial fake platforming

The climbing/platforming in this game are like the opposite of a brain massage
There's nothing more tedious than looking for the next notch on the wall I'm supposed to climb to, and I think a big part of why I loved TLOU was probably because it had none of this superficial fake platforming

The climbing/platforming in this game are like the opposite of a brain massage

Really? That explains a lot, I guess. One of the only problems I have with the game is that I feel like the hand holds are too easy to see. They're all unnaturally highlighted and it's slightly immersion breaking.

Also this goes back to the Dishonored thing we were talking about a while ago. You can play through many of the combat sections in full stealth, though in some contexts this is more difficult than just fighting the enemies. However forced fights are self defense, so it doesn't bother me at all.

Funky Papa

People shaming Chris Evans for his hairline.




Really? That explains a lot, I guess. One of the only problems I have with the game is that I feel like the hand holds are too easy to see. They're all unnaturally highlighted and it's slightly immersion breaking.

Also this goes back to the Dishonored thing we were talking about a while ago. You can play through many of the combat sections in full stealth, though in some contexts this is more difficult than just fighting the enemies. However forced fights are self defense, so it doesn't bother me at all.

I don't like their brand of climbing and platforming. It's too predeterminate. There's no meaningful control of the character -- You'll be sucked contextually into your jump. It's just a matter of spotting the next thing the designers want you to jump to. It's tedious. It's grunt work.

The cover shooting is absolutely bare bones. Visuals aside, this aspect of the game would not stand out in 2006. This is a bit baffling considering how tense and relatively depthful the combat in TLOU was. Why take such a massive step backwards?

Tedious climbing and boring gunplay are forgivable sins if I give a shit about the story, again, but so far I just can't.

Funky Papa

Count me among those who cannot stand Uncharted's platforming. It doesn't feel fluid nor dynamic, which is a capital sin in a game that is all about jumping and climbing. The shooting is also some "great value" nonbrand discount version of OG Gears of War.

I hope UC4 mitigates this, because in my experience and as far as I'm concerned Uncharted feels like a gorgeous compilation of set pieces and little else.
Yeah the gunplay has improved a fair amount and the climbing is now more on the order of Assassin's Creed or InFamous (which I recognize not everybody loves either) than previous games. I also think the story is a lot better.

Obviously this isn't an opinion everyone is going to hold, but it seems to be the majority opinion.


Count me among those who cannot stand Uncharted's platforming. It doesn't feel fluid nor dynamic, which is a capital sin in a game that is all about jumping and climbing. The shooting is also some "great value" nonbrand discount version of OG Gears of War..

The shoot and cover mechanics made me hate Uncharted 1 so much that I took it out of my Playstation and never touched another UC in my life again.


Yeah the gunplay has improved a fair amount and the climbing is now more on the order of Assassin's Creed or InFamous (which I recognize not everybody loves either) than previous games. I also think the story is a lot better.

Obviously this isn't an opinion everyone is going to hold, but it seems to be the majority opinion.

appeal to majority ain't gonna get you anywhere. all kinds of schlock is popular.

I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't like it. In fact, I'm earnestly trying to find a way to like it. Maybe it'll miraculously start to grab my interest, but if it doesn't before much longer I may just give up.

Funky Papa

The shoot and cover mechanics made me hate Uncharted 1 so much that I took it out of my Playstation and never touched another UC in my life again.

It took me three years to play Uncharted 2 after the first one, and now I'm really considering if I should play UC3 or just let it rot forever.

Funky Papa

GAF thinks everyone is balding

It's fucking weird

He said as much. He actually had to wear a hairpiece during Cap 2's filming. But some people are talking about it as if it were some kind of all-ruining, emasculating flaw.

And I'm fucking paranoid about my hair, mind you. Last year I found my first grey hair and nearly had a breakdown.
Everyone in my family has a thick, full head of hair. Even both my grandfathers still have most of their hair. I'm super incredibly grateful for that!

appeal to majority ain't gonna get you anywhere. all kinds of schlock is popular.

I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't like it. In fact, I'm earnestly trying to find a way to like it. Maybe it'll miraculously start to grab my interest, but if it doesn't before much longer I may just give up.

I'm under no illusion that people should have to like it. I just feel that most people will.

You're probably far enough into the game to have a proper handle on whether it'll ever be interesting to you. Chapter 12 is one of my favorites in the game, so maybe hold out until that at least, but if you don't like it then you don't like it. Nothing wrong with that!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
He said as much. He actually had to wear a hairpiece during Cap 2's filming. But some people are talking about it as if it were some kind of all-ruining, emasculating flaw.

And I'm fucking paranoid about my hair, mind you. Last year I found my first grey hair and nearly had a breakdown.
He's Captain America, he's the perfect man!! (So naturally people flock to find flaws)

If he were some guy in the street, it's pretty likely they'd be singing a different tune

Edit: Green Ranger got HARDCORE

And I'm fucking paranoid about my hair, mind you. Last year I found my first grey hair and nearly had a breakdown.

Your first grey hair. Oh you sweet summer child.

I'm only 26 and have a patch of grey on the back of my head. Premature grey ran in my mother's family. I'm just thankful it hasn't spread. My hair is really thick, so balding isn't a worry.


Everyone in my family has a thick, full head of hair. Even both my grandfathers still have most of their hair. I'm super incredibly grateful for that!

I'm under no illusion that people should have to like it. I just feel that most people will.

You're probably far enough into the game to have a proper handle on whether it'll ever be interesting to you. Chapter 12 is one of my favorites in the game, so maybe hold out until that at least, but if you don't like it then you don't like it. Nothing wrong with that!

although I do at times relish bashing game features that I don't like, it's not done dishonestly. If the game wins me over then it wins me over. I'll give it another chance.

since this is the second time someone has told me that chapter 12 is good, I'll see if I can hang on long enough to experience it.


Granddad on my mothers side passed away at 93 with a full head of brown/blonde hair.

Also all of his teeth except for one pimping gold one.

Not something I need to worry about.


Redmond's Baby
I am glad that I am only turning grey and not balding. Even though my hairline receded a bit, but nothing serious.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I hope I have enough of maternal gene expression that I go like my grandfather on my mother's side. All salt and pepper.

My dad's side, while they live longer, tend to look like old Europeans.

Mother's side at 85 and father's at 95.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'm actually doing far better than pretty much anyone on my mom's side and I'm pretty sure the slight receding I do have is from traumatic stress. Whatever though, it's not like there's even a good cure yet, so worrying about it won't solve anything.

Funky Papa

Gramps on my father's side had better than decent hair at 79, even if fully white. My gran still has a full mope at the ripe old age of 91. My father still has luscious hair past his retirement age and only began to visibly grey well into his 40's.

Incidentally, nearly all of them were/are basically hairless from the head down.

Meanwhile, every single male from my mother's side has been some hirsute, black haired manbeast who began to get bald right after their teens.

I'm kind of in between when it comes to body hair, so I hope my father's genes stay strong for many years.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
This game is fucking gorgeous, and it's four years old now.




it's not like there's even a good cure yet, so worrying about it won't solve anything.

Hair transplant surgery is legit. You may have a diminished opinion of it due to infomercial BS and general stigma in this area, but it's a thing. They can move hair follicles from the back of your head where you have plenty to spare to wherever they're needed and [in a successful procedure] those hairs will grow in their new location as normal. While not every single person is a good candidate for whatever reason (go on a consultation), it's absolutely a real thing.

It's expensive and has a long recovery (6+ months for the hairs to be growing in their new spot, I think) but it's untrue that actual solutions don't exist and this is practiced by reputable surgeons all over.
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