WWE Wrestlemania Star |OT| A McMahon in Every Angle
Did Hogan... get tea bagged there?Remember when Hogan was actually made to look like an underdog?
No Wrestlemania OT this year, it's NXT Takeover: Dallas Weekend |OT|
I'll slap you TomI'm glad they're protecting the real savior of the company. No more false prophets with brittle bones, racist girlfriends, or massive egos. I balee I will I can
Lay off the drugs, sport a bald head, etcwhen im 46 i wanna look like shane
what do i have to do?
I wonder how many heart attacks Vince and Linda had from Shane doing crazy shit.
I was expecting a beat down to explain why Enzo and Cass aren't seen on a taping until at least after Takeover, but looks to me like Cass did more damage to them.
I wonder how many heart attacks Vince and Linda had from Shane doing crazy shit.
I know during the Kurt Angle match Vince wanted to go out and stop it.
Shane said fuck that, I do whatever I want.Honestly he probably should have.
Way too many fucking crazy bumps.
I wonder how many heart attacks Vince and Linda had from Shane doing crazy shit.
I know during the Kurt Angle match Vince wanted to go out and stop it.
Shane said fuck that, I do whatever I want.
Except it does set a bad standard for guys in the back.
I mean they were at war with WCW but if everyone just sold like fucking crazy like they used to maybe it wouldn't take crazy bumps to get a pop. I mean even right now people are hoping that a 47 year old man who hasn't worked a match in years to jump off the cage like mick.
All Good Things... (Must Come to an End.)
Watching my TNA Ultimate Matches DVD that I got for 5 bucks. I've watched 3 straight King of the Mountain matches. These things are ridiculous. Not in a good way.
I'm now on my second Ultimate X match. These things are ridiculous. In the best way possible. AJ Styles was insane.
when im 46 i wanna look like shane
what do i have to do?
when im 46 i wanna look like shane
what do i have to do?
Maybe Shane isn't as insecure as Vince is with his hair.He looks good, but I think he should dye his hair. The thinning salt and pepper hair maybe isn't the best for him. Hell, Vince's hair looks better, fuller, and with more color.
when im 46 i wanna look like shane
what do i have to do?
They're just building up hype for the ARMBAR. Owens will have lots of WrestleMania opponents. Don't fret.
FWIW, Meltzer said in a radio show today that while he doesn't know for sure, the feeling that he gets from those he's talking to is that the Shane deal is more than just a storyline thing and might be more of Shane actually returning to a role within the company.
I don't think he'll be in the Andre Rumble, either. So I'm not taking you up on that bet.I will bet $25 to the charity of the loser's choice Owens is not in the Andre Rumble.
Shane and Dewey Foley getting Starbucks for HHH.
I don't think he'll be in the Andre Rumble, either. So I'm not taking you up on that bet.
He isn't getting a singles match at Mania, though.
FWIW, Meltzer said in a radio show today that while he doesn't know for sure, the feeling that he gets from those he's talking to is that the Shane deal is more than just a storyline thing and might be more of Shane actually returning to a role within the company.
Stephanie might be a better business mind, but as a writer and character, she's abysmal. She's a one note character destroyer of Death. She never gets what's coming to her. EVER. That's why what Shane did to her last night was SO fucking satisfying. It wasn't some cheap thing like Vickie did to her a couple of years back. This was what people have wanted for a long time.
As for Reigns. I want HHH to pedigree him and pin him in less than a minute. Just bury him under the Stadium. I hate Reigns, and everything that he stands for right now. I really, truly do. His character sucks, his moves suck. I'm tired of his Ultra Mega Push because he can flex his fucking Vest. He comes across as a big a faker as HHH. At least with Ambrose you know he's faking but he's trying to do some good shit. Reigns is just 'nah son, it's all about the making it REIGNS'
I'd just like to remind everyone that Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes was the best match of WrestleMania 27.
I'm just saying, Ambrose's moveset includes the Wacky Line in every single match as well as the Wet Noodle Strike Combo.
I don't think he'll be in the Andre Rumble, either. So I'm not taking you up on that bet.
He isn't getting a singles match at Mania, though.
I'd just like to remind everyone that Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes was the best match of WrestleMania 27.[/QUOTE ]
You might be right
Reigns is a better wrestler in terms of performing his moves than Ambrose is. That might be an unpopular opinion, but I bet you that it isn't controversial.
I'm just saying, Ambrose's moveset includes the Wacky Line in every single match as well as the Wet Noodle Strike Combo.
Reigns is a better wrestler in terms of performing his moves than Ambrose is. That might be an unpopular opinion, but I bet you that it isn't controversial.
I'm just saying, Ambrose's moveset includes the Wacky Line in every single match as well as the Wet Noodle Strike Combo.