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Final Fantasy VII Remake |OT| - The Reunion is coming



Fucking amazing, though I do wonder how a new player with no prior knowledge looks at it. Story wise, I think it tells too little and will require the next installment to actually make more sense.

Fucking amazing!

2nd playthrough is going to be with eng dub. Playing with japanese dub with them eng subs felt weird as fuck sometimes. Like characters has different characters...
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I'm currently at chapter 9 and i have mixed feelings about it. A lot of content feels as if it has been added in a rush in order to make the game feel longer. The combat sometimes feels more like an unbalanced case of trial and error rather than having true command over the course of battle. It feels as if it constantly has one foot on action and one foot on turn based without ever really balancing out both styles.
Textures sometimes are very bad but that doesn't bother me at all.What does bother me however is that art direction sometimes feel very generic especially when it comes to various NPCs.Not only do some of them look like upgraded PS2 models their costume designs and their dialogues in the sidequests are also incredibly generic and dull. I also don't like how static the sidequests are. For example in the Witcher 3 many of the non-notice board sidequests happened organically as you explored the game. In FFVIIR it's just another case of finding an NPC who's waiting to give you another fetch quest with a boring story.
I also hoped the game was a bit more open and we could explore more freely but so far it has been very linear.There are also huge story/character differences from the original but i'll have to wait until i finish the game in order to have a more solid opinion about them.

I know i still have another 9 chapters to play until i finish the game but if it continues in the same pace i don't see myself ever returning to this game.


For the most part, I think that in-game art actually looked better than the prerendered cutscenes
Perhaps being made in advance made matching the art style of the game a challenge but the faces just look wrong to the point that while technically superior the art just isn't as appealing .

What is really nice to see is the cloth. In-game, Clouds' pants look like that of an action figure and it's stiff to the point of absurdity. The same goes with Tifa's top, It looks like a piece of styrofoam with a sports bra texture painted on and stays perfectly still while she moves at MACH 3.

It's nice to see Cloud's pants looking like pants and Tifa's boobs looking like boobs.
That said, the stiffness of Cloud's pants are part of the appeal to me. I would love it if the next game manages to go just a bit closer towards the CG just in terms of the clothing, without getting too realistic.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk


Currently on chapter 9 and while I'm enjoying the game but I would have to say that I'm disappointed by it. I was expecting a larger more interesting world and it has been pretty linear with not enough variety of monsters to fight. I guess this is the price that was paid for rebooting development of the game.
Chapter 8 is so boring and the sidequests are really annoying to do. They really highlight some of the weaknesses of the combat system, and the really bad "story" bits of the sidequests highlight how bad the padding is. The whole chapter feels like a spotlight on the game's biggest shortcomings.
Chapter 12 or something, don't remember. One thing that really grinds my gears is the stagger mechanic of this game. Later on, it's basically necessary to stagger the opponents to do proper damage. But to do so, you have to exploit their weaknesses. To exploit their weaknesses, you have analyse them first. So it happens more then once that I enter a bossfight, equipped with the wrong materia/stuff and have to immediatly restart the fight, once I know what to do. That's kinda lame imo.
Totally agree with these posts.


always chasing the next thrill
No spoilers i guess.

But so far i am level 18 and passed a church.
Is this game going to open up a bit?
Because all i have been doing is fucking final fantasy 13 shit. cutscene to cutscene. Almose no enemies to grind.
I loved the quests i got earlier in the game (like ff12 hunts)

The VA is cringe as hell but i can stick with it at least (just campy imo)
Anyway will this game open up again a bit more?



Fucking amazing, though I do wonder how a new player with no prior knowledge looks at it. Story wise, I think it tells too little and will require the next installment to actually make more sense.

Fucking amazing!

2nd playthrough is going to be with eng dub. Playing with japanese dub with them eng subs felt weird as fuck sometimes. Like characters has different characters...

It is definitely told in a manner the player knows the original plot of FF7.

Fortunately, FF7 Remaster is everywhere and should still be considered a must-plsy for any, even casual, JRPG fan.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Wall Market
No spoilers i guess.

But so far i am level 18 and passed a church.
Is this game going to open up a bit?
Because all i have been doing is fucking final fantasy 13 shit. cutscene to cutscene. Almose no enemies to grind.
I loved the quests i got earlier in the game (like ff12 hunts)

The VA is cringe as hell but i can stick with it at least (just campy imo)
Anyway will this game open up again a bit more?

Nope. It's linear.


Parry materia on Tifa is amazing.

What does parry actually do?

Wasn't "Aeris" a phonetic result due to how the Japanse pronounce "Aerith"?

From what I remember of Tim Rogers explanation, the Japanese wanted to use the word "earth" as the basis of her name, but since there's no TH sound in their language they pronounced and spelled it Earisu. Thus Aeris is actually closer how it's pronounced in Japanese, but since they wanted to squeeze in some sort of Earth concept, and the TH is there in English, they switched it to TH.

Still don't like it, but eh. Way too late at this point.
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What does parry actually do?

From what I remember of Tim Rogers explanation, the Japanese wanted to use the word "earth" as the basis of her name, but since there's no TH sound in their language they pronounced and spelled it Earisu. Thus Aeris is actually closer how it's pronounced in Japanese, but since they wanted to squeeze in some sort of Earth concept, and the TH is there in English, they switched it to TH.

Still don't like it, but eh. Way too late at this point.

Yeah, that sounds about right. I prefer Aeris too but considering the story elements them wanting to make the Earth connection would be like them.


The texture and asset quality in the bar is shockingly bad. Isn’t that like an important location in the game? I wonder if it’s because there’s not enough memory left due to 6 main characters being in there at once? lol

Some of the assets are like PS2 quality. I think about texturezilla scenes from Uncharted compared to this and it’s sad af.

Kev Kev

No spoilers i guess.

But so far i am level 18 and passed a church.
Is this game going to open up a bit?
Because all i have been doing is fucking final fantasy 13 shit. cutscene to cutscene. Almose no enemies to grind.
I loved the quests i got earlier in the game (like ff12 hunts)

The VA is cringe as hell but i can stick with it at least (just campy imo)
Anyway will this game open up again a bit more?

at on point the game lets freely explore the places youve already been (or are about to go, i cant remember exactly where you are) but it's not much. but no it doesnt have that big, open world feel at all, which to be be fair, is completely consistent with the original. in fact, the this is way more "open world" than the original, so that's cool i guess, but at the same time they filled this new more open world with mostly boring, throw away fetch missions and overly long corridors so :messenger_weary: as far as the VA it's really well done for JRPG standards, but that bar isnt set too high lol, so yeah it's not great

i think they missed a really cool opportunity to explore different plates in midgar. it would have been so cool if the GTA style opened up more on upper plate sections, let us drive a car, more side missions and have fun mini game stuff to do. in that sense they really fucked this up......

i remember thinking to myself playing the game.... it took them all these years t make this!? lol, how much resources did they spend on the shiny graphics and character models when they could have been designing an actual fun open world?

*sigh* oh well, im still pretty happy with it (it certainly could have been a lot worse), but i cant help that think square enix just doesnt get it, they havent since squaresoft died and they probably never will.... they just have a certain way they like to make games and they arent going to deviate from that too much.

be happy we are getting a remake at all i suppose?


First impressions, holy shit it's so good. Largely stayed away from media and didn't play the demo.

Playing Normal mode, combat feels great. That entire first reactor section and boss looked and played great. I laughed thinking about those Tweets from Chis Kohler complaining about how many insane systems were being piled on top of each other and he was having difficulty with the boss....these journos are unreal anymore, I had zero trouble with this on the very first attempt, you have so many potions anyway I don't know how you could actually not beat this part.

The graphics look nuts, really love the lighting in many areas and they just nailed that FF7 look almost everywhere it seems. The occasional low res textures in spots is disappointing, but seriously I just don't care about that shit when I'm stepping out of Seventh Heaven and seeing the view of the plates in the distance, the sun beaming through the gaps....there are so many great realizations of the static prerendered backgrounds burned into my brain, so many areas were clearly designed to evoke specific pre-rendered shots from the original, it's wonderful. And I just love the world design, it feels so dense and lovingly crafted, all of the NPC's, storefronts, vehicles....it's so fucking good. It makes me yearn for a FF8 remake sooo badly....but for now I'm happy this exists.

I heard a few of the music tracks elsewhere and thought there was something....muted or softened about it overall, but so far in game I'm really loving how the music sounds, really fantastic arrangements of absolute classics.

I am so excited for the rest of not only this game, but the remaining episodes or whatever they are. I can't wait to see how they realize the 2nd and 3rd disc events and locales. Never thought I'd see something like this, I hope Square is back.


at on point the game lets freely explore the places youve already been (or are about to go, i cant remember exactly where you are) but it's not much. but no it doesnt have that big, open world feel at all, which to be be fair, is completely consistent with the original. in fact, the this is way more "open world" than the original, so that's cool i guess, but at the same time they filled this new more open world with mostly boring, throw away fetch missions and overly long corridors so :messenger_weary: as far as the VA it's really well done for JRPG standards, but that bar isnt set too high lol, so yeah it's not great

i think they missed a really cool opportunity to explore different plates in midgar. it would have been so cool if the GTA style opened up more on upper plate sections, let us drive a car, more side missions and have fun mini game stuff to do. in that sense they really fucked this up......

i remember thinking to myself playing the game.... it took them all these years t make this!? lol, how much resources did they spend on the shiny graphics and character models when they could have been designing an actual fun open world?

*sigh* oh well, im still pretty happy with it (it certainly could have been a lot worse), but i cant help that think square enix just doesnt get it, they havent since squaresoft died and they probably never will.... they just have a certain way they like to make games and they arent going to deviate from that too much.

be happy we are getting a remake at all i suppose?

I think makeing the game linear instead of yet another open world was absolutely the right choice. Exploring a plate in the day would have been cool but not as cool as going through a structured story with locations that were tailor made.

SquareEnix gets it, you just don't want it.


I really like all of the redesigns so far as well. The main character models look gorgeous.

Biggs looks badass, but man Wedge looks like a fat trans Serge from Chrono Cross, and sounds like TJ Miller or something. But it still works for me lol.





Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
No spoilers i guess.

But so far i am level 18 and passed a church.
Is this game going to open up a bit?
Because all i have been doing is fucking final fantasy 13 shit. cutscene to cutscene. Almose no enemies to grind.
I loved the quests i got earlier in the game (like ff12 hunts)

The VA is cringe as hell but i can stick with it at least (just campy imo)
Anyway will this game open up again a bit more?
Sounds like you want to play FFXV.
Which is actually worse because of the openness
the original was linear and this is a lot more open..
Not sure what you was expecting as the original didn't open up until after Midgar


i hope they dont make the game full open world like XV. The world was bigger than it needed to be and wasnt very interesting either.

FF7 remake is linear, but not to absurd levels like XIII was, so it's good., and like others said, not only was the og linear, so are most FF games.


i remember thinking to myself playing the game.... it took them all these years t make this!? lol, how much resources did they spend on the shiny graphics and character models when they could have been designing an actual fun open world?

I had similar thoughts while playing. The game world is so small, and undetailed in places. It really makes you wonder what they did with all the time. Other developers have built huge game worlds with high production value in similar amounts of time.

It feels like the most work went into the combat system, and the cinematics.

be happy we are getting a remake at all i suppose?

Are we though?


Rodent Whores
Wait, when did her English name get changed to "Aerith?"

I'm playing in Japanese, but that's gotta be some sacrilege to players of the original.
Wasn't "Aeris" a phonetic result due to how the Japanse pronounce "Aerith"?

Her name was always Aerith. They just screwed it up in localization.

The problem happens because her Japanese name can be written as both "Aerith" and "Aeris" and be technically correct, phonetically. The localizers guessed that it was the latter. They were wrong.

Or, it's entirely possible that they just changed their mind later because they thought "Aerith" looks better. I don't want to throw the localizers under the bus or anything.


One thing I don't understand in this game at all is the decision to have 2 types of environmental device activation methods.

1. Press Triangle. Cloud flips the switch/opens the box/door, whatever in a quick animation.
2. Hold Triangle. Cloud stands there for 2 seconds doing nothing with his hand on the lever while you hold the button, when the bar fills up, he does the switch flipping animation.

I could see this being a semi-immersive mechanic if there was actually an animation of him having to struggle a bit with the weight of a heavy switch or something as you are holding it, but so far it's always been the same thing. He just puts his hand on the switch and waits for you to fill the bar before very easily flipping the switch like any of the other ones that you simply pressed triangle once for. Weird decision.


This is one of the highest quality games I have played in such a long time. The polish and attention to detail is incredible in not only gameplay but also presentation and acting. I'm at Chapter 10 myself.

I have a minor complaint which is the game will sometimes force you to slow walk. The game is so great though that this issue is easy to overlook.


One thing I don't understand in this game at all is the decision to have 2 types of environmental device activation methods.

1. Press Triangle. Cloud flips the switch/opens the box/door, whatever in a quick animation.
2. Hold Triangle. Cloud stands there for 2 seconds doing nothing with his hand on the lever while you hold the button, when the bar fills up, he does the switch flipping animation.

I could see this being a semi-immersive mechanic if there was actually an animation of him having to struggle a bit with the weight of a heavy switch or something as you are holding it, but so far it's always been the same thing. He just puts his hand on the switch and waits for you to fill the bar before very easily flipping the switch like any of the other ones that you simply pressed triangle once for. Weird decision.

Weirdest thing I've encountered in a long time. Just why?


at on point the game lets freely explore the places youve already been (or are about to go, i cant remember exactly where you are) but it's not much. but no it doesnt have that big, open world feel at all, which to be be fair, is completely consistent with the original. in fact, the this is way more "open world" than the original, so that's cool i guess, but at the same time they filled this new more open world with mostly boring, throw away fetch missions and overly long corridors so :messenger_weary: as far as the VA it's really well done for JRPG standards, but that bar isnt set too high lol, so yeah it's not great

i think they missed a really cool opportunity to explore different plates in midgar. it would have been so cool if the GTA style opened up more on upper plate sections, let us drive a car, more side missions and have fun mini game stuff to do. in that sense they really fucked this up......

i remember thinking to myself playing the game.... it took them all these years t make this!? lol, how much resources did they spend on the shiny graphics and character models when they could have been designing an actual fun open world?

*sigh* oh well, im still pretty happy with it (it certainly could have been a lot worse), but i cant help that think square enix just doesnt get it, they havent since squaresoft died and they probably never will.... they just have a certain way they like to make games and they arent going to deviate from that too much.

be happy we are getting a remake at all i suppose?

I'm having fun playing this but the graphical polish of the game is all over the place. Character models aside, everything is made to be seen 12 ft away in game distance. Stand any closer and it's blurry af. PC version modders will have a blast redoing all the assets, lol.


I'm having fun playing this but the graphical polish of the game is all over the place. Character models aside, everything is made to be seen 12 ft away in game distance. Stand any closer and it's blurry af. PC version modders will have a blast redoing all the assets, lol.
Doubt it will need mods, I'm sure the pc version will have better assets. and would not be suprised if this game gets a patch within a couple months.


Doubt it will need mods, I'm sure the pc version will have better assets. and would not be suprised if this game gets a patch within a couple months.

I doubt that, sadly. The abundant amount of PS2 level assets are probably there for budgetary reasons.

I feel like they massively outsourced the development of the game to some factory filled with junior creators working on UE4 for the first time. Have not seen the end credits to confirm though.


I'd be thankful if someone could give me an example of a battle in a final fantasy game that has the level of strategy they think this game lacks.
A brief description would be cool too.


Rodent Whores
I could see this being a semi-immersive mechanic if there was actually an animation of him having to struggle a bit with the weight of a heavy switch or something as you are holding it, but so far it's always been the same thing.
You're right. Just play the game more.

The Shepard

Chapter 13 is fucking stupid and I hate it. It doesn't even make sense how you can still go to the Sector 7 slums

I thought this at first but In chapter 15 you can see how the plates fallen as you climb up it, its at an angle. So some of the slums in 7 are not quite squashed. It's not like the original where the whole plate fell down.


One thing I don't understand in this game at all is the decision to have 2 types of environmental device activation methods.

1. Press Triangle. Cloud flips the switch/opens the box/door, whatever in a quick animation.
2. Hold Triangle. Cloud stands there for 2 seconds doing nothing with his hand on the lever while you hold the button, when the bar fills up, he does the switch flipping animation.

I could see this being a semi-immersive mechanic if there was actually an animation of him having to struggle a bit with the weight of a heavy switch or something as you are holding it, but so far it's always been the same thing. He just puts his hand on the switch and waits for you to fill the bar before very easily flipping the switch like any of the other ones that you simply pressed triangle once for. Weird decision.
I could understand 2. in rare occasions where you're for example moving to an area you are unable to return from, so it'd be something like "are you sure you want to do this?". But yeah, for the most part it is completely unnecessary and annoying. But let's be positive here - it could be worse, at least there's no mashing of triangle to perform actions.


always chasing the next thrill
Sounds like you want to play FFXV.
Which is actually worse because of the openness
the original was linear and this is a lot more open..
Not sure what you was expecting as the original didn't open up until after Midgar
No i do NOT want to play 15 fuck that mess xD
But the openness of 12 would be welcome
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Manji Uzuki

Made it to chapter 14 yesterday. This game is incredible.

Not sure how I feel about they making Wedge survive this time around. I wonder what kind of role he will play in the future or if its just for the sake of changing things.

Also the whole dream scene with Aeris was weird. Hope it gets a proper explanation. I have some theories but...


Anyone else get taken completely out of the moment when you heard Zack's new English voice speaking? The delivery was so bad I almost laughed, which is a shame because it could've been a great moment. I'm actually surprised too, considering how much I've enjoyed the rest of the cast.
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