Directed by Josh Trank
Written by Simon Kinberg, Jeremy Slater, and Josh Trank
Music by

For the... 4 of you who may not know, the movie is about 5ive beautiful people going into another dimension and 2 out of 5 (not to be confused with the critic's score) come out Cronenberg-ugly. True to life, the angry online eco-terrorist who spams twitter wants to (rightfully) rid the world of human beings because of their sin[citation needed] infesting the once beautiful planet Earf. Ben Grimm (the sad one), after suffering years of PTSD induced by his abusive, clobbering brother, decides to stand for revenge along side his genius and stretchy (and I guess, kinky) best friend, his hot lady friend who may or may not be blonde, and her brother Tyrese Gibson gang up on the lonely nerd who only wanted to make the world a better place... for everyone who isn't human.
Now what you may not know is the incredible personal struggle these people go through individually and together as they learn to be under the whip of the United States Military for one. Doom's feelings of betrayal and loneliness as his so called friends leave him behind manifest itself into undying vengeance and the realization that he can change the world, just like his momma told him. Just like Reed Richards as a child, who's angry father never accepted anything he loved, with only his momma to hold back his full fury and a rubberband to release whatever stress Reed had as a teenager. Based on those repressed memories alone, Reed vows to change the world with his mind and body, just like his momma told him.
Oh, and I guess the Storm siblings just have to deal with having no mom or something. Storm Senior, having lost his wife in an adoption agency bombing by a crazed lunatic, vows to do right by his late wife by making their children, including the adopted Susan, into the very best minds the world will ever see. While Susan climbs the ranks, she only wishes to remain invisible as she's under constant harassment by co-workers invading her personal space. Johnny feels aimless and amiss as he sits back in the military facility lighting matches only to see the fire consume them in his hand realizing that his life is like the matchstick, being consumed by his father's expectations. Everything is daddy issues, this shit writes itself, I should've written this.
Also, there's no real action until the climax of the film, that way, you feel like the movie earned it or something. Like emotionally. You're more absorbed in these characters, I think. The music won't be action-packed either, it'll just be saddening because these people have to fight a former best-friend they didn't really treat as an equal so it'll be a shaking experience for them as they unite to end him. Their best friend who called himself DOOM. There won't be sound effects. Just slo-mo and music. Like something you'd see at Sundace, but with "superheroes".

Mr. Spectacular didnt have the same ring.

No train can hurt her now.

Lusted by Andrew Garfield

Pants-less and looking to get his rocks off.

So a long, long, time ago we finally got some info on our beloved Dr. Doom. As if the troubled production wasnt enough news to keep NeoGAF on edge about the film, this photo showed up and everyone was okay with it:
Didn't change him much, which is good. Maybe he should be a bit bigger.
It seems faithful enough, I like it.
I'm shocked by how close it looks. Me likey.
Thankfully, people were pleased. I mean, could you imagine the reaction if people didnt like it? Glad I dont live in that alternate universe!Looks nice.

Simon Kinberg, creator of the Kinbergverse
I have a lot of ideas of where I think it should go beyond this film. We've been so focused on getting this one right -- ultimately, that's the most important thing. For me, in future films, we'd want to really see what it's like to become a public celebrity superhero group, which is what the Fantastic Four were, essentially. They were known within the world and dealing with that in today's society would be interesting. It's something not a lot of movies have done in grounded ways.
Interesting, right? WRONG:
I couldn't even imagine plans for a sequel where they keep trying to make it "grounded" but also add in characters from the Fantastic Four who are outrageously unrealistic:
"Yeah, Namor in the sequel is just a guy who washes up on shore in a garbage bag. He thinks he's king of the sea, but that's actually just his Twitter handle.
Galactus is actually the name of a budding female actors union called Gal Act Us who come at war with the Fantastic Four over tax mitigation."

What NeoGAF is Saying:
Please take a really long time so the rights expire in 2014.
I can see why this went over like a wet fart at Comic-Con.
For comparisons sake:
Dare to see it yourself?
Awful pacing, wooden acting, tonally all over the place, ridiculously bad attempts at humor, boring, one of the worst villains in a superhero film since whatever-the-fuck in Halle Berry's Catwoman, etc.
Thor 2's villain looks like original trilogy's Darth Vader against Doom.
What Kate Mara is saying about her fan experience at Comic-Con:Where else am I supposed to receive validation?
"We spent a whole day there, sort of working and doing press, and you don't really get to meet the fans. So the next morning, Jamie Bell and I decided, 'Well, we want the experience of Comic-Con. So let's just go out, let's walk to get a coffee amongst all of the fans,'" Mara explained to Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan. "And we were like, 'Well, maybe this is a bad idea. We'll get mobbed and it'll be crazy,' and not one person...not one person noticed us."

Official Website
Spoiler Thread
**Special Thanks to Quick for making the images above**