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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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IMO Jamie is the big reveal in the entire series. He will be the prince that was promised. His lack of writing is actually a clue, slight of hand etc.. etc.. There are many other hints, including Ed Sheeran's song about the gold hand man, a lover and other prophesies discussed on the show.

But you are to be distracted by the R+L=J reveal last season and that somehow either Dany or Jon being bigger characters means they'll be involved in the final twists near the end. GRR ain't this dumb, Dany and Jon being in the forefront of this season as war and winter arrives to Westeros is again, all part of the big diversion.

Look deeper, peal back the layers.

This really would be awesome and totally unexpected on my part. I'm team Jamie for life!


I don't understand the whole Bron jumping problem. When the dragon first roasts a group of soldiers it's maybe 2 soldiers wide, just enough for a line of horses to run through. You telling me a person can't jump that? The spread of fire is not that large at all.

I'm still amazed that people are breaking out maps and trying to determine timetables based on the distance traveled. If that's what interests you then wait 10 years for the next two books to be released and you can read all about how people broke their fast for weeks between anything of significance happening.

Two soldiers wide?


The flames are much wider than all the wagons as he goes past.

And is it really that amazing people are trying to figure out what's happening? The show went to a lot of detail making sure things fit and made sense and that this was a very grounded, realistic series for the first 4 or so seasons.


Not being put to death is good payment lol. Still on the real Bronn is a soldier of fortune, hope he gets his castle.

when they started talking about how still wanted a castle, i had a feeling that bron was going to bite the dust.

i feel thats why the battle scenes are so i dont know, compeling. they remind you of bronn and his dreams and stuff, it would be par of the course to kill him, but they didnt?

it was great. also people saying that they came out without a scratch of the dragon fire, we really dont know, maybe bronn lost a leg or something


IMO Jamie is the big reveal in the entire series. He will be the prince that was promised. His lack of writing is actually a clue, slight of hand etc.. etc.. There are many other hints, including Ed Sheeran's song about the gold hand man, a lover and other prophesies discussed on the show.

But you are to be distracted by the R+L=J reveal last season and that somehow either Dany or Jon being bigger characters means they'll be involved in the final twists near the end. GRR ain't this dumb, Dany and Jon being in the forefront of this season as war and winter arrives to Westeros is again, all part of the big diversion.

Look deeper, peal back the layers.

That would be a twist. Jon may convince Dany to to fight the WW. They may die in this process. Jamie kills Cersei.


Was anyone else pissed off at the ending? Like why was Jamie just sinking down, not trying to get back to the surface? I didn't get that part.

My impression of that scene was it was kind of a metaphor for how he was feeling. Like he's feeling overwhelmed and realizing how much Dany fucked them up and how they may not actually have a chance against her. He was watching helplessly as everyone who was there with him was being decimated.

I fully expect him to be fine next episode but I think they wanted to end on him just being like "well fuck".
Was anyone else pissed off at the ending? Like why was Jamie just sinking down, not trying to get back to the surface? I didn't get that part.

He's in armor. That's to be expected. That being said. he looks like he was in about 30' of water, and he couldn't have fallen more than 5'-10' from where his horse was just riding though. That shit was annoying.

I really hope they continue down this path of Dany maybe not being virtuous when it all comes down to it. Jon and Dany riding dragons and saving the day has been predicted since like season 1 or 2. It would be a nice way to keep people on their toes. I feel the Devos scene where he asks Missandei if she's free to leave was .... interesting.

Loved all the reunions.

EDIT: also I knew RDreamer was going to take issue with the timeline between Dany and Jon and the battle happening. I feel like some time passed though. This is evidenced by the gold making it to King's Landing by the time the Dothraki showed up.
IMO Jamie is the big reveal in the entire series. He will be the prince that was promised. His lack of writing is actually a clue, slight of hand etc.. etc.. There are many other hints, including Ed Sheeran's song about the gold hand man, a lover and other prophesies discussed on the show.

But you are to be distracted by the R+L=J reveal last season and that somehow either Dany or Jon being bigger characters means they'll be involved in the final twists near the end. GRR ain't this dumb, Dany and Jon being in the forefront of this season as war and winter arrives to Westeros is again, all part of the big diversion.

Look deeper, peal back the layers.

That'd be pretty cool. Fantasy or otherwise, Jon feels like the sort of character who would be set up to be the White Knight/Hero who saves everyone so subverting that by having him die to the White Walkers and have Jaime kill Cersei and then war with Dany as she becomes the Mad Queen(to be)...

It would make Jaime at least more interesting than an eternally disappointing idiot who makes choices to stick with Cersei that feel more a case of the writers wanting him to do it rather than anything logical.


If Dany recognizes Bronn as the man who shot her baby, do y'all think she'll let him live, even if he's willing to bend the knee?


"playing" dumb? unpossible
IMO Jamie is the big reveal in the entire series. He will be the prince that was promised. His lack of writing is actually a clue, slight of hand etc.. etc.. There are many other hints, including Ed Sheeran's song about the gold hand man, a lover and other prophesies discussed on the show.

But you are to be distracted by the R+L=J reveal last season and that somehow either Dany or Jon being bigger characters means they'll be involved in the final twists near the end. GRR ain't this dumb, Dany and Jon being in the forefront of this season as war and winter arrives to Westeros is again, all part of the big diversion.

Look deeper, peal back the layers.

So is "Prince" being used as a figure as speech? Jaime was neither born a prince, nor is he one right now.


Two soldiers wide?


The flames are much wider than all the wagons as he goes past.

And is it really that amazing people are trying to figure out what's happening? The show went to a lot of detail making sure things fit and made sense and that this was a very grounded, realistic series for the first 4 or so seasons.

What discussion can really be had though?

"Why wasn't Bronn roasted by the flames?"

"Because he jumped out of the way."

"But the flames were HUGE!"

"Not huge enough to burn him."

"Grrr! I'm not satisfied!"

I mean...what do you want? A diagram?


The most fitting fate for Jon IMO would be he become the new Night King and lead the undead so that they stop disturbing mankind forever.
Bronn is awesome as fuck, but there isn't much more left for him to do. They're obviously saving Jamie for a much bigger death/moment. I hope some of the theories about him are true.


Can the Brotherhood + Hound make a stop at Winterfell, please. Need to see a Hound/Arya/Brienne scene. And he can backup Bran's vision's about LF's betrayal to Ned, and get LF's downfall underway.


Bish loves my games!
What discussion can really be had though?

"Why wasn't Bronn roasted by the flames?"

"Because he jumped out of the way."

"But the flames were HUGE!"

"Not huge enough to burn him."

"Grrr! I'm not satisfied!"

I mean...what do you want? A diagram?

This is the edgy internet. Yes he probably wants a diagram.


What discussion can really be had though?

"Why wasn't Bronn roasted by the flames?"

"Because he jumped out of the way."

"But the flames were HUGE!"

"Not huge enough to burn him."

"Grrr! I'm not satisfied!"

I mean...what do you want? A diagram?

Remember you are arguing with someone who thinks the show runners gave up or don't care for the show past season 3. That's right for the past 4 years they have been held hostage by HBO forced to work on this show, spending their entire lives either writing, producing, or running the show but they don't really care for it.


The only way this works is for LF to have included the assassin into Robert's entourage, with the express orders to make an attempt on the life of a Stark. That is still an incredible stretch.

I am obviously joking and speculating. Do we have any real hints about who tried to kill Bran?

I know at first watch the show presented it as Cersei being behind the attempt. If I remember it correctly, this was right after she pretends to care about Bran and talks with Momma Stark about kids and how she has lost kids.

Maybe she took the dagger from Tyrion and knew it would frame him.
bronn going to use a cheat code and somehow escape with holding jamie on the back of a horse he manages to get.

then euron shows up on a ghost ship, yells foul comments at dany and proceed to flood the plains with ocean water like some type of aquaman.


so what are the "dead houses", and other leftovers doing?

Dorne most likely has lots of people still living down there, including the army, since the ships didn't make it down there to bring back the army.

Riverlands should have some Frey armies left, despite the lords and leaders all dead, could they return to supporting whatever Tully leftovers there are in the mid/north?

Any Baratheon Stormlands people chilling out? Didn't a bunch go home once Shereen was killed? Maybe when Gendry rows up he still has a decent crew just south of KL.

And most gigantically, the Vale is just relaxing either back out home or outside of Winterfell being all huge and in the best shape of all the armies.


I mean its obvious Jamie get's rescued by Danny and her men. He isn't going to just swim up or have Bronn save him cause he is drowning too.
when they started talking about how still wanted a castle, i had a feeling that bron was going to bite the dust.

i feel thats why the battle scenes are so i dont know, compeling. they remind you of bronn and his dreams and stuff, it would be par of the course to kill him, but they didnt?

it was great. also people saying that they came out without a scratch of the dragon fire, we really dont know, maybe bronn lost a leg or something
This dude is probably mentally exhausted as well as physically. Sure he didn't die, but sure as hell didn't come out unscathed.
I've been wondering is Tryion will save Jamie, much like Jamie did for him when Cersei was going to have him killed.

That's the plan I feel. They'll want any fans of Dany to immediately turn against her after she kills him for saving his blood brother. This show has done some crazy things. Tyrion would be the biggest death we've seen yet. Unless Jon counts...


I've been wondering is Tryion will save Jamie, much like Jamie did for him when Cersei was going to have him killed.

He is the spoil of the war.

Danny is going to lose it when Tyrion suggests not killing him and she already suspects him of not advising her properly to save his family.


I think it will be Cersei and Dany in the throne room literally fighting for the throne. Whoever wins becomes Queen through conquest. (That's how it works right?)

*Cersei used Mean Look* Dany is unable to escape!

*Dany used Flamethrower* It's super effective!


Fuck I just realised

The episode was called "The Spoils of War"

It's the only episode this season to get leaked in its entirety

People, therefore, began to spoil the war at the end of the episode

It's all a conspiracy, people!


Loved tonight's episode but my god does HBO Now's streaming quality suck absolute ass. It looked like I was watching a 480p YouTube rip with all the compression and motion artifacting going on.

This is why I have absolutely no sympathy whenever HBO whines about how much this show gets pirated. Charging a monthly fee for the streaming quality I had tonight should actually be considered criminal.
I'm on the same boat with HBO Nordic. Static scenes are tolerable, but the battle was a fucking blurry mess of pixels. Netflix is so much better it's not even funny.

People are getting a better experience by pirating than paying 10€ a month. Let that sink in.


I can totally see Tyrion trying to save Jamie and Bronn since those two are the reason he's still alive, and it'll definitely cause a rift between Tyrion and Dany.
My impression of that scene was it was kind of a metaphor for how he was feeling. Like he's feeling overwhelmed and realizing how much Dany fucked them up and how they may not actually have a chance against her. He was watching helplessly as everyone who was there with him was being decimated.

I fully expect him to be fine next episode but I think they wanted to end on him just being like "well fuck".

Yeah, that's what I felt from it, too. I actually remember thinking that it's how he's basically been acting for awhile now...defeated, kinda going through the motions. Even when Olenna did her drop-the-mic moment, he had a moment to do something terrible to her in retribution before the drug took place, but simply just stood there and walked out, like it wasn't even worth it anymore. He tried to be reasonable/kind, yet the shit cycle continues. It's just continuous shit now.

If Dany recognizes Bronn as the man who shot her baby, do y'all think she'll let him live, even if he's willing to bend the knee?

Well, she was pretty forgiving of Tyrion.


I'm on the same boat with HBO Nordic. Static scenes are tolerable, but the battle was a fucking blurry mess of pixels. Netflix is so much better it's not even funny.

People are getting a better experience by pirating than paying 10€ a month. Let that sink in.

Doesn't need any sinking in, that's how it's been since piracy was in its infancy lol.
What if it was Tyrion who convinced Dany to ride out with her dothraki and dragon? Not only does he has to watch his house burn, he'd be responsible for their doom.
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