Valkyr Junkie
Is there a good chance Dany and Jon will get down this episode? I hope so.
there was that one scene in the trailerof someone on a boat reaching a shore, then getting out of the boat and falling to their knees. I think that is Theon.
Maybe Gendry is back at Kings Landing? He's probably the one that helped build the giant crossbow?
Is Genry just a meme at this point, or is there a chance he's actually coming back?
Maybe, but if Jon ever finds out that he fucked his aunt he ain't gonna be happy.
They wouldn't have done a Hot Pie cameo if they weren't gonna bring back Gendry.
Maybe, but if Jon ever finds out that he fucked his aunt he ain't gonna be happy.
you kids with the incest talk, its like game of thrones is set in shelbyville and everyone is looking for an attractive cousin
Is there a good chance Dany and Jon will get down this episode? I hope so.
Dany's like "Bend the knee." and Jon is like "No u."
And then Jon was a Targaryen
Dany's like "Bend the knee." and Jon is like "No u."
And then Jon was a Targaryen
I just realized that to date, Stannis Baratheon is the only general/ruler to realize that killing the leader of a giant army (Renly) will demoralize and defeat that army without having to kill them.
I just realized that to date, Stannis Baratheon is the only general/ruler to realize that killing the leader of a giant army (Renly) will demoralize and defeat that army without having to kill them.
I just realized that to date, Stannis Baratheon is the only general/ruler to realize that killing the leader of a giant army (Renly) will demoralize and defeat that army without having to kill them.
Fair enough on the last point, but I thought Rhaegar had defeated Dayne at Harrenhall (when he spurned his wife for Lyanna), and also at a tournament before that too, or was that just jousting/some other type combat?
Okay fine, but it still worked. Dany should ride a dragon into King's Landing and roast Cersei as she's walking out of the red keep one day.
Dany's like "Bend the knee." and Jon is like "No u."
And then Jon was a Targaryen
Flying a dragon down to the Red Keep in an attempt to one shot Cersei, is the Westerosi equivalent of launching a nuke into Damascus to get at Assad.
I can't wait for Jorah to come back just in time for Daenerys and Jon's wedding
And ineffect everyone with greyscale :')
Tourney win vs real fighting is completely different.
I'm not going to bring up the books but Rhaegar is not even a challenge to guys like Jaime, Arthur and Barristan. Those 3 are elite level with Arthur and Barristan being even better than Jaime.
For example, when Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Gerold Hightower tells Ned in season 6 that "The usurper would be lying beneath the ground if we had (been at the trident)". He's not kidding.
By that logic, Rhaegar never had a chance to beat Robert due to Robert's strength. He was very good but not elite level.
Jon is a people pleaser. He'll do whatever it takes to fight the wights. He'll bend the knee to show that he doesn't put himself above the greater good and Dany will be like "holy shit you really are a noble man who cares about the cause. Here's the dragonglass, now ride my dragon back north." And then Sansa will call him a bitch in front of all the Lords and Ladies for bending the knee while Littlefinger leans against that same wall.
Good info, thanks.
Watching s3, why did Shae eventually betray Tyrion?
I always felt like that was totally unearned. I guess it's like she was doing whatever she had to to survive, but yeah it always felt cheap and manipulative from a writing standpoint.
Watching s3, why did Shae eventually betray Tyrion?
the Starks never played to win the iron throne. Maybe Sansa, but that's it. Ned didn't want the iron throne, he just wanted to do what was right. Robb didn't want the iron throne, only justice for what happened to Ned.Is Genry just a meme at this point, or is there a chance he's actually coming back?
edit: I don't see it happening unless a bittersweet ending means Westeros burns to the ground and the families with it... The only way to win is not to play?
only way to keep the juice strong is by inbreeding???Lol That's Aegon the Conquer and his sister wives. Got to keep that dragon juice strong bro. You think they rode three fully grown dragons by asking them nicely? The Valyrians clearly had some magical connection with their dragons, and that connection is tied to their blood.
Watching s3, why did Shae eventually betray Tyrion?
King's Landing - possible nuke area
Well I mean how else would you keep dragon magic bloodline going from parent to child without diluting it? If their blood allowed them to ride dragons and have them be chill with them, I don't fault the Valyrians attempting to keep the magic going.only way to keep the juice strong is by inbreeding???
edit: sorry for double post