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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Drogon descends from the clouds


He punches a hole for the cavalry to make a breach


Cut to Dany focused and raining down fury


Target lock...oops, was that the one with the food in it?


Bronn's plot armour magic


What we want to see in the future


You know I was thinking of the A-10 during that battle. The modern day dragon.


Jamie charging towards Daenerys and Drogon across a burning battlefield... probably one of the most epic single moments in the series. Fantastic.


This has got to be the most expensive episode yet right?

The episode had also some great shots, props to the director.

The ending was complete crap though. Cheesy hollywood garbage like that is exactly what I feared would happen when the books were over, and it's exactly what happened.


This has got to be the most expensive episode yet right?

The episode had also some great shots, props to the director.

The ending was complete crap though. Cheesy hollywood garbage like that is exactly what I feared would happen when the books were over, and it's exactly what happened.

I'm upset about that ending. That IS NOT Got.
Let that cliffhanger/plot armor shit to the Walking dead.

A shame, the rest of the episode was amazing.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished the episode and really thoroughly enjoyed it. Yay for Arya!

I really do kind of hate that Qyburn is so successful with his ideas and that it's really just a catapult that can do great harm to the dragons.


I'm upset about that ending. That IS NOT Got.
Let that cliffhanger/plot armor shit to the Walking dead.

A shame, the rest of the episode was amazing.
I just realized what was that felt different, yeah it's GoT, I expected a dead Jaime when I saw him charging, guess we aren't doing this any more...
Just finished the episode and really thoroughly enjoyed it. Yay for Arya!

I really do kind of hate that Qyburn is so successful with his ideas and that it's really just a catapult that can do great harm to the dragons.

It's probably more interesting if it's not some magical silver bullet that needs to be used to kill them, since that means they need to be used with care in combat.


Loved the battle. Once again we learn that air force is the shit.

A few things I dont like:

Bran feels like a god damned robot. Yes I know it is intentional from the writers, but his lack of communication is bothering me. This is an important time and Bran is all riddles and shit. Come on...

People love Arya's cockiness I for one do not. I dont like her style and the way she looks at people reminds more and more of that little cunt Joffrey.

Littlefinger cant die soon enough. I am tired of him for seasons now... he feels like the Underwood of GOT. The all knowing amazing schemer that somehow is planning everything without getting caught, as if he has some time machine. He is not a believable character, same as Underwood.

The part with Danny landing in the middle of the battlefield to remove the spear from Drogon is a moment deserving of the "you went full retard meme", but ok ok thats nitpicking.

All in all a great episode (and I felt we needed one, because the season felt kind of slow so far).


Okay but how does a barbaric law result in karma of being betrayed twice while doing the right thing and getting beheaded after there was a complicit agreement to spare his life?
To be fair, no one even considered him telling the truth, they called him a mad man.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
The part with Danny landing in the middle of the battlefield to remove the spear from Drogon is a moment deserving of the "you went full retard meme", but ok ok thats nitpicking.
I think that's more of Drogon forcing that landing more than anything.


I think that's more of Drogon forcing that landing more than anything.

Yeah, he couldn't fly with the spear in his shoulder. It was either pull it out or just stand there and do nothing.

You folks could be right, for some reason I remember Drogon flying for a good bit before landing and thought hey, you know, just go a few yards over there and land, instead of doing it in the middle of the battlefield.

Also, I want Danny to wear some type of armor, just for arrows and such.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
You folks could be right, for some reason I remember Drogon flying for a good bit before landing and thought hey, you know, just go a few yards over there and land, instead of doing it in the middle of the battlefield.

Also, I want Danny to wear some type of armor, just for arrows and such.
Yeah she needs armour. She can't go into battle like she's got a dinner date at 6pm.


The part with Danny landing in the middle of the battlefield to remove the spear from Drogon is a moment deserving of the "you went full retard meme", but ok ok thats nitpicking.

Wat? Drogon took a giant spear to the shoulder. He was lucky to land at all and not just slam into the ground.

"It was the dragons we bowed to! And now the dragons are dead!" - Great Jon Umber


But the Dragons could bow to Jon Snow...


Junior Member
Loved the battle. Once again we learn that air force is the shit.

A few things I dont like:

Bran feels like a god damned robot. Yes I know it is intentional from the writers, but his lack of communication is bothering me. This is an important time and Bran is all riddles and shit. Come on...

People love Arya's cockiness I for one do not. I dont like her style and the way she looks at people reminds more and more of that little cunt Joffrey.

Littlefinger cant die soon enough. I am tired of him for seasons now... he feels like the Underwood of GOT. The all knowing amazing schemer that somehow is planning everything without getting caught, as if he has some time machine. He is not a believable character, same as Underwood.

The part with Danny landing in the middle of the battlefield to remove the spear from Drogon is a moment deserving of the "you went full retard meme", but ok ok thats nitpicking.

All in all a great episode (and I felt we needed one, because the season felt kind of slow so far).

bran shift seems too sudden yes. he seemed normal even after leaving the cave you know happy to see benjen etc and now total emotionaless person etc

arya def agree with . the faceless men seem to thrive on blending in and arya seems to be announcing look at me im badass.
I think GoT is becoming more Hollywood as time goes on.

Jaime not dying in the middle of a huge battle or when he charges a dragon... in season 1 his head would have been bitten off.
I think GoT is becoming more Hollywood as time goes on.

Jaime not dying in the middle of a huge battle or when he charges a dragon... in season 1 his head would have been bitten off.
Maybe he shouldn't have been at that point to begin with but this close to the end of the show they can't afford to kill off a primary character without seeing through what I expect to be his ultimate redemption
when he kills the Mad Queen


I'm a bit miffed by the whole situation with Jaime. Since he didn't get incinerated I'm positive he's not dead. Which means 1) he's going to survive falling into deep water in full heavy armour and 2) he's going to somehow pop up out of the water and not be spotted by Dany and her dragon.

The only way this resolves well is if she fishes him out and takes him captive. If he gets away then my suspension of disbelief is going to break.


I think GoT is becoming more Hollywood as time goes on.

Jaime not dying in the middle of a huge battle or when he charges a dragon... in season 1 his head would have been bitten off.

Nah. Tyrion survived the Battle of the Blackwater. Sam killed a white walker. Sansa and The on survived jumping from Winterfell's wall. The show has always had its hero buffs.


I'm a bit miffed by the whole situation with Jaime. Since he didn't get incinerated I'm positive he's not dead. Which means 1) he's going to survive falling into deep water in full heavy armour and 2) he's going to somehow pop up out of the water and not be spotted by Dany and her dragon.

The only way this resolves well is if she fishes him out and takes him captive. If he gets away then my suspension of disbelief is going to break.

He's not going to get away but he's not going to die. He's a high value captive and I'm sure that's what is going to happen. Plus, we need Tyrion to say shit.


I think GoT is becoming more Hollywood as time goes on.

Jaime not dying in the middle of a huge battle or when he charges a dragon... in season 1 his head would have been bitten off.

To be fair in season 1, it would be all off screen and Tyrion and Varys will just talk about it afterwards. It's a different show now with different strengths; I'm ok with Jaime surviving that and seeing more of him up to the end. We are running low on good experienced actors as it is.
He's not going to get away but he's not going to die. He's a high value captive and I'm sure that's what is going to happen. Plus, we need Tyrion to say shit.

Yeah, his value as a captive way outweighs killing him. He's still the lord of Casterly Rock and the west, as well as the general of Cersei's forces.


Anyway what now for the Lannisters? Their army appears to be destroyed, they've lost the Rock, and they've no way to repay the Iron Bank any more. Only ally left is Euron. Hard to see where they go from here?
The dragons are looking so cool lately, next weeks preview, badass.

Nothing better happen to them! >:|

Hoping for a cool dragon + Jon moment.


I'm rewatching season 1 now and it really is an entirely different kind of show. All the seeds for what we're seeing now are there, all of them, but there are no battles, no magic (at least, not seen, only talked about as legend), and it's far less melodramatic - and it's STILL kind of melodramatic.

Not saying it's better, exactly. It's trashier, that's for sure. I forgot how gratuitous the sex scenes were. It's very heavy on exposition - this hasn't been needed for some time, but in these episodes it makes up most of the dialogue.

It's very interesting to watch with a fuller knowledge of the world and it's history, understanding the deeper motivations for the various characters. The Starks are nowhere near as sympathetic for me as they were back then, and they do actually seem like a pack of fuckin dummies at times. By episode 5, the closest thing to a villain on the show is Jamie. The world of the show is basically just Starks, Lannisters, and the political movers of King's Landing.

It's also kind of cozy. The world doesn't seem fucked up beyond all repair and people actually seem to enjoy their lives once in a while.


Anyway what now for the Lannisters? Their army appears to be destroyed, they've lost the Rock, and they've no way to repay the Iron Bank any more. Only ally left is Euron. Hard to see where they go from here?

The can repay the Iron Bank. Tarly says the gold got to KL before the attack started.


Anyway what now for the Lannisters? Their army appears to be destroyed, they've lost the Rock, and they've no way to repay the Iron Bank any more. Only ally left is Euron. Hard to see where they go from here?

I'm unclear on this one point - I understood the exchange between Jaime and Tarley to mean that the gold has already reached King's Landing, and the shit Dany was burning up was simply supplies for the troops on the trail. Is that inaccurate? I don't think she seized the gold? Did she?
I'm unclear on this one point - I understood the exchange between Jaime and Tarley to mean that the gold has already reached King's Landing, and the shit Dany was burning up was simply supplies for the troops on the trail. Is that inaccurate? I don't think she seized the gold? Did she?

Gold made it to Kings Landing, what we say was, iirc, army supplies and a ton of food.

What the Lannisters lost was some hundreds of troops, supplies, and potentially a few lords killed or captured.

The only pros are they got the gold the bank wanted, and they know their anti-dragon weapon works.
I'm sure Jaime will have survived, if they were going to kill him off I'm sure they'd show it, not leave a cheap hook at the end of the episode.

Plus, we need Tyrion, Jaime & Bronn to have a nice little chat, so much has happened since they last spoke.
People have a problem with plot armour for Bronn, Jamie, etc but not for Daenerys who literally has no problem walking nude through fire or Jon who is magically resurrected.

People survive terrible shit all the time. But the above? That clearly shows in this universe the gods have plans for specific people so why not for Bronn and Jamie? Prophecies are a thing in GoT and have come to pass for the likes of Cersei so it stands to reason there's a guiding hand at work with other characters.


Gold made it to Kings Landing, what we say was, iirc, army supplies and a ton of food.

What the Lannisters lost was some hundreds of troops, supplies, and potentially a few lords killed or captured.

The only pros are they got the gold the bank wanted, and they know their anti-dragon weapon works.

How injured is Drogon though? He seemed to get back in control of his flight before crashing, is it just a flesh wound? You're going to need a good few shots to kill a dragon. Plus they've shown their hand, Dany et al know the ballistas exist now.
How injured is Drogon though? He seemed to get back in control of his flight before crashing, is it just a flesh wound? You're going to need a good few shots to kill a dragon. Plus they've shown their hand, Dany et al know the ballistas exist now.

If it can injure a dragon, then it can kill one. It's just a matter of getting off a good shot.

And you know The red keep/kings landing/ any allied keep is going to be building these in mass. If one skilled user with one is a threat, how do you attack a keep with dozens of the things?

Or ships with them for that matter?

This changes the calculus on dragon use. She needs to make sure she takes these things out, or figures out some sort of defense. Just flying around burning stuff is asking for trouble.
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