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Final Fantasy XIV |OT6| Casino Royale

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So weird story, we had a new player in our FC, complete with sprout on his head, have an S rank pop on his head during a fate and he ended up with a small amount of poetics at level 7. I didn't even know you could earn Poe's that early. He asked us what the fuck they were for and we were all laughing our asses off at the story since he got bombarded by a ton of players jumping to him and was freaking out in mumble.
Sprouts are simply adorable.

4 Bennus is cool and all.. but how about that 1 black fire club?
Ain't no one talkin' bout Blackfire, son. You think this is a game!?
You should focus on getting the pugilist cross class (lancer) to lv15 so you can get monk. Then go with monk untill lv 50/end of story.
As for GC, save the seals and use them to unlovk GC ranks, it's nice to at least unlock the rank were you can trade green and aetherial gear for seals.

Not the original poster, but thanks for this advice. Something I was wondering myself.


You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

As someone who recently came back to level up NIN and went back through the lower level dungeons... there's no reason to be a dick. I never overextend myself if I don't have to. There are people in those dungeons who are completely new to it, their job, or even the game itself. They're going to be slow and fuck up. If it's making things hard on the rest of the group then say something in the chat (constructive criticism) and hope they listen.

If they don't. Then leave if you can't deal with it or shrug it off and keep going.

I remember not long ago getting pulled into Titan story mode through duty roulette and having a healer that couldn't dodge Landslide. Maybe I just have too much patience for new players, but when he started getting down on himself I said I'd stay for as long as it took for him to learn the mechanics. We wiped like 30 times I swear, and eventually he left out of shame and I felt bad. No one harped on him though. I don't let people do that. Not at those levels.

You are a good person. I've been doing some low-level dungeons for my Animus books and people get real testy. This has got to be horrible for people new to the game.


I don't even remember what area he was in, just it was one of the starter areas. He was talking about how he wanted a a chocobo and suddenly he was like, I think I'm fighting the FATE boss! Wow this is big!

Earned Myth on a level 2 alt once..... man, I've got to get back to leveling that guy sometime.


I don't even remember what area he was in, just it was one of the starter areas. He was talking about how he wanted a a chocobo and suddenly he was like, I think I'm fighting the FATE boss! Wow this is big!

I started new character as last time I played was before Ramuh. I was in central Thalan and stabbed this giant cautuar couple times for fun while a mob people stabbed it. Got 4 allied seals out of it no idea what do with them but now know they end game hunts


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Rant Warning

I just realized something. Many people actually dream about being able to live in a MMO world. You see many forms of popular media that depicts people being stuck in one. I would find being put into the world of FFXIV as a nightmare. The main city states are tourist attractions with no discernible living space. Don't get me started on the bland "towns" with one tiny building. This is possibly because of the limitations of the PS3, but even the concept art doesn't inspire much hope. Let's look at Gridania. Obviously based on the concept art, the city is supposed to have some vertical living spaces which I could see being gone because of the PS3.

We know there is a rich area of Gridania to the north that we are blocked from access to due to a gate. We know of Haukke manor being one of supposedly many manors in the shroud, of which we only see this one. There's a gate in east shroud but I forgot where that leads to, we can't go into that one either. It's kind of obvious why the residents of the shroud would be interested in the Lavender beds, there is no where else to live.

Let's look at Limsa

First off what the fuck at the support. How has this city not completely fallen into the ocean. Two, obviously there is some vertical aspects of Limsa that aren't readily available as an alive city due to the PS3 limitations causing the city to be broken up into two parts vertically. How is that a city though? Does everyone sleep on a ship? That has to be it right?

Most of the landscapes are dull to go along with the dull cities and towns (outposts). Funny enough the only place that actually shows a halfway decent amount of habitable living quarters is Ishgard. The building of those towns actually seems completely disconnected from everything else in FFXIV.

Don't get me started with if I had to deal with the Scions face to face. I might even consider joining the Garlean empire if they weren't dumb as well.


Wow.. that almost goes for me with 2 tank drops since the release BUT my DRG is almost full dreadwyrm haha.

My group's only started Coil in late December, (full group anyway, it had a couple false starts,) and have only just now cleared T12, (after a grueling, week of progression,) sadly, in all this time, we've only gotten a few actual armor pieces, lots of accessories though, hopefully that'll change in the next few weeks.

I mean, our Dragoon has only gotten one drop this entire time, the ring, he's only this week broken into the 120's.

That Ohh shit moment and you look for holmgang.. but its to late! :D

Didn't even look for it, neither me, nor anyone else in the group, knew that you'd get flattened if you provoked a few seconds early. We were all kinda dumbfounded really. XD

Rant Warning

That's less PS3 limitations, and more man-power limitations. If you combined every virtual square foot of the Shroud zones, and converted them all into town-space, you'd have an area roughly equivalent to a town of 30 to 100K people. You could get by with towns far smaller then that in a fantasy setting, but even on the very small end, modeling out enough areas and buildings to accurately depict living space for ten thousand people, would require a lot of resources, and most MMO's would rather use those resources to create more dungeons or whatnot.

Admittedly, Limsa and Gridania's designs don't do a very good job of hiding this lack of living space. Uldah kinda/sorta does, by implying that there are apartments within the town walls, and by showing some nearby refugee camps. Gridania deals with this, merely by stating that outsiders are not allowed in the Residential areas for Gridanians. Limsa doesn't really deal with this as all, the town itself is essentially just a series of piers made of stone. It seems to be implied that most people live outside of Limsa and only work in the city, but there obviously aren't enough nearby dwellings pull that off.

Again, this is mostly a manpower issue, and it's probably something that'll plague all game worlds for awhile. The only way around it I can think of, is to use procedural generation to create larger towns without utilizing a lot of artists/modelers, etc. However, even if Procedural Generation tech reached that level tomorrow, it probably wouldn't be utilized for this game, I mean, it's a bit too late by this point.

Maaaaaybe in 4.0 or 5.0, when PS3 support is dropped and they start tweaking the starting areas. I could see them maybe tweaking the city designs to show a couple extra dwellings here and there, probably nothing too major though, even then.


First off what the fuck at the support. How has this city not completely fallen into the ocean. Two, obviously there is some vertical aspects of Limsa that aren't readily available as an alive city due to the PS3 limitations causing the city to be broken up into two parts vertically. How is that a city though? Does everyone sleep on a ship? That has to be it right?

What we see of the towns are more or less main street or the main thoroughfares, not representative of where everyone lives.


Or maybe it's just a videogame.

Well, yeah, of course.

I mean, honestly, if the world was large enough, detailed enough, and fully realized enough, being trapped in an MMO wouldn't be all that bad. However FFXIV isn't quite large enough, not quite detailed enough, and while it is very pretty I wouldn't describe it as fully realized.

Granted, making a game world that large and that realistic would actually be a fairly bad game design, for the most part. What makes for a good living environment, doesn't make for good streamlined gameplay.

What we see of the towns are more or less main street or the main thoroughfares, not representative of where everyone lives.

That too, and there's really no gameplay or story reason to show us the living areas just yet. I mean, either it'd be a bunch of closed off buildings that served no gameplay or story purpose, or a bunch of open buildings that would need to be designed, modeled, and populated, and would still serve no gameplay or story purpose.

It's better to imply these spaces at this point, rather than directly showing them.



I feel like Log Horizon makes a lot more sense. They actually show off the hypothetical BILLIONS OF IDENTICAL DOORS that lead into housing in guild areas that we sometimes joke about after entering a single entrance from the outside. Vidya games. PS3 limitations play into it, but it's not like you don't have NPCs talking about areas we don't go to a ton.



I feel like we're going off topic a bit, buuuut, two cents.

Log Horizons world, more or less makes sense from a game design perspective. It'd just take either a TON of resources, or some really good procedural generation software. I mean, a gameworld 1/3rd the size of earth, with fully realized towns, random homesteads, functioning NPC economies, etc etc etc.

It'd be awesome, but, daaaaang, it'd be a technological marvel.

SAO's game world is, weird. It's very segmented and doesn't even really pretend to be a real world. We never really see that many NPC's, players have to buy the rights to living in dwellings that exist in zone, and only one group can fight raid bosses at any given time. Like I said it's, weird. It doesn't really make sense from either a living world perspective, or a game design perspective.

But again, getting off topic.


If I woke up in Eorzea I'd be way more pissed off at having to change all my clothes every time I picked up a different tool or weapon.

(That said I've always viewed the world as a theme park anyway. It has the suggestions of a full world without the unnecessary boring bits, and I'm fine with that. Also all the teleportation everywhere makes it easy to fanwank people living pretty much wherever, in areas not constantly mobbed with adventurers.)

Starting to think I should actually watch Log Horizon.


If I woke up in Eorzea I'd be way more pissed off at having to change all my clothes every time I picked up a different tool or weapon.

(That said I've always viewed the world as a theme park anyway. It has the suggestions of a full world without the unnecessary boring bits, and I'm fine with that. Also all the teleportation everywhere makes it easy to fanwank people living pretty much wherever, in areas not constantly mobbed with adventurers.)

Starting to think I should actually watch Log Horizon.

Good port, with teleportation people don't really need to live in or next to the cities they're working at. Though I do get the impression that Adventurers use these systems more that non-adventurers, especially since you need to travel to a location at least once before you can teleport there. I mean, imagine you're a level 15 Goldsmith with no battle class, living in Uldah. Traveling on foot to Dragonhead, just so you could use the Aetherytye, would not be an insignificant task.

Also, yeah Log Horizon's good.


I would be more scared of sitting on Lalas if woke up in Eoreza. On plus side got some hotties as guild masters sign me up as a miner or goldsmith


I always took the cities and whatnot to be representations of ideas, abstract i guess, not literal, realistic cities.

I mean, this is supposed to be the most powerful city on the planet

and this is supposed to be a massive refugee camp


Yeah, in most games the amount of areas you can actually visit in even, "Supposedly large cities," are pretty sparse. That said, some games do a better job of implying a city has size and population.

FFIX actually did a pretty good job of this, mostly by making good use of the backgrounds. Sure, you couldn't visit most of these areas, but at least you could SEE a lot of buildings, that were supposedly inhabited.

XII did an okay job of this too, mostly by throwing around a ton of NPC's to populate areas. Honestly while XII went a bit overboard at times, there are moments where I feel like XIV should be doing some of this, especially in market areas.


Guys. Stop dreaming about how FF14 could be Log Horizon and go read either

Terra Formars
50 Shades of Grey

These two things combined should be able to finish Ranketsu off.


Heh, Log Horizons game would probably be a bit too, dense, for me. I mean, we talk about wanting a larger game world, but I think there eventually gets to be a point where it gets to be a bit too much. I mean, the phrase, "Impassable walls of distance," come to mind.

Also, don't be too quick to break Ranketsu. If you do his cooler alter ego, Radketsu, will be sure to take over.


XII did an okay job of this too, mostly by throwing around a ton of NPC's to populate areas. Honestly while XII went a bit overboard at times, there are moments where I feel like XIV should be doing some of this, especially in market areas.

I can't think of any rationale to say that FFXII NPC density was a fault or problematic. You may be overthinking things a bit.

With FFXIV, there are certain factors that probably determine NPC density such as various hardware specs and also accounting for the fact that other players (possibly many) can inhabit a zone at a time.

For what it's worth, I think they've done a good job of scaling up a location like Revenant's Toll without it feeling empty (aside from throngs of players) or devoid of life or character. Adding points of interest like Rowena's cafe, Ruby the Carbuncle, and so on has been interesting to watch.


Crystal Bearer
Those blaming PS3 limitations... well, low-end PCs are a factor too. Yoshida wanted the game to be played by a large audience and alienating people with mid-low end PCs would not be desirable.
Holy shit, I'm starting to miss Digital River. Pepita Store is incompetent as fuck.

So last year they cancelled everyone's order that had a combined order of the Postal Moogle Plush and Art Book because they apparently can't handle partial orders/shipments and apparently weren't going to have the plush in stock until March. I re-ordered the Postal Moogle Plush and the next day they sent me an apology e-mail with a free shipping promotion. Since I already placed the order, I opened a support ticket and asked if they could apply the free shipping discount to my existing order. They escalated the ticket twice and nearly two months went by with no response. I e-mailed them again to find out what was going on and they cancelled my fucking order again without even consulting with me. They said they cancelled the order so I could re-order and use the promotion. Gee, thanks.

Fuck it. I re-ordered the item again, for the third time, using their promotional link. Guess what? The promotion didn't work and I still got charged for shipping. In addition to that, my order total was $1 more than my two previous orders for no reason what-so-ever. I e-mailed support again and they finally get back to me and tell me that the promotion expired and since I had a month to use it, there is nothing that they can do now. I actually didn't have a month to use it because they didn't respond to my ticket until February. Also, it stated no where in the entire e-mail anything about an expiration on the promotion.

So tempted to just fucking cancel this shit and never order from them again... but I really want those Postal Moogles. FUCK.


I can't think of any rationale to say that FFXII NPC density was a fault or problematic. You may be overthinking things a bit.

With FFXIV, there are certain factors that probably determine NPC density such as various hardware specs and also accounting for the fact that other players (possibly many) can inhabit a zone at a time.

For what it's worth, I think they've done a good job of scaling up a location like Revenant's Toll without it feeling empty (aside from throngs of players) or devoid of life or character. Adding points of interest like Rowena's cafe, Ruby the Carbuncle, and so on has been interesting to watch.

NPC density in 12 was a bit distracting at first, at least in the main city, but I got used to it. I wouldn't call it a real problem, just a general impression.

As for XIV, there are times when I wish they could scale up the number of NPCS walking around when there are fewer player characters loaded into said zone, but I can think of a few reasons why this might be difficult.

And yes, they've done a good job with Revenants Toll, it feels more alive than the starting cities in fact.
Holy shit, I'm starting to miss Digital River. Pepita Store is incompetent as fuck.

So last year they cancelled everyone's order that had a combined order of the Postal Moogle Plush and Art Book because they apparently can't handle partial orders/shipments and apparently weren't going to have the plush in stock until March. I re-ordered the Postal Moogle Plush and the next day they sent me an apology e-mail with a free shipping promotion. Since I already placed the order, I opened a support ticket and asked if they could apply the free shipping discount to my existing order. They escalated the ticket twice and nearly two months went by with no response. I e-mailed them again to find out what was going on and they cancelled my fucking order again without even consulting with me. They said they cancelled the order so I could re-order and use the promotion. Gee, thanks.

Fuck it. I re-ordered the item again, for the third time, using their promotional link. Guess what? The promotion didn't work and I still got charged for shipping. In addition to that, my order total was $1 more than my two previous orders for no reason what-so-ever. I e-mailed support again and they finally get back to me and tell me that the promotion expired and since I had a month to use it, there is nothing that they can do now. I actually didn't have a month to use it because they didn't respond to my ticket until February. Also, it stated no where in the entire e-mail anything about an expiration on the promotion.

So tempted to just fucking cancel this shit and never order from them again... but I really want those Postal Moogles. FUCK.

A strange world we live in where Digital River can be missed. Me not getting my Ni No Kuni box while scalpers got their 100s just fine makes it so that will never be the case for me.
Digital River also screwed me out of my Ni No Kuni CE. I had to get one on eBay for some exorbitant amount. :(

I just wish that Square would do the same thing that Namco has since done and quit using these stupid 3rd party services for their estore and just have an option to let amazon handle it. It's really bad for Square stuff since they have a ton of exclusive stuff that is only available directly from their store.
Holy shit, I'm starting to miss Digital River. Pepita Store is incompetent as fuck.

So last year they cancelled everyone's order that had a combined order of the Postal Moogle Plush and Art Book because they apparently can't handle partial orders/shipments and apparently weren't going to have the plush in stock until March. I re-ordered the Postal Moogle Plush and the next day they sent me an apology e-mail with a free shipping promotion. Since I already placed the order, I opened a support ticket and asked if they could apply the free shipping discount to my existing order. They escalated the ticket twice and nearly two months went by with no response. I e-mailed them again to find out what was going on and they cancelled my fucking order again without even consulting with me. They said they cancelled the order so I could re-order and use the promotion. Gee, thanks.

Fuck it. I re-ordered the item again, for the third time, using their promotional link. Guess what? The promotion didn't work and I still got charged for shipping. In addition to that, my order total was $1 more than my two previous orders for no reason what-so-ever. I e-mailed support again and they finally get back to me and tell me that the promotion expired and since I had a month to use it, there is nothing that they can do now. I actually didn't have a month to use it because they didn't respond to my ticket until February. Also, it stated no where in the entire e-mail anything about an expiration on the promotion.

So tempted to just fucking cancel this shit and never order from them again... but I really want those Postal Moogles. FUCK.

I haven't heard anything about it, and based off of this, I won't be emailing them


I've had coil cleared since the first week of release and since then i've only gotten two pieces of Dragoon loot. Where the hell did the put it? :(


Holy shit, I'm starting to miss Digital River. Pepita Store is incompetent as fuck.

So last year they cancelled everyone's order that had a combined order of the Postal Moogle Plush and Art Book because they apparently can't handle partial orders/shipments and apparently weren't going to have the plush in stock until March. I re-ordered the Postal Moogle Plush and the next day they sent me an apology e-mail with a free shipping promotion. Since I already placed the order, I opened a support ticket and asked if they could apply the free shipping discount to my existing order. They escalated the ticket twice and nearly two months went by with no response. I e-mailed them again to find out what was going on and they cancelled my fucking order again without even consulting with me. They said they cancelled the order so I could re-order and use the promotion. Gee, thanks.

Fuck it. I re-ordered the item again, for the third time, using their promotional link. Guess what? The promotion didn't work and I still got charged for shipping. In addition to that, my order total was $1 more than my two previous orders for no reason what-so-ever. I e-mailed support again and they finally get back to me and tell me that the promotion expired and since I had a month to use it, there is nothing that they can do now. I actually didn't have a month to use it because they didn't respond to my ticket until February. Also, it stated no where in the entire e-mail anything about an expiration on the promotion.

So tempted to just fucking cancel this shit and never order from them again... but I really want those Postal Moogles. FUCK.

The best part is that the delivery date has been pushed back yet again to April 2015.

I'm actually curious to see what we get first: the expansion or the damn things we placed orders on months ago.


I always wanted Hyperion people to post on the subreddit before. Now, I'm not so sure.

I actually visited Tepe's back when he only had a single cottage room in another FC to his name, now he owns a full on mansion and dedicated free company. The ERP biz must pay the big bucks.
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