Yoga on Monday was absolutely horrid. The trainer couldn't suggest me any movements for the ones that I couldn't do because of my back and I just felt totally out of place and like an elephant among cats. I wish I could learn to like yoga, but I might just stick with pilates. I am not going to do movements that will cause me nerve pain. I might pop in to one of the easier yoga classes and see what that is like. We will see.
That was just a minor drawback though. I have been extremely exited about everything else and oddly having loads of energy despite busy schedules. I also haven't been sick, even if everyone else seem to be sick constantly around me.
I also managed to get in touch with my absolutely awesome and adorable physiotherapist! Yay! She has been so happy about my progress and I am going to see her on 10th of October at the gym. She promised to do me a new gym programm that would have a bit more work outs with free weights and she will also teach me the right forms for the movements she would like me to do. I think this is splendid news since she has been working with me for the last two years and quite much knows what I should be doing and what I can do. So all in all I am extremely happy about how things are going! ^_^
Haha we will see what happens in the next few years. Definitely costs more for me to get over there but now that I have a Real Person Job, it's definitely more doable.
Yikes, too much work

As long as you're finding a little time to yourself and as long as the weight doesn't go up, keep on keeping on. You're doing awesome and have your trip soon!
Welp, was going to start again tonight or on Wednesday, but my ankle is fucked again. I hate my stupid ankles/legs. :/ They're garbage. I need to make an appointment with a physiotherapist because my ankles aren't going to get better and they keep getting worse/more frequent. Sigh. Will let this one heal up (and maybe just do stuff with arms because at the moment I can't put any weight on my leg but I'm getting ansty to get back to working out) and make a physio appointment, then get back into it again.
I know I can't continue like this. This month has been so insane. The end of the year I am working around 30 hours per a month. I need to actually write my graduating thesis to get Real Person Job as well.

This has been fine for the time being but I do want to get my master's degree and just be over it.
I have keep up with my work out routine and haven't skipped a day. I have been sleeping less than I should, but at least I am still alive. I know it is counter productive, but it will end soon anyways and I have still been very energetic.
It sucks to be injured. Poor babe! Well, make your appointments and hopefully you will have some movements that will make it better and you would be able to continue to work out. You can always work with your arms and upper body though! Also for example planks and that kind of things could work, if you are on your knees.
Damn, I feel like a drug dealer.
Hahahha! You are the best! I so need a friend like you!
I'm gonna drop this here, as some of you may be interested, but I made a video answering a few common questions I get about my weight loss journey. It's not full of much educational information, but just sharing some of my experiences.
I don't know how to say it in the right way, but you are always so extremely sweet, adorable and sexy at the same time. You are one of the people in here that I personally find the most encouraging and motivating. I always look at your posts, vids and pics in a way that if you were able to do it, I can reach my goals as well. And honestly, because of this thread and these people in here, I know I can. I only wish I could have started earlier, but then again I am very happy that I started when I did.
I am also already noticing the same thing that you mentioned about seeing yourself bigger than you are. Even if I am still overweight I am definitely not as big as I used to be and yet I go to the same clothes sizes I used to use 40 pounds ago. The mental image changes way slower than the body does.
Absolutely awesome video. Thank you so much for posting it!
I'm 5 10 at 155lbs. Go every day, am low carb. Have a protein shake every day. Spend an hour or a little more at the gym to what I feel I need to do that day. I work legs on my runs.
Things I notice are my abs, and delts are lacking compared how I'd like them. Considering where I was early this year I am glad to see where I'm at and I'm curious to get some insight. Pecs too, :/ I dislike mine
I am not an expert, but what I have read your replies I would say you might need to cut down with your cardio and perhaps eat more to have more energy to actually built up the mass. (I already like your torso though. Just letting you know.)
I apology that I already forgot (4 am in here), but were you following some particular weight lifting programm?
people stare at my ass when I squat
there's a mirror in front of the power rack so I see what everybody's doing.
today two kids were laughing and basically talking about it, not giving a fuck at all that I could see them. A minute later another guy was resting and he couldn't help to stare too.
I swearI am minding my own business, but I do use tight, cyclist lycra shorts but that's because I need as much freedom of movement on my legs as possible.
Like said in here already, don't pay attention the kiddos - you are awesome and they are either ignorant or jealous.

Just be happy that you know what you are doing and don't let them bother your work out or good spirit.
If it's anything
like this one then I want to see!!!
This robot will always be one of my favorite muscle-vogue style routines! How awesome? SO AWESOME!
Hahhahaha. Oh my gods! I am laughing so hard!
swolfie sunday? swolfie sunday
King Kong aint got shit on me....
You manage to make even a top like that to look good on you! You have epic shoulders, arms and chest!
I literally just let out a huge laugh followed by an oh my god! You're awesome.
