I've been wondering why they haven't been. Imagine how happy they would make everyone if they just released an official video of a few laps at Spa?
Dat eSRAM issues..
I've been wondering why they haven't been. Imagine how happy they would make everyone if they just released an official video of a few laps at Spa?
The problem with Turn 10 NOT releasing official direct-feed footage is that utter shit (like that latest PS2-esque Bathurst video) is how the game might be currently judged by Joe Public. And yes, that video DOES look like utter shit.
Looks like you are missing one!
Here a good quality capture of the Bathurst TV footage:
Didn't think the Bathurst footage was bad, only seen it on my phone so far.
Looked pretty bad to me (unless this is Wind Waker - The Racer). Washed-out, compressed, low-res, low framerate. It hardly shows FM5 in a good light. Turn 10 can't be happy with videos like this being out in the public domain.
Looked pretty bad to me (unless this is Wind Waker - The Racer). Washed-out, compressed, low-res, low framerate and low poly. It hardly shows FM5 in a good light. Turn 10 can't be happy with videos like this being out in the public domain.
So many wasted opportunities to tie reveals in with events.
Any news on Suzuka by the way, is it getting the laserscan treatment?
Is it even returning? I hope so.
So many wasted opportunities to tie reveals in with events.
Any news on Suzuka by the way, is it getting the laserscan treatment?
Is it even returning? I hope so.
Any news on Suzuka by the way, is it getting the laserscan treatment?
Is it even returning? I hope so.
also that reddit dude, when he was asked "what's your most pleasant surprise?" he replied that "its the amount of content".
so there..!
don't remember reading that
don't remember reading that
orly?p3tran just made that bit up..
Did u have access to the full suite of cars?
What where the tuning options like?
Will someone like me that jumps from horizon to fm5 will be pleasantly surprised?
(note: i have LCE preordered blah blah..)
-i am violating my nda
Yes, but many where unfinished. i asume these will be completed after the game goes to manufacturing but before release --hence the day1 download
Tuning was as detailed as FM4.
Pleasantly surprised? maybe with the amount of content.
FM5 is far less forgiving blah blah........
there are couple some more important bits. I saved it as text on my ipad plus some screengrabs.Glad to see that we may be getting tons of content (I expected plenty for launch game).
Can you PM me the whole leak P3tran...or was that about it?
I'm starved for info...true or not...would like to read it.
In order for this game to be more successful, there needs to be more MUSTANGS. Seriously.
there are couple some more important bits. I saved it as text on my ipad plus some screengrabs.
for what its worth, guy seemed true to me, but can never be sure.
I could post it here, unless BADNED or HELIOS want to post something official (or even semi-official) instead![]()
I am copying the exact thing that was deleted, just for you folks that dont believe me!!!
so, next time you pay more attention to people breaking their nda's to let us know shit, and until that happens, both of you, you owe me cars worth 1 million each in forza 5 currency for not believing me. ;ppPpp
You could but its just speculation until T10 make it official.In other words whats the point.
I'm sick of unofficial leaks that make the game look bad or may lead to dissapointment.Aint you : )
Nah, online 16 is plenty. 16 well matched players will make for great racing.That french leak 24 online, that pic from the other day 16. Disapointment. Not confirmed but : (
That french leak 24 online, that pic from the other day 16. Disapointment. Not confirmed but : (
Bathurst and Spa have me and a lot freinds pumped, for me Long Beach and Monza would be amazing! Thats why i hope these leaks are good.
well, about that, we'll have to see. 24 players online and over 110 new cars I think it said on amazon..
that recent marketing video from ms was a different indication, seeing a screen with 16 players.
16 is not bad to be frank, so no real disappointment here either.
as I said, i would expect that memory and connection is not a big problem (gbytes or ram and dedicated servers), so it will mainly come down to how much juice they can squeeze out of the box day 1 for determining the number of players they can render at full speed.
if you game online, just the idea that f5 will have dedis is enough i think to get you pumped..![]()
change the dang record
i'd say they're both pretty much set in stone at this point.
lol i edited mine.Sorry
I thought 24 was.
Bathurst and Spa have me and a lot freinds pumped, for me L B and M would be amazing! Thats why i hope these leaks are good.
for me to be happy on the car thing, I'd definitely like more cars than horizon.If the 110 new cars thing is true, then it would probably mean that from here on out, the Forza Showroom will be filled with only new cars as we have 6 weeks left to get through that number.
We have about 100 cars revealed so far. 20 cars announced a week is the trend at the moment. If it continues and if the Amazon info is correct, we are looking at around 200-250 cars on the disc..........is that enough..?
When that record is the gospel, what you say doesn't fucking matter. you can go play other game instead, thanks.
Major Nelson just made a blog post about Racing accessories for Xbox One. The video isn't up yet though.
e3 footage right?
You can't possibly be surprised, right? Only a box that takes the encrypted Wifi direct signal and converts it to the language of the old wheels would make it work.Fucking shit man!!!!!!!!!!
Major Nelson just made a blog post about Racing accessories for Xbox One. The video isn't up yet though.
Fucking shit man!!!!!!!!!!