Suffice to say, there's enough divergence that even having watched the show the book's worth reading.
He was awful to Theon in that scene.
Exactly, so why are you spoiling it for those that plan to read the books?
Everyone is awful to Theon in every scene.
If you consider that a spoiler, there's no hope for humanity.
And the book discussion was already present in the thread.
That particular plotline is very different in the book and doesn't have to reconcile Littlefinger being a misinformed idiot in order to make it work. (As Sansa isn't even involved.)
It's far less clumsy in execution.
If you consider that a spoiler, there's no hope for humanity.
And the book discussion was already present in the thread.
- ABSOLUTELY NO BOOK DISCUSSION. It doesn't matter if it's under spoiler tags, book discussion should not be in this thread. Use the other thread for book-related television discussion. This includes alluding to things, subtle hinting, COMPARING THE BOOKS TO THE SHOW, etc...
Seriously? Am I the idiot here? Because the quote below, from you, looks like a fucking book spoiler.
Sure. Stop quoting me and I will.It's not hard. Stop.
Exactly, so why are you spoiling it for those that plan to read the books?
I have spoiled nothing in the book as I never said how that plot line plays out other than to say it doesn't happen like it does in the show.
Doesn't spoil what Sasa is doing, doesn't spoil what's going on politically or why etc.
Only on the most vapid surface level can it possibly be considered a spoiler.
Nah that's not right. Ned took it to King's Landing and it was eventually used to behead him.
He does say he isn't seeing them well right now, like if they are fragments, so hopefully we get some more montagey visions like we got a while back. Maybe some full scenes like before once he starts getting better at it.
Lol. Did anyone else get the impression from that exchange that the old three eyed raven was an older version of Bran?In case this wasn't posted:
Is there anything you'd like to see or anything you expect to see from his visions?
I have a feeling that we're only going to get to see them if they're related to the impending WW invasion with the pace the story is moving at.
I'd love to see him go back to when the wall was being built.
But you're right about the fragments, Bran might have really only seen the wedding itself, not knowing how the rest of the night went for Sansa.
I wonder how many wildling babies the Night King has turned into White Walkers over the years.
I'm curious much white walkers exist in his army.
Yeah, some stuff that happened thousands of years ago would be awesome. Maybe some more stuff with the Children of the Forest and the First Men.
I also really wanna see Lyanna and Rhaegar, too. I especially want them to confirm she wasn't kidnapped, which I'm 99.99% was the case, but I would love to see a scene with them being happy together or something.
This will probably be the big reveal of the season. I recall reading D&D still believe Jon's father's identity being a mystery.I think there's going to be at least one more huge twist that no one expects, something that alters what we though we knew such as the LF reveal in S4 or Jon being a Targ. Maybe it'l happen through a vision.
Everyone is awful to Theon in every scene.
This will probably be the big reveal of the season. I recall reading D&D still believe Jon's father's identity being a mystery.
I'd love to see flashbacks go bran the builder, seeing him build the wall and winterfell. I'd love to also see the meaning behind 'there must always be a stark in winterfell'.
Lol. Did anyone else get the impression from that exchange that the old three eyed raven was an older version of Bran?
Everyone is awful to Theon in every scene.
if they actually end up making the old 3ER and the Night King versions of time-travelling Bran, my mind will be properly blown [in a good way, unlike Aerys].
but at this point, i'm beginning to think the fan theories have gotten more interesting than the show itself.
I'm curious how this arrangement even came to be. Did the Night's King show up at Crastors and then draw him a picture in the snow as to what he wanted?
"No penis, you keep. With penis you give me. If do, you live. If not, you die. Deal?"
How would that work exactly? Bran is trying to put an end to Bran (stuck in another body) trying to put an end to all life?
The idea that Bran might be THE three eyed raven, both young and old is enough fuckery. Making him the NK as well would be real fucked up.
Bran being the one to fuck up the mad king would be cool as hell also.
Edit - though this could have been the first three eyed raven trying to warn the king of the others.
Bran being the one to fuck up the mad king would be cool as hell also.
Edit - though this could have been the first three eyed raven trying to warn the king of the others.
People already speculate that Bran is the first raven though, so if that's true (hopefully not) then it would be Bran either way.
No it wouldn't. It would show he didn't learn anything from what he did to Hodor.
I doubt it. Bran is Bran.
Thought this was pretty funny.
Guy who'd never watched the show trying to break down the most recent episode
This will probably be the big reveal of the season. I recall reading D&D still believe Jon's father's identity being a mystery.
I'd love to see flashbacks go bran the builder, seeing him build the wall and winterfell. I'd love to also see the meaning behind 'there must always be a stark in winterfell'.
How would that work exactly? Bran is trying to put an end to Bran (stuck in another body) trying to put an end to all life?
Thought this was pretty funny.
Guy who'd never watched the show trying to break down the most recent episode
Thought this was pretty funny.
Guy who'd never watched the show trying to break down the most recent episode
omg i love this.
"look at that throne, like, that doesn't even make sense - just sit on a chair".
"If this truly is a game of thrones, and the game is who has the crazier throne, the winner is Legolas Queen, her throne is nuts."
Thought this was pretty funny.
Guy who'd never watched the show trying to break down the most recent episode
Those books and scrolls Sam has to copy over are gonna be books and shit about white walkers, aren't they....