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FakeGAF 6: Fear the Walking Thirst

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ffs, "mansplaining" thread turning into another gamergate junior account circus of crazy. What is it with those guys and millions of sleeper cell gaf accounts.

Hmm, people love to be right, don't they? Gotta have that superiority. You're supposed to use yourself as a reference point for superiority, not other people. You're better than you used to be, not better than someone else. They're running a race on an entirely different course. Unless they're completely off their rocker with evil, moral superiority is difficult.


do you guys know any games with one-dimensional love interests?

Few ideas

Assassin's Creed 2
You chase someone and it turns out to be a woman so you have sex then you escape.

There's a really awful love story in this that'll make you want to sterilise the human race

Star Wars TUF
There's a "love story" in this

Sonic 06
Cartoony Sonic vs. a realistically proportioned human girl.. It's every type of scary

Zelda Skyward Sword
Just a bunch of dumbass longing looks at eachother at the start of the game so that we care when she's captured and used as a plot device for us to rescue something

I'm having trouble remembering the details but this had a pretty dumbass love story even though I liked the game


Few ideas

Assassin's Creed 2
You chase someone and it turns out to be a woman so you have sex then you escape.

There's a really awful love story in this that'll make you want to sterilise the human race

Star Wars TUF
There's a "love story" in this

Sonic 06
Cartoony Sonic vs. a realistically proportioned human girl.. It's every type of scary

Zelda Skyward Sword
Just a bunch of dumbass longing looks at eachother at the start of the game so that we care when she's captured and used as a plot device for us to rescue something

I'm having trouble remembering the details but this had a pretty dumbass love story even though I liked the game
Why specifically skyward sword when that's the mainline game that had the most interaction between link and Zelda?

I guess its cause its sorta ambiguous if you're supposed to have a relationship with Zelda in the other games? Hmmm


Few ideas

Assassin's Creed 2
You chase someone and it turns out to be a woman so you have sex then you escape.

There's a really awful love story in this that'll make you want to sterilise the human race

Star Wars TUF
There's a "love story" in this

Sonic 06
Cartoony Sonic vs. a realistically proportioned human girl.. It's every type of scary

Zelda Skyward Sword
Just a bunch of dumbass longing looks at eachother at the start of the game so that we care when she's captured and used as a plot device for us to rescue something

I'm having trouble remembering the details but this had a pretty dumbass love story even though I liked the game

I don't know if that AC one counts because her story is something that's gone through elsewhere if I remember correctly. It did remind me of AC3's love story with Hatham and Connor's mom. That one was pretty bland


Why specifically skyward sword when that's the mainline game that had the most interaction between link and Zelda?

I guess its cause its sorta ambiguous if you're supposed to have a relationship with Zelda in the other games? Hmmm

Yes. You could make this argument about just about any Zelda game, but Skyward Sword is the one that actually spends time overtly showing us romantic plot shit. In other games we just sort of imagine that Link is infatuated with Zelda and that's the impetus for rescuing her.

And... As much as I hate to say it because I love Shadow of the Colossus, but it had a stupid ass love story. A girl is dead/asleep or something so we go kill giants to bring her back. We never see anything of their relationship, just that he's a boy and she's a girl so they must be in love. I feel weird saying this because I loved the game, but it actually is video game romance at its most superficial

I feel like i'am burdened by remembering almost all the awful shit that happened in the 90's.

You mean just in general or to you specifically? The 90s in general were a pretty good time in the world, relatively speaking


Yes. You could make this argument about just about any Zelda game, but Skyward Sword is the one that actually spends time overtly showing us romantic plot shit. In other games we just sort of imagine that Link is infatuated with Zelda and that's the impetus for rescuing her.

And... As much as I hate to say it because I love Shadow of the Colossus, but it had a stupid ass love story. A girl is dead/asleep or something so we go kill giants to bring her back. We never see anything of their relationship, just that he's a boy and she's a girl so they must be in love. I feel weird saying this because I loved the game, but it actually is video game romance at its most superficial
Iirc in majors mask she just called him her special friend or something like that in the opening narration. Its been awhile so I might be remembering wrong

SotC wouldn't really be the same thing. It would have an entirely different feel if we saw their interactions for years and instead we get the depressing aftermath where hes alone doing all he can to save her. It would be worse off with a fleshed out relationship.


Iirc in majors mask she just called him her special friend or something like that in the opening narration. Its been awhile so I might be remembering wrong

SotC wouldn't really be the same thing. It would have an entirely different feel if we saw their interactions for years and instead we get the depressing aftermath where hes alone doing all he can to save her. It would be worse off with a fleshed out relationship.

It's still a one dimensional love story. Girl is asleep, we love her, let's go work our way through the video game because of it. We're told we love her, we don't experience loving her.

Zelda 2 has a similar premise, if I recall


Iirc in majors mask she just called him her special friend or something like that in the opening narration. Its been awhile so I might be remembering wrong

SotC wouldn't really be the same thing. It would have an entirely different feel if we saw their interactions for years and instead we get the depressing aftermath where hes alone doing all he can to save her. It would be worse off with a fleshed out relationship.

As far as the timeline containing Majora's Mask is concerned, her interaction with Link started and ended with him finding her in that garden at the beginning of Ocarina of Time. The rest never happened.

Hyrule Warriors leaves some implications about their relationship but it depends on how you interpret Lana's words. She and the main villain are completely obsessed with Link, and he doesn't really return their affections (because he just met them while they have been watching him throughout time). By the end, Lana basically tells the main villain that they both have to accept the friend zone because she believes that he and Zelda are fated to be together in some form.

"You don't always get the person you think you deserve...and I can live with that."

You'd have the hardest time explaining that Link and Zelda don't have any development to their relationship considering the fact that the development spans several generations and at the very least, Zelda is well aware of their connection throughout some of the games. If you were going to poke holes in it anywhere, it's Skyward Sword because that's the canonical beginning, but falls apart when you view it from the player's perspective because we've had decades to get to know these two despite this supposedly being their first meeting, so it doesn't feel forced.


It's still a one dimensional love story. Girl is asleep, we love her, let's go work our way through the video game because of it. We're told we love her, we don't experience loving her.

Zelda 2 has a similar premise, if I recall

The demonstration of your love is through your deeds. You're willing to take down the entire world so that you may have her. Id say rather than one dimensional, its one sided. It could easily be like braid where it turns out she hates you but at the very least it very much demonstrates how the protagonist feels about her

Zelda 2 isn't the same because he had no prior interaction with her and was chosen by the triforce to save her.


The demonstration of your love is through your deeds. You're willing to take down the entire world so that you may have her.

By that standard Double Dragon has a similarly good love story. All we know of Billy Lee's girlfriend, Jennifer, is that thugs take her away at the start of the game. That's it. We're willing to demonstrate our love by beating the fuck out of hundreds of dudes to get her back.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
By that standard Double Dragon has a similarly good love story. All we know of Billy Lee's girlfriend, Jennifer, is that thugs take her away at the start of the game. That's it. We're willing to demonstrate our love by beating the fuck out of hundreds of dudes to get her back.
And then beating up your browser for her.

My face Double Dragon game is Rage of the Dragons.


The demonstration of your love is through your deeds. You're willing to take down the entire world so that you may have her. Id say rather than one dimensional, its one sided. It could easily be like braid where it turns out she hates you but at the very least it very much demonstrates how the protagonist feels about her

Zelda 2 isn't the same because he had no prior interaction with her and was chosen by the triforce to save her.

SotC was left intentionally vague in regard to the effects brought on by what you were doing, and love was the motivation because it's one of the few motivations that you can put on a character that would keep them from questioning their tasks. Kratos is that gone wrong. His motivations fall apart a bit when you realize that most of it was his own fault. I don't care how smokey it was in that room, Kratos. You still intended to murder everyone inside. It just so happened that two of those people were your family. And then you recklessly stepped all over the other gods' towns and whatnot, forcing them to put you down. They had to shoehorn in that Pandora's Box junk back into the third game just to partially justify his actions.

I'm getting off topic...

Zelda 2 probably had some stuff establishing their connection in the manual as all games did at that time. cutscenes weren't really a big thing.


Love stories are mostly boring anyway

Legit my least favourite part of most things

They're fine when both characters are written well. When we only know one character we could care less what happens to the other. If both characters are people that we like then it's easier to want them to end up together. It doesn't feel like one character exists solely to develop the other.


Can someone give me an example of a good video game story?

edit - by "good" I mean as good or better than what you would find in movies, tv shows or books


Love stories are mostly boring anyway

Legit my least favourite part of most things

True, but they have the potential to be highly compelling. This is almost never achieved in a video game, though -- Rarely if ever. Actually I'm having trouble thinking of a single great love story in a video game right now.

And then beating up your browser for her.

My face Double Dragon game is Rage of the Dragons.

Ceallach letting funny phone autocorrects fly is MY thing :(

Can someone give me an example of a good video game story?

The Last of Us has the best characters/storytelling of any game even if the core premise is a little cliched


By that standard Double Dragon has a similarly good love story. All we know of Billy Lee's girlfriend, Jennifer, is that thugs take her away at the start of the game. That's it. We're willing to demonstrate our love by beating the fuck out of hundreds of dudes to get her back.
That's a bit different. He was beating up people who prevented him from reaching his girlfriend. In shadow of the colossus the main character was going out and murdering unrelated creatures, deciding her life was worth more than theirs.
SotC was left intentionally vague in regard to the effects brought on by what you were doing, and love was the motivation because it's one of the few motivations that you can put on a character that would keep them from questioning their tasks. Kratos is that gone wrong. His motivations fall apart a bit when you realize that most of it was his own fault. I don't care how smokey it was in that room, Kratos. You still intended to murder everyone inside. It just so happened that two of those people were your family. And then you recklessly stepped all over the other gods' towns and whatnot, forcing them to put you down. They had to shoehorn in that Pandora's Box junk back into the third game just to partially justify his actions.

I'm getting off topic...

Zelda 2 probably had some stuff establishing their connection in the manual as all games did at that time. cutscenes weren't really a big thing.

Part of the point of shadow of the colossus is that moral question. Its not hard to justify taking down giant monsters. At the very least it could be monster hunter style, probably the most logical would be attack on titans style with the monsters being a threat to civilians.
Kratos should have become the villain in a future game imo

No that was literally it for Zelda 2. Read the wiki
They're fine when both characters are written well. When we only know one character we could care less what happens to the other. If both characters are people that we like then it's easier to want them to end up together. It doesn't feel like one character exists solely to develop the other.

Eh, it's just not something I'm interested in *shrug*

True, but they have the potential to be highly compelling. This is almost never achieved in a video game, though -- Rarely if ever. Actually I'm having trouble thinking of a single great love story in a video game right now.

I'm having trouble thinking of a single great love story fullstop >_>

Or at least one where I cared about it being a love story at all

I can give you an unreasonably long explanation of the complexity of Majora's Mask's story.

Majora's Maaaaaask

Best Zelda
Can someone give me an example of a good video game story?

edit - by "good" I mean as good or better than what you would find in movies, tv shows or books

Alpha Centauri is helluva of story for a video game in the 90's PC game.

It's probably at the level of a book.

Also, helluva game to play when you're an autstic child like I was.


I played up until that town with the traps and then my disc stopped working. I read the synopsis later and I was completely underwhelmed.
Wow, really? I never had that issue with any game I got on Blu ray, and I get used copies as well!!!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Sol, sue them.



Part of the point of shadow of the colossus is that moral question. Its not hard to justify taking down giant monsters. At the very least it could be monster hunter style, probably the most logical would be attack on titans style with the monsters being a threat to civilians.
Kratos should have become the villain in a future game imo

No that was literally it for Zelda 2. Read the wiki

Technically Kratos has been the villain since God of War 2. He became the God of War and made a habit of wrecking shit with his spartans for no reason, arguably becoming just as bad if not worse than Ares, and they put him down at the beginning of the game. Then the titans see an opportunity and bring him back on the idea of revenge.

That's something I liked about Shadow of the Colossus. The Colossi aren't doing anything. Outside of your girlfriend there is absolutely no justification to be doing what you're doing. That land was forbidden. The colossi seem to be minding their own business. Killing them makes the world worse.


I played up until that town with the traps and then my disc stopped working. I read the synopsis later and I was completely underwhelmed.

I read a synopsis of Citizen Kane and was underwhelmed

The worst thing ever is when someone is being fallacious, stubborn, and polite at the same time.

That might be me :O

edit: Nevermind, thought you said facetious. I'm never fallacious


Technically Kratos has been the villain since God of War 2. He became the God of War and made a habit of wrecking shit with his spartans for no reason, arguably becoming just as bad if not worse than Ares, and they put him down at the beginning of the game. Then the titans see an opportunity and bring him back on the idea of revenge.

That's something I liked about Shadow of the Colossus. The Colossi aren't doing anything. Outside of your girlfriend there is absolutely no justification to be doing what you're doing. That land was forbidden. The colossi seem to be minding their own business. Killing them makes the world worse.

I meant antagonist, not villain :p
as in he killed gods and ascended and now there's the next guy/girl to take him down
I never cared for the specific character though so its probably easier for me than most to say that

yeah that's what i'm saying. he'd rather live in a worse world with his gf than live in a decent one without.

That might be me :O

that isn't you :p

we tend to argue about interpretations and such which aren't really things you can be fallacious on

Pretty sure I was being referenced there

not you either. read the mansplaining thread.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Me: "Man I need to cut back on carbs"

*Sees pizza in the fridge*

*Has some*


I meant antagonist, not villain :p
as in he killed gods and ascended and now there's the next guy/girl to take him down
I never cared for the specific character though so its probably easier for me than most to say that

yeah that's what i'm saying. he'd rather live in a worse world with his gf than live in a decent one without.

Yeah I think that's what everyone wants for the next GoW, but it looks like we're going Norse with old Max Payne Kratos. I think it would've been cool for another Pantheon of gods to recruit Kratos' brother Deimos to take him down. They set that up in the "extras" section of the first God of War but ended up scrapping it for Ghost of Sparta.


Yeah I think that's what everyone wants for the next GoW, but it looks like we're going Norse with old Max Payne Kratos. I think it would've been cool for another Pantheon of gods to recruit Kratos' brother Deimos to take him down. They set that up in the "extras" section of the first God of War but ended up scrapping it for Ghost of Sparta.

imo at this point I dont' want to see more kratos. the time for him to be an antagonist is done. do something new.


imo at this point I dont' want to see more kratos. the time for him to be an antagonist is done. do something new.

I really like the idea of protagonist-turned-antagonist, or when the protagonist shows up in some form in the sequel but isn't the playable character, like Hero of Time Link showing up to train Twilight Princess Link. I thought DS3 was initially going that route with the Lords of Cinder.


God of War is one of my most hated game franchises of all time because I hate every last thing about it. Its very existence bothers me.


God of War is one of my most hated game franchises of all time because I hate every last thing about it. Its very existence bothers me.

It has the best portable games of any main console series ever made in comparison to the main titles. Ghost of Sparta and Chains of Olympus fit really well with the main games.


I really like the idea of protagonist-turned-antagonist, or when the protagonist shows up in some form in the sequel but isn't the playable character, like Hero of Time Link showing up to train Twilight Princess Link. I thought DS3 was initially going that route with the Lords of Cinder.

it gives a lot more characterization to the character and at times more motivation to take them down

its just not done super in depth most of the time.

God of War is just boring to me. Boring protag, boring hack and slash, boring tits for no reason

I was sorta interested due to the way it was supposed to handle greek mythology

but yeah it boiled down to that...

and the cameos of gods were sorta brief and uninteresting most of the time
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