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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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In that inevitable battle, I guarantee the dragons will be the first to go.

Yep. This is the Night King we're talking about here. His army of the dead aren't going to run at the sight of dragons.

Plus Daenerys leans on those dragons like a crutch. She's going to have them pulled out from her at some point.


Of course they were down for it. They were down for it when the Mountain was raping and killing the Riverlands for Tywin, when the Lannisters were torturing and killing at Horrenhaal, when Euron on his own took Dorne and the Greyjoys out, when the Lannisters just wiped out the Tyrells and were looting the place of its gold and food, when they decided to beef up their armies with oath breakers and bigots, etc. But Dany shows up to bring decades of furious retribution down upon the Lannister ARMY after exhausting almost all her options, it's suddenly "OMG, LOOK AT HOW EGOMANIACAL AND TYRANNICAL THIS WOMAN IS!"

I bet you they were also frothing at the mouth when Dany told Jon she'd help him if he bent the knee this episode, while doing this,

when Jon gave damn near the exact same speech to Mance Rayder. Things are only ever a problem when Dany is in the picture. Arya bakes human and it's high fives and "fuck yeah Starks!" Dany looks at a slaver aggressively --> "can you believe the nerves she has?"

It's easy to win a debate against a vague 'they', you can just assign them all these opinions and make it seem like it's a sexism thing out of thin air.

I didn't give a shit about the Mance Rayder storyline, so I can't talk about that, but every other 'example' you gave is of a villain doing something villainous. People, including me, enjoy villains doing bad stuff because it's entertaining, including when they are women.

It isn't too hard to understand that the issue I've got is with how Dany is presented as a hero within the show, and yet her motivation is too selfish and her actions too aggressive for me to think she's heroic? If she wasn't The Biggest Fucking Deal, it wouldn't bother me, I just don't like the show telling me to cheer her on when I don't think she deserves it.

Basically, there's been a dissonance this season for me. I am seeing hints they might actually intend this, and be planning to change how Dany is seen in the show, so my problem isn't really even a problem, and I am realising now that I'm basically just arguing with her fans, which is pointless...


jon and dany are going to do it and then bran is going drop the megaton lol

then again...not like people care. everyone that matters knows about cersei and jaime at this point -_-. gotta put them on equal footing.


Im guessing 1 or 2 of the dragons will be killed by the Lannisters then gets revived by the Night King.

Fire Dragon vs Ice Dragon

Then both will merged into one and be named Jakiro.

Do it Volvo.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I would take the dragon off the field the moment I learn there's anti-air artillery, that was such a stupid risk.

I also don't know why she went for the food stores like you could capture that shit! I guess she wanted to spare some troops so she went for the supply lines but I would've done 50/50 at least.


semen stains the mountaintops
I kinda feel like the dragons won't be killed by the scorpion anymore since they dramatically used up a dragon getting hit by it in this episode. I would feel kinda repetitive, and less impactful, if it happens again but this time it actually kills one of 'em and more so if it's not Drogon.
At this point, the first 4 episodes have shown humanity wiping out important food stores and seriously reducing their capability to fight back against the white walkers by murdering each other in droves. Once winter sets in it could be devastating, depending on how the writers decide to portray the reality of it. It's a pyrrhic victory in a sense.

reality? GoT writers?


Neighbours from Hell
I think Dany will lose two dragons, but remember they are mythical creatures. I think Drogon will have a major importance in defeating the White Walkers. Both strategically, and in terms of the lore and stuff.

Unless there's another trick up their sleeve to be revealed or some method of defeating them we haven't heard yet, how else will they defeat their army without at least one Dragon being alive?


I would take the dragon off the field the moment I learn there's anti-air artillery, that was such a stupid risk.

I also don't know why she went for the food stores like you could capture that shit! I guess she wanted to spare some troops so she went for the supply lines but I would've done 50/50 at least.

should have burnt the infantry line instead of the food
It's easy to win a debate against a vague 'they', you can just assign them all these opinions and make it seem like it's a sexism thing out of thin air.

I didn't give a shit about the Mance Rayder storyline, so I can't talk about that, but every other 'example' you gave is of a villain doing something villainous. People, including me, enjoy villains doing bad stuff because it's entertaining, including when they are women.

It isn't too hard to understand that the issue I've got is with how Dany is presented as a hero within the show, and yet her motivation is too selfish and her actions too aggressive for me to think she's heroic? If she wasn't The Biggest Fucking Deal, it wouldn't bother me, I just don't like the show telling me to cheer her on when I don't think she deserves it.

Basically, there's been a dissonance this season for me. I am seeing hints they might actually intend this, and be planning to change how Dany is seen in the show, so my problem isn't really even a problem, and I am realising now that I'm basically just arguing with her fans, which is pointless...

Her advisors (who aren't infatuated with her... I'm looking at you Jorah and that other guy) have been having to move her away from acting on her more insane impulses for some time. Remember Selmy (who served under her father) when she crucified those slave masters? He knew the signs.

Both Varys and Tyrion can see it too.


I kinda feel like the dragons won't be killed by the scorpion anymore since they dramatically used up a dragon getting hit by it in this episode. I would feel kinda repetitive, and less impactful, if it happens again but this time it actually kills one of 'em and more so if it's not Drogon.

In the end it really was just a dumb ballista.
I kinda feel like the dragons won't be killed by the scorpion anymore since they dramatically used up a dragon getting hit by it in this episode. I would feel kinda repetitive, and less impactful, if it happens again but this time it actually kills one of 'em and more so if it's not Drogon.

From a plot standpoint it's more just to show that the dragons aren't invincible, as the entire war becomes pointless if we know the dragons can just sweep back and forth and set everyone on fire. There need to be stakes for Dany, too.


I would take the dragon off the field the moment I learn there's anti-air artillery, that was such a stupid risk.

I also don't know why she went for the food stores like you could capture that shit! I guess she wanted to spare some troops so she went for the supply lines but I would've done 50/50 at least.

Yeah, I dunno why they blew up all the food. I guess the logic is, it was intended for KL and they plan to put a blockade on the city to eventually starve them into surrender, but surely since she just destroyed the army that was escorting the food, it would have been hers to take anyway? It would never have gotten to King's Landing, and she just said earlier in the episode she's having trouble feeding her army.

Maybe this will be a plot point next episode - the Dothraki might not be happy she laid waste to the food they could have eaten after the battle.

Her advisors (who aren't infatuated with her... I'm looking at you Jorah and that other guy) have been having to move her away from acting on her more insane impulses for some time. Remember Selmy (who served under her father) when she crucified those slave masters? He knew the signs.

Both Varys and Tyrion can see it too.

Perhaps, yeah! Tyrion at least was certainly thinking 'Hmm...this isn't as uplifting as I'd expected' watching that battle unfold, even before he noticed Jamie. It seemed like more than just being horrified at war - he's seen war before - but perhaps this particular kind of carnage shook him. Varys on the other hand, I haven't noticed any indication he might be changing his mind yet, but he wasn't really in this episode.

Next episode should be very interesting with all of this stuff.


Yeah, I dunno why they blew up all the food. I guess the logic is, it was intended for KL and they plan to put a blockade on the city to eventually starve them into surrender, but surely since she just destroyed the army that was escorting the food, it would have been hers to take anyway? It would never have gotten to King's Landing, and she just said earlier in the episode she's having trouble feeding her army.

Maybe this will be a plot point next episode - the Dothraki might not be happy she laid waste to the food they could have eaten after the battle.

I think Dany's just a bit shit when it comes to strategy.


It's also entirely possible that Jon never actually learns he is part Targaryan. Only Bran knows, and he may not care enough to bring it up to him. He may never even see Jon again, depending on where the story goes.

There is still a chance that the truth can be unveiled without Bran´s help and it was already hinted in the preview for episode 5

Jon stands in the front of the dragon and I bet he can touch him. So the question is: Why the fuck can he interact with a dragon when he is not a Targaryan? Answer: He is Targaryan *boom*


Great episode.

Nice win for Daenerys, she needed that.

I was expecting her Dragon to get killed when we saw that - when targeted by arrows - it protects the rider with its chest. Scorpion bolt to the chest might have really hurt that beast.

The fact that Dany now knows they have this kind of weaponry will make her act more cautiously as a dragon rider. So Cersei totally lost her "say hello to my little friend" moment.
Which is another advantage in Dany's court. Sure, now we know that 'dragons can be hurt'. But we knew that before.

For as much that has happened in this episode, it's rather silly that none of the named characters got killed (not even one of the Tarly's).

No way. Thicc plot armor.

Which you'll see him haven taken off at the beginning of next episode. Can't swim with armor. ;)
I kinda feel like the dragons won't be killed by the scorpion anymore since they dramatically used up a dragon getting hit by it in this episode. I would feel kinda repetitive, and less impactful, if it happens again but this time it actually kills one of 'em and more so if it's not Drogon.

Cersei could lay some sort of trap like invite Dany to some meeting to discuss a peace while they deal with the NK. I feel like we haven't seen the last of the ballista. Maybe now that I think of it, one dragon will get killed by Cersei, and the other by the NK, and Dany will have one left (maybe Drogon afterall) against the NK's uh wraith ice dragon (?).

7he Talon

I kinda feel like the dragons won't be killed by the scorpion anymore since they dramatically used up a dragon getting hit by it in this episode. I would feel kinda repetitive, and less impactful, if it happens again but this time it actually kills one of 'em and more so if it's not Drogon.
I wonder if the Night King will get a hold of a dragon (one of Dany's) somehow down the line.


In the end it really was just a dumb ballista.

Pretty much. It's like Qyburn forgot that it didn't just have to go through bone but also hide, muscle, and sinew. Oops.

Anyway, let's assume that Jaime becomes a prisoner (again, lol). Anyone think Tyrion would betray Dany and help Jaime escape just as Jaime helped Tyrion escape Kings Landing all those moons ago? I just feel like there's something that's going to lead to a bad end between Tyrion and Dany.

He looked pretty dead to me at the end.

Unless he's just KO and the next episode begins with one of those blurry, ringing-in-the-ear, shell-shocked sequences, with Jaime waking up and swimming to the surface.

My biggest problem with that scene was the water seemed way too deep compared to where Bronn pushed him in. Jaime was sinking way too much for being just at the shoreline. If it was deep water, his gold hand and full armor will definitely be a problem when it comes to swimming.


I love Pokken!



Stark family reunion, a song of caves and sexual tension, dragon nuclear warfare

This entire episode was fanservice

Yeah but the entire series has been building up to this stuff. There really isn't very many hours left to get it all in so I expect it to be fairly back to back at this point
Yeah, I dunno why they blew up all the food. I guess the logic is, it was intended for KL and they plan to put a blockade on the city to eventually starve them into surrender, but surely since she just destroyed the army that was escorting the food, it would have been hers to take anyway? It would never have gotten to King's Landing, and she just said earlier in the episode she's having trouble feeding her army.

Maybe this will be a plot point next episode - the Dothraki might not be happy she laid waste to the food they could have eaten after the battle.

Perhaps, yeah! Tyrion at least was certainly thinking 'Hmm...this isn't as uplifting as I'd expected' watching that battle unfold, even before he noticed Jamie. It seemed like more than just being horrified at war - he's seen war before - but perhaps this particular kind of carnage shook him. Varys on the other hand, I haven't noticed any indication he might be changing his mind yet, but he wasn't really in this episode.

Next episode should be very interesting with all of this stuff.

With regards to Varys: I suppose not yet but he's very observant, more so than others, so it can't have escaped him.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Death by fire is the purest death, Heshinsi. I knew you'd come to understand this.

Just this once, I'll high five on this point lol.

Decades of retribution? Her father was an insane asshole that burnt the heads of great houses alive and broke faith with allies. Among her detractors there isn't love for her because her lust for power is based on nothing but birthright. The fact that she needs constant guidance to not burn masses of people alive should tell you why she isn't so well liked.

Probably because they were so adamantly protecting the caravan.

Yeah decades sounds about right for all the fuckery the Lannisters have done to people in Westeros. From the the Reins, to the Martells and the citizens of KL when they sacked the city, to the Starks, the Riverlords, the Tyrells. Seeing the Lannister army get fucked like that, probably has a good deal of Westerosi people drinking celebratory shots in taverns all over the continent.


Why did Daenerys burn all the food when she complained about the captured supplies being stolen from them? That wasn't just about not being able to starve out King's Landing anymore. How is she feeding her army? They probably brought some over the Great Sea, but that couldn't have been much.


Why did Daenerys burn all the food when she complained about the captured supplies being stolen from them? That wasn't just about not being able to starve out King's Landing anymore. How is she feeding her army? They probably brought some over the Great Sea, but that couldn't have been much.

Burn the food the Lannisters intended to use for surviving a siege and scatter the army that would defend against the siege with fire. Food can be got other places, but everyone in King's Landing isn't going anywhere. Hungry people don't make supportive subjects, especially when the other side readily demonstrates they don't need your food and can horrifically burn your army alive.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Why did Daenerys burn all the food when she complained about the captured supplies being stolen from them? That wasn't just about not being able to starve out King's Landing anymore. How is she feeding her army? They probably brought some over the Great Sea, but that couldn't have been much.

How does she take that food across to Dragonstone without putting her forces at a risk for ambush? Plus, how would she know exactly what those caravans were carrying? All she knows is that High Garden got sacked. To her, those caravans are transporting Lannister spoils of war back to King's Landing. There's nothing strategically wrong with destroying what you perceive as your enemy's war loot.


Day 2: The lady with the flying dragons and who is impervious to flame is starting to believe me about White Walkers. The child-like paintings on the wall really did the trick.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Day 2: The lady with the flying dragons and who is impervious to flame is starting to believe me about White Walkers. The child-like paintings on the wall really did the trick.

Day 3: Weather forecast here in Dragonstone calls for 8 inches of Snow.
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