Oops, double post.
relax neo relax man
Oops, double post.
...how does that ...explode...
That reeks of bullshit but have you found any English articles about it? Not sure about some French website.I'm sorry, I can't find the original source, but there's a french article that talks about a reddit message supposedly posted by Trank. He explains the whole situation with some new details.
It can be fake, I don't know, I've searched reddit without success (I'm not used to this website).
That reeks of bullshit but have you found any English articles about it? Not sure about some French website.
It certainly isn't science..There's lots of "magic" in the movie. That is magic.
The Incredibles showed that you can do super-hero stuff but also ground it around a normal family dinnertime pastiche and come out with a perfect product.
Has anyone ever asked for their money back after seeing a movie?
Felt like Fox executives were in the rafters of the theater dropping shit bombs on us.
Has anyone ever asked for their money back after seeing a movie?
Felt like Fox executives were in the rafters of the theater dropping shit bombs on us.
Just think for a second, Bryan Singer and Matthew Vaughn made amazing superhero films with FOX. They are the true heroes.
First Class was not amazing.
Thanks, I looked for a bit too and couldn't find anything. Seems too strange to be true now.The french site is kind of serious but sometimes they related fake articles without knowing it. But unfortunately I didn't find their sources (they don't link them wich annoys me every time). Still searching.
True, it sucked. And X1 and X2 are overrated.
That is, uhhh, not what that article says...
Why both movies make the big, gigantic, horrendous mistake of shoehorning Dr. Doom in the origin story?
Nothing in that article suggests that it did, other than the blogger's rambling.
I thought it was this quote that explained it?That is, uhhh, not what that article says...
Unless I'm missing something he is still a part of that movie. It's already been filming IIRC. The article says he was dropped from La La Land, but not necessarily because of Fantastic Four.
Miles Teller said:I got a call from my agent, saying, 'Hey, I just got a call from Lionsgate. Damien told them that he no longer thinks you're creatively right for the project. He's moving on without you.' " So he sent him a text: What the fuck, bro?
Why both movies make the big, gigantic, horrendous mistake of shoehorning Dr. Doom in the origin story?
Because fuck the ultimate universe
I thought it was this quote that explained it?
I thought it was this quote that explained it?
It’s strongly implied in the interview that the reason Miles Teller was no longer "creatively right" was that Whiplash became an Oscar winning film, thus making Chazelle and his films much hotter properties in Hollywood. The male lead in La La Land (which is the role we assume is being discussed) is now being played by Ryan Gosling, so that shows you a little how that went.
Thanks for pointing that out for me. I edited my post accordingly.Followed right by this:
That indicates that it had nothing to do with Fantastic Four and everything to do with the director becoming a bit more high profile and having access to more bankable and recognizable stars.
If the agent said "Hey, I just got a call from Lionsgate. Damien told them that he no longer thinks you're fantastic for the project. He's moving on without you.
Then maybe we would be on to something.
Followed right by this:
That indicates that it had nothing to do with Fantastic Four and everything to do with the director becoming a bit more high profile and having access to more bankable and recognizable stars.
You also got the wrong movie. He was not dropped from Arms and Dudes. He was dropped from La La Land.Thanks for pointing that out for me. I edited my post accordingly.
Miles Teller got dropped from Arms and the Dudes.
EDIT: Apparently he wasn't dropped because of Fant4stic, a misinterpretation on my part.
True, it sucked. And X1 and X2 are overrated.
It was so goodIt sucked so bad.
I want to smash things when people say it was so good.
I like James Mcavoy a lot. Fassbenders cool.
I don't like Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. The whole movie is about them.
And everyone else is just thrown in.
Amazing means amazing. Its not for movies where characters are just thrown in to blast stuff.
I'm looking at you Azazel. And Vertigo.
It sucked so bad.
I want to smash things when people say it was so good.
I like James Mcavoy a lot. Fassbenders cool.
I don't like Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. The whole movie is about them.
And everyone else is just thrown in.
Amazing means amazing. Its not for movies where characters are just thrown in to blast stuff.
I'm looking at you Azazel. And Vertigo.
Looks like the Doom scanners clip was taken down
True, it sucked. And X1 and X2 are overrated.
X1 was trash, as was X3 and Wolverine Origins...xmen has been a smedium good franchise with DoFP , The Wolverine and First CLass, but for the popularity of the property ...they have under performed.
I'm just back from seeing this and it really isn't as bad as a lot of people are suggesting...
...Overall, 3 out of 10
This is actually worse than people are suggesting.
Was anyone else expecting Reed to find his toy car in the Negative Zone (Earth Zero?) when they finally teleported there? I thought it would've been a cliche but nice character moment, with Reed realizing he finally achieved his dream from all those years ago.
I thought they would do that, considering there was something similar to the comic.Was anyone else expecting Reed to find his toy car in the Negative Zone (Earth Zero?) when they finally teleported there? I thought it would've been a cliche but nice character moment, with Reed realizing he finally achieved his dream from all those years ago.
Then the movie went off the rails and everyone stopped caring.