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February Wrasslin' |OT| WrassleGAF. In 2016.

Reading that article on The Big Bang, the only thing that sucks is there aren't any others interviews. Would've been more interesting had they got comments from someone like Booker or Steiner. Those were your guys in the picture at the time so I'm sure Eric had to let them know what exactly was going on.


I mean, Ambrose winning is conceivable because he's ready to main event WrestleMania basically nobody else on the roster is. The only reason its not a foregone conclusion is that most people believe Vince has a huge boner for Reigns's big muscles and chiseled jaw n' shit. From a logical booking perspective, Dean should win. There's just questions whether "logical" things actually happen in WWE.

Royal Rumble '15 happened. That sort of shit reflects badly on a product for years to come.


Renee can't catch a break.



Could you please cite these recent reports? Not calling you a liar, just genuinely curious.
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

As of now, the plan for the WWE Fastlane main event is for Roman Reigns to win and go on to Wrestlemania 32 to face Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Reigns is probably going to get booed the most out of the three WWE Fastlane main event participants, which is interesting considering how WWE is trying to build him up. If he wins, he will face HHH, who would likely get cheered by the Wrestlemania fans partly because he is in charge of NXT.
Did any of you know that there was a WWE Creepy Pasta? Well check this out, it's hilarious but obvious potholes if you're a big wrestling fsn

Before I start telling the story, let me introduce myself. My name is Dexter, and I am currently playing football for the Coastal Carolina Chanticleers. Growing up, I was a huge fan of pro wrestling, and I was always begging my parents to let me stay up late to watch Monday Night RAW. Yes, I know wrestling is (mostly) fake, but I never really cared. I just wanted to see my favorite wrestler, Kane, chokeslam everyone from Stone Cold to Meat.

Recently, with classes and football games, I've had trouble keeping up with both RAW and SmackDown. The other thing was that I only had a low-to-moderate amount of money, so I can only watch two or three pay-per-views per year. I usually stick to watching my old WWF DVDs when I can.

Except for one.

Last May, I was walking around the campus when I passed by a pro wrestling store. I had passed by that same lot a few days ago, and it was unoccupied and still had the "For Rent" sign. Those must be some efficient workers, I thought to myself. Shrugging, I walked inside.

As soon as I walked in, a blast of air conditioning welcomed me. Thank god, too - South Carolina isn't exactly the coolest place in the country. Scanning the shelves, I spotted action figures, signed merch, and DVDs. I hopped over to the DVD shelf and went through it's contents. A couple WrestleManias, a Jeff Hardy one, and a complete In Your House box set!

If you're not a wrestling fan, In Your House was a pay-per-view series that was held in the months the WWF didn't have a major PPV. Being from Memphis, I was able to go to the St. Valentine's Day Massacre event when I was eight. And it wasn't even nosebleed seats - I was four rows from the ring.

I snatched the box set, an Eddie Guerrero figure, and a Monster Energy from the vending machine, and put my loot on the counter. I expected the IYH collection to be worth a fortune, but nope! It was only twenty-five bucks. I didn't really think much of it, and I rode my skateboard back to my dorm.

When I got home, I popped the CD into my PlayStation 3. The menu came up, which was the IYH logo and a collection of shots from the events. There were four options - SELECT EVENT, RANDOM EVENT, OPTIONS, and EXTRAS. I checked out the options menu. It was nothing special - just languages, subtitles, display and all that junk.

I don't remember much from the extras menu - I saw a promo for WrestleMania 2000, though. (By the way, the DVD was apparently released in summer 1999.) I decided to get this show on the road, and went to SELECT EVENT. It took me to a list of In Your House PPVs, all twenty-eight of them.

I scrolled through, and sure enough, everything from the first IYH to Backlash was there. A part of my mind wanted me to go further for some reason, to see if there were any more options.

There were.

Right there on the screen was "29. ARMAGEDDON: IN YOUR HOUSE" clear as day. The title itself didn't really strike me as odd; there were IYH events that later became yearly PPVs, like Unforgiven. The first Armageddon was held in December 1999. But, still, twenty-nine? As far as my extensive knowledge went, there were only twenty-eight IYH shows.

I decided to select it. I was brought to another screen. The description said Armageddon took place on June 6, 1999 in Charleston, South Carolina. I selected the MATCH SELECT option. There were only two matches. The first was a twenty-man over the top rope battle royale, and the second was Kane vs. Mankind in an Inferno Match.

Saving the best for last, I chose the battle royale. Billy Gunn won, if you're one of the few who cares.

After that, I selected Kane vs. Mankind. Both of the wrestlers made their entrances, though I think Kane's music was a bit different. A lower pitch, maybe. When both were in the ring, the fire around the canvas was lit, and the match was underway.

As far as I remember, the match was pretty normal. Kane would get in a few hits, Mankind would get a few, and they'd both hit their finishers sometime during the match. I, myself, felt pretty successful. I had found a lost WWF event. Still, why would Mr. McMahon remove all traces of this from the promotion's history? I was about to find out.

Kane had been getting a ton of momentum, and he grabbed Mankind in a chokehold. Knowing full well what was coming next, I smiled like I was ten years old all over again. The Big Red Monster lifted Mankind up and tossed him into the flames. The bell rang, signaling Kane had won the match.

Then the screaming began.

Horrible, agonizing, ear-raping screaming that could only be described as a banshee's wail in reverse. The camera panned over to Mankind, and what I saw was terrifying.

Now, before I explain this scene, I'm rather immune to gore and disturbing imagery. I'm a dedicated /x/-phile, and I've written a few Creepypasta. But this... this was just above all of that.

Mankind was on fire. Standard end to an Inferno Match, right? That's how you win, after all. This was different. You could clearly see his skin melting off, showing muscle and even bone in some spots. His hair was singed. The lights in the arena turned off, but the flames still burned bright.

And this went on. And on. And on.

Finally, Jim Ross ran over with a fire extinguisher and sprayed Mankind. His charred body laid there, not moving an inch. Paramedics arrived and took him out of the arena. The television cut to black and took me back to the main menu.

Now, being a wrestling connoisseur, I had knowledge of what was legit and what was kayfabe. This was legit. There was no way, especially in 1999, that such a horrendous burning could be faked like that on live television. Fuck, I don't even think that's possible now.

I couldn't get the image of Mankind out of my brain. I hopped over to my computer and made a thread about it on /x/ as quick as I could. Only one person knew what I was talking about. He said that Mankind wasn't originally Mick Foley.

The character was portrayed by another, unknown wrestler who died after the Inferno Match. The PPV was never aired or referred to again, and Mick Foley was brought in to replace Mankind's original wrestler. Foley, however, had always been Cactus Jack and Dude Love. Mankind was called the third face of Foley because of the other wrestler's striking resemblance to Mick.

The next morning I went over to the wrestling store to ask the manager about the DVD. Surprisingly, the place was open on Memorial Day. The manager said he found the DVD on the black market, and thought it would be perfect for collectors.

I haven't touched that disc since.
I feel like Ambrose is the most over face with the general public right now and he moves a ton of merch. Outside of the "wacky line" I like him overall and think he has ready made feuds with Roman and Rollins that would be incredibly over.


Casual observer point-of-view: At this point, if they really want someone to be The Guy, they need to have Triple H on top until Rollins can come back. I have no idea when he's supposed to be back, but imagine Triple H beating Roman or whatever at Mania and then going on RAW the next night to proclaim that no one can or will ever topple The Authority. And then Rollins' music hits.

I think he could be your top babyface easily. As long as he actually beats Triple H and -- this is key -- vanquishes The Authority (and the heel authority figure in general).


I'd rather have Triple H v. Brock and Reigns v. Ambrose at Mania, but WWE is extremely stupid, so we'll get...

Triple H v. Reigns
Brock v. Bray
Ambrose v. ...uh...um...hmm...


Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

As of now, the plan for the WWE Fastlane main event is for Roman Reigns to win and go on to Wrestlemania 32 to face Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Reigns is probably going to get booed the most out of the three WWE Fastlane main event participants, which is interesting considering how WWE is trying to build him up. If he wins, he will face HHH, who would likely get cheered by the Wrestlemania fans partly because he is in charge of NXT.

Thanks. I'll hope plans change... Because that is an awful idea and if WWE knows it (they do), it could all be intentionally misleading.


I feel like Ambrose is the most over face with the general public right now and he moves a ton of merch. Outside of the "wacky line" I like him overall and think he has ready made feuds with Roman and Rollins that would be incredibly over.

Ambrose could get a booking similiar to the John McClane character. He already has the outfit and there is some noticeable craziness in McClane. Make him a bluecollar hero, who survives everything.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I hope it's misleading. It makes absolutely no sense with the way everything has been going down.

The one thing I do not ever believe rumors on is match results. As far as I can tell they do not even come up with finishes until like the day before events.
The one thing I do not ever believe rumors on is match results. As far as I can tell they do not even come up with finishes until like the day before events.
Reading the sheets will have you believe the decisions are made months ahead of time but if you read almost any book; they say something along the lines of what you're going with. If course there could be plans that this or that person is going over but the concrete finishes aren't even done until the weekend.


Oh, man. Triple H is flying a jet and skywriting mean things to WCW on this episode of RAW.


So good. Truly revolutionary, totally not bottom-of-the-barrel dumbness.

Oh, and this episode had The Jackal introduce The Oddities, including some Howard Stern show cats that I don't remember from watching this in 1998. Don't watch it. It was really ugly and exploitative. Made me feel really bad.

RIP Crackhead Bob who died about two weeks ago.

I don't know why the WWF put them on but I think Bob and Hank probably enjoyed the exposure. They always a good time on Stern and relished getting air time and being made into quasi celebrities.


I'm assuming the triple threat on Sunday will have a screwy finish. There's no way they're actually going with HHH vs Reigns at Mania, cos Reigns will get booed to shit. It's gotta be a triple threat with Ambrose, right?

The Wyatts ignoring Brock (and vice versa) since the Rumble is baffling though. Any chance they nixed those plans?


I'm assuming the triple threat on Sunday will have a screwy finish. There's no way they're actually going with HHH vs Reigns at Mania, cos Reigns will get booed to shit. It's gotta be a triple threat with Ambrose, right?

The Wyatts ignoring Brock (and vice versa) since the Rumble is baffling though. Any chance they nixed those plans?

You are welcome

and then buying the non-reflective lenses so you don't end up looking like this --


can be a bitch also.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The concept "Vince would never put the strap on Ambrose" or whatever is just dumb unless you actually believe the only person on the roster who will ever be the champion is Roman Reigns.
There's some interesting happenings in Oklahoma wrestling right now. Got a notice today that a large number of wrestlers were operating under false blood work so they're putting new restrictions on licensing at events. They referred to it as epidemic levels. Something like 50 or so guys had fake bloodwork.
The landscape here which was already tough and hard to bring new people into will probably get worse.


To the surprise of no one Karl Anderson announced he was going to the WWE with Doc Gallows.

The question is now will they show up to help Balor in Dallas or will they be going to Raw.

edit: Plus Chesseburger is really popular in Japan

Bret Hart is absolutely RIPPED when he comes back in 1996.

The only person more ripped in 1997 is Shamrock.
In 97 the best looking bodies were Shamrock, Mero, and Chyna. I said last week that I never noticed how buff be was and it was damn scary. Also Billy looked like he was starting to get on something in 97 as well.
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