Well, they're trying to convince them that there is an army of the dead coming and they already have a hard time believing that. Can you imagine what they would think if they also added "well, this guy got stabbed to death and came back to life"?
Dany went into funeral pyre and walked out of it alive. She lit a room full of dudes planning on raping and selling her into slavery on fire, and walked out of it untouched. Now I know that people in Westeros might not know that about her, and the only person in Westeros to witness both deeds being Jorah, but I would imagine that Dany wouldn't be too shocked about what happened to him. That could have even been an ice breaker moment between the two of them.
"What, in the heart and everything and you came back?! Wow! I don't have anything that cool, actually yeah I do...so there they were sitting around debating if they were going sell me, rape me, or do both, and I was like no you little losers...yeah yeah, the big lit cauldron I told you in the middle of the room. Grabbed it with both hands and knocked it over, 'oops!'...I come out of the inferno and I could just imagine a theme song playing in my mind, 'DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN! DUN! DUN! DUN! DUN! Dundun dededun Dundun dededun doodoodoo dooo do doo doodoodoo dooo DO deDOO'...Oh it was fucking glorious mate...nothing too fancy with yours? Oh just some words and you woke up? That's still awesome. You came back, I can't be burned, can we fuck already?!"
I think he may end up being immune to heat and fire like Dany is. Not all Targyerans are (RIP Viserys) but the show could be taking the position that Targyreans who are touched by magic are. Dany by the dragons being born, and Jon by being resurrected by R'hllor.
Dany was showing signs she couldn't be burnt long before the dragons were born though.
I think with the starks by his side especially sansa they can convince robin to side with them, or get lady mormont to beat his ass.
Lady Mormont being betrothed to Robin would be genius level play by the North. Have the Vale run by an ally (let's be honest, she'd be the true power there), and hopefully get Edmure back to running the Riverlands.
So, would we prefer Jon bend the knee? Or was he right to refuse? What harm would it do? I mean does he just not trust that she's the rightful queen? It sounded like it. Like he has plans on taking that throne for himself or his sister. At least Tyrion was able to convince her to just let him have the Dragonglass. All she wants is King's Landing so I'm sure she knows later once she has the throne she'll be able to force him to kneel if she needs to. At least in her mind. I dunno. I'm just talking out my butt.
Did you see how those lords of the North reacted when Jon told them he's going south? They'd riot if he came back and told them he bent the knee. I can't wait to see their reaction when they find out what Jon truly is.
Yeah, Dany is losing people right and left because of Euron. God he's a magnificent bastard. But I still think she can win.
Also, I loved the introduction scene as Missandei takes forever to introduce Dany...
"You are standing in the presence of Danerys Stormborn of House Targaryn, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains...."
"This is John Snow........... He's King of the North."
What's funny to me, is that the bit all the way to "...Protector of the Seven Kingdoms" is used as protocol when introducing Westerosi monarchs and claimants to the Throne. Ser Davos himself made that same proclamation when he introduced Stannis to the Iron Bank, right after the head guy called him, "lord Stannis." The bits after that point are her true accomplishments. She is unburnt, she is the breaker of chains, she is the mother of dragons, etc. So why does it bother people that Missandei (she's the only one who does this) does exactly what Davos and others have continuously done for other reagents?
Here's the Davos Iron Bank scene in case it's been forgotten that he too can also throw out titles.