Ok, so it's the same model as in Forza Horizon? Oh, not that one, huh...Ok, how about Forza 4? Wow, that one isn't even close. How about Forza 3? We're running out of options here. An I'm not referring to the aftermarket parts.
I'm going to save myself the time. You're not worth taking seriously. Saying you "don't give a shit" about something, then going on to lament how upset you are by it, particularly when it's not based on reality, gets you no credit from me.
You can't be serious. I don't give a shit as in it's not going to prevent me from buying the game. I only keep talking about it because some of you guys obviously don't see or don't care to see what I'm seeing and I should probably defend my argument. And all of those s2k pics from the different Forza games you posted are all of the same 3D model, excluding different aero parts, as SparksBCN already mentioned. They're just all taken at completely different angles....
so your circle just before the rear wheel... I had to search, but found what you mean. in that pic there is some plastic shit acting like a ...tire protector? (cause it not aerodynamics).
well, this one below is a oem 2009 cr, and guess what? no plastic shit there!
also, worth looking this OEM car to realise that the car you picked to draw conclusions about parallel lines, is not good.
car definitely not on oem wheels/suspension. check the height clearance inside the wheel arches.
also the lights on that blue OEM car there... they look NOTHING like the downward closed curves you painted...
That's because your real pic of the blue s2k is of a completely different angle, the lines of those headlights aren't going to match up. Get another angle that's in the same position of the Forza pic and the headlights will look like how SparksBCN outlined it.
Let me break it down some more, and I'll even use the same stock blue OEM.

And I'll prove it's not some camera focal length bullshit. If it were true, NONE of the front end of the car would match up considering the angle at which the car is shown.

If you change the focal length and angle in the Forza shot so that the back and side of the car matches up with the real pic, then the front end of the Forza s2k will be protruding out more; it won't match up with the real thing due to the differing proportions of the modelling. It's the same thing that happened in Forza 1-2-3-4-H
If you guys don't see what me and Sparks is talking about now then I give up explaining.
All this just to prove that the car models, are indeed, not remodelled from scratch...