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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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GoT operates on the rule that time can't be rewritten. You can only go back and make something that will already happen happen. There's nothing else to it.

GOT operates in a way that is fucking stupid, then,
because they present a causal loop that can't be resolved logically. If something can't be resolved logically, I don't want it in a TV show that asks to be taken seriously.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
175 git merge conflicts.

Goddamn, last week's episode of Orphan Black was fucking insane.

The way everything connected in an organic way. Whew. It's reclaimed its throne as the best sci-fi show on TV.


GOT operates in a way that is fucking stupid, then,
because they present a causal loop that can't be resolved logically. If something can't be resolved logically, I don't want it in a TV show that asks to be taken seriously.

It's pretty straight forward

Hodor will always exist to perform an action to form the next Hodor in an infinite line of Hodors, like how the main character in time splitters is infinitely handing off keys to himself.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
GOT operates in a way that is fucking stupid, then,
because they present a causal loop that can't be resolved logically. If something can't be resolved logically, I don't want it in a TV show that asks to be taken seriously.

It's about tits and dragons, it really isn't meant to be taken seriously.


It's pretty straight forward

Hodor will always exist to perform an action to form the next Hodor in an infinite line of Hodors, like how the main character in time splitters is infinitely handing off keys to himself.

lazy surrendering of logic the show asks us to do. hodor held the door because he's hodor. he's hodor because he held the door. it makes no sense.


lazy surrendering of logic the show asks us to do. hodor held the door because he's hodor. he's hodor because he held the door. it makes no sense.

That's not lazy, it's
an infinite loop. The third Harry Potter book does the same thing.


That's not lazy, it's
an infinite loop. The third Harry Potter book does the same thing.

The human mind can't rationalize this and just has to accept it because they said so. That pushes my ability to suspend disbelief too far.. Thus the complaining. Thus why magic and dragons is fine but this nonsense isn't.


The human mind can't rationalize this and just has to accept it because they said so. That pushes my ability to suspend disbelief too far.. Thus the complaining. Thus why magic and dragons is fine but this nonsense isn't.

Do you have problems with all forms of
time travel
? Cause that's the one that makes the most sense by far


Do you have problems with all forms of
time travel
? Cause that's the one that makes the most sense by far

I generally do not like time travel because of these impossible problems (the classic example being the grandfather paradox).. The only variety that doesn't seem to bother me is quantum time travel. Ie multiple realities and thus no conflict.


I generally do not like time travel because of these impossible problems (the classic example being the grandfather paradox).. The only variety that doesn't seem to bother me is quantum time travel. Ie multiple realities and thus no conflict.

I very much dislike
multiple universe time travel generally. Terminator, back to the future etc annoy me so much. Having a closed loop makes logical sense to me and ties up nicely.


I very much dislike
multiple universe time travel generally. Terminator, back to the future etc annoy me so much. Having a closed loop makes logical sense to me and ties up nicely.

"nicely"? I can't begin to comprehend how the loop got there, so there's nothing nice about it.

In any single reality time travel, if we take things to their logical conclusion, every time travel occurance that ever was -- er, is -- will all be occuring infinitely in every moment. Reality would just be an incomprehensible mess. It's an endless sea of unsolvable problems. It's impossible.

if this ain't me

someone in my close family is in a very real physically abusive relationship so I'd be careful with that stuff


"nicely"? I can't begin to comprehend how the loop got there, so there's nothing nice about it.

In any single reality time travel, if we take things to their logical conclusion, every time travel occurance that ever was -- er, is -- will all be occuring infinitely in every moment. Reality would just be an incomprehensible mess. It's an endless sea of unsolvable problems. It's impossible.

Reality is an incomprehensible mess. Where did time come from how did it start where did mass come from? it was always there.
Like, let's look at this logically. Even the thing you're fighting against - social movement in one way or the other - is not worth this much vitrol. Or even hate.


Reality is an incomprehensible mess. Where did time come from how did it start where did mass come from? it was always there.

All I ask is that my entertainment adhere to rules that the human mind is capable of comprehending. We shouldn't have to tackle the great mysteries of existence to be able to suspend our disbelief for a show about boobs and magic


All I ask is that my entertainment adhere to rules that the human mind is capable of comprehending. We shouldn't have to tackle the great mysteries of existence to be able to suspend our disbelief for a show about boobs and magic

Infinite possibilities is certainly not one of those :p

but I agree avoid time travel in pretty much all situations


Redmond's Baby
Good morning. I am furious right now

Store manager (who is leaving in 9 days) called me at 7 am just to tell me that two more people are leaving, that means 4 out of 12. I just said that I will probably follow, because I have enough of this shit.

Today fireworks will fly at work.


So I just read up on those walls of spoiler tags, despite not ever watching that show and
I can't believe they went time travel in this series too. This is Lost all over again. hahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhha


So I just read up on those walls of spoiler tags, despite not ever watching that show and
I can't believe they went time travel in this series too. This is Lost all over again. hahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhha

I don't watch the show either. I just couldn't sit by and let jobbs decide what my brain is and isn't capable of :p

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
So I just read up on those walls of spoiler tags, despite not ever watching that show and
I can't believe they went time travel in this series too. This is Lost all over again. hahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhha

Guess who directed this episode?

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
In a show
where people are brought back from the dead, are shapeshifters, have magic assassin demon babies Time travel is where it fails logic. like relax dude..
Jobbs is contrarian to the point of being obnoxious.
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