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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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"playing" dumb? unpossible
Quoting myself for the new page.

I think that it meant that Bran would need her once he lives the tree house. So essentially from the moment where they get attacked to the moment where she got him to the wall. hence Bran's "I don't need you anymore."
You honestly think Cersei used succession to take the throne? She took the throne and crowned herself with the Lannister name, and there wasn't a damn thing anyone could do to stop her. She didn't use any legal means to become queen. But instead, using both direct and indirect means killed off the last ruling monarchs. Who the hell was going to challenge her? You saw that throne room during her coronation.

lol I know the insane logic of the show. Even medieval kings bowed to the law of god, which seems to have been thrown out the window in GoT. I'm not really arguing anything, it just feels a lot more contemporary than medieval.


I heard that some were whispering about Cersei having no right to the throne during the crowning afterparty, but it got super awkward when they started losing their faces so the talking stopped.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
lol I know the insane logic of the show. Even medieval kings bowed to the law of god, which seems to have been thrown out the window in GoT. I'm not really arguing anything, it just feels a lot more contemporary than medieval.

You're absolutely right that the show isn't following logic in places. Like Tarly stating that he came because his queen summoned him. He then goes on to state that he also knows what Cersei does to the people that she hates. Yet had he stayed loyal to the house he swore fealty to, what exactly could Cersei have done to him? Now his army got fucked two ways to sunday by Dany.

I heard that some were whispering about Cersei having no right to the throne during the crowning afterparty, but it got super awkward when they started losing their faces so the talking stopped.

A campaign of murder and fear.


"But guys, trust me when I tell you that the foreign Queen will be worse for you than me!"


"Oh this, it was a tragic accident...why am I smiling? Ah...Ser Gregor!"


"Woo, those were some tough questions. Ser Gregor, make sure no one gets the idea to ever ask them again."


I feel like it's basically written in stone that Arya kills LF with that dagger. It's too perfect to not happen. Chaos is a ladder until you introduce an unforseeable variable (for whom nothing is unforseeable.)

Bran is LF's worst nightmare. I just hope that's not all they use him for. That would suck.

It's a Valyrian steel dagger, it will do more than just kill LF.

My crazy thought is that Jon gets turned into a white walker and Arya stabs him in the heart with that dagger.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Maybe he can rally the Riverlands now that the Frays are dead, and join Jon and Dany, the true rulers of the Seven Kingdoms.

Yeah, and while that's happening Dorne gets off their asses and join the dream team as well lol. I think the Riverlands are out of the picture just as much as the - not touched by war - Dornish realm.

So something I noticed. The only other banners specifically shown during the Lannister march to KL, are the banners of House Tarly. No other Reach banners or forces are seen anywhere. Am I to assume that Randyll Tarly was the only one to turn on Olenna?


No way I guess I missed that part. What happened to it? Was there literally no point to that battle besides Jaimie running to Cersei and telling her how frightening the dragon was?

In the very beginning of the last scene, it was established that the gold was safe in KL. Directly after, the Dothraki and Dany/Drogon attack. The point of the battle was Dany needing to fuck someone up. That said, even though she destroyed her own army's food stores, she also compromised the enemy's.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
No way I guess I missed that part. What happened? Was there literally no point to that battle besides Jaimie running to Cersei and telling her how frightening the dragons were?

It was right before Tarly asked for permission to flog the stragglers. He told Jaime that the gold was safely through the capital's walls. No there was a point. A good chunk of the Lannister and Tarly army was curb stomped, she cut off supplies for Cersei's armies (it hurts her as well, but if smashing the Tarlys gives her back the reach, it balances out), she demoralises those who learn of the battle second hand, and she found out about the existence of the scorpion weapons.


It was right before Tarly asked for permission to flog the stragglers. He told Jaime that the gold was safely through the capital's walls. No there was a point. A good chunk of the Lannister and Tarly army was curb stomped, she cut of supplies for Cersei's armies (it hurts her as well, but if smashing the Tarlys gives her back the reach, it balances out), she demoralises those who learn of the battle second hand, and she found out about the existence of the scorpion weapons.

While she could not have known this beforehand, this was a relative win for her. The enemy has an anti-dragon weapon, and she knows about it with all dragons (ostensibly) intact.
It was right before Tarly asked for permission to flog the stragglers. He told Jaime that the gold was safely through the capital's walls. No there was a point. A good chunk of the Lannister and Tarly army was curb stomped, she cut of supplies for Cersei's armies (it hurts her as well, but if smashing the Tarlys gives her back the reach, it balances out), she demoralises those who learn of the battle second hand, and she found out about the existence of the scorpion weapons.

Yup really good point on the weapon. She definitely needed to get that info for future battles


word yeah I had no idea how important he would get as time went on but i'm glad he did and I didn't even know about the actor beforehand either but he is very good. which is why i hope we get more.

I feel you man, he should offer her marriage and have her be Queen in the north; even though Bran won't take the title of lord or king.

the way he smiled like a dad when he says to Jon,

Jon is universally loved, so is Missandei, Podrick, Brienne, Tormund...lots of characters.

Missandei is universally loved? wtf? The actress is ridiculously good looking but the character is totally dull. All her scenes with Grey Worm are the worst. Anybody who likes this character isn't thinking with their brain.


Characters like Missandei or Pod lean more towards inoffensive rather than being universally loved. And even then Missandei may very well be a stretch since apparently not everyone's into her romance with Grey Worm judging by one of the previous episodes. She's just... there.

You know who better damn well be universally loved? Lyanna Mormont.


That gif of the zombie mountain smashing a dude's brain pan and finally seeing a dragon in a real battle gets me thinking if we'll have him/it in legitimate combat this year. The Hound is still the guy to do it right? Lord of light lending a helping hand and all. But how does he find his way next to Cersei.
Dr. Branhattan


Also don't even get me started with Cersei. Its some BS that the people & guards sworn to King Tommen of Kings Landing that followed the high sparrow would witness the horror of the high sept and their king committing suicide ... and no form of rebellion would happen.
Hey you all remember when this happened in a TV show:

We're surely going to see a lot more of the dragons in battle before this is over. I wonder if this is where a lot of the budget is going, because they look completely superb. Probably the best dragons on film ever.

one thing I just realized when Jaime called Olenna a traitor...whether or not it has to do with him learning that Olenna killed Joffrey, Cersei killed the Queen. Margery was Queen, and Cersei killed her. Shouldn't that make her the Queenslayer? Why isn't anyone mad that Cersei killed a queen and made herself a queen? Why is the betrayal to the realm hidden?

Cersei seems to be running with the excuse that the explosion in the sept was an "accident" (she says so much to Mark Gattiss from the bank). Maybe it's known to have been her, but without any proof that's irrelevant.

So was all the gold destroyed?

It reached King's Landing before Dany's forces attacked.

No way I guess I missed that part. What happened to it? Was there literally no point to that battle besides Jaimie running to Cersei and telling her how frightening the dragon was?

Dany destroyed the food and resources they had stolen from the Tyrell lands. She destroyed part of Cersei's army (almost killing Cersei's main commander/protector in the process). She let King's Landing know she means business and avenged a series of small defeats. Now she just needs to take those dragons and burn that fucker Euron to ash.

That gif of the zombie mountain smashing a dude's brain pan and finally seeing a dragon in a real battle gets me thinking if we'll have him/it in legitimate combat this year. The Hound is still the guy to do it right? Lord of light lending a helping hand and all. But how does he find his way next to Cersei.

The Hound has to be the one to do it, but I'd really like Brienne give him a hand and for those two to realise they're much better as a team than opponents. Alternatively maybe they're building up Arya to take out The Mountain. She's unarguably one of the best sword fighters in the cast right now.

Also don't even get me started with Cersei. Its some BS that the people & guards sworn to King Tommen of Kings Landing that followed the high sparrow would witness the horror of the high sept and their king committing suicide ... and no form of rebellion would happen.

Probably enough of the forces/lords in Kings Landing were loyal to Cersei that she could take the throne relatively unopposed. I mean, would you argue with a woman who had the Zombie Mountain at her side?!


Also don't even get me started with Cersei. Its some BS that the people & guards sworn to King Tommen of Kings Landing that followed the high sparrow would witness the horror of the high sept and their king committing suicide ... and no form of rebellion would happen.

That's always been a weak point of the show, how common people being ruled over these various houses work. It doesn't stand up to even a cursory thought, like wtf is Dorne about?

The Hound has to be the one to do it, but I'd really like Brienne give him a hand and for those two to realise they're much better as a team than opponents. Alternatively maybe they're building up Arya to take out The Mountain. She's unarguably one of the best sword fighters in the cast right now.!

Nah, Arya is a sneaky assassin, you need the strength to cleave off appendages and most probably behead him.

I'm more interested to see if there's another scene with Brienne and Jaime than the Hound. But yea, there's a bunching of characters hanging around Winterfell with nothing to do: Brienne, Little Finger, Arya. I don't see Arya sticking around for more than another episode and Brienne's quest is over, it's time for them to move on.
any Davos fans out there? I wish this character got the same exposition that Tyrion gets. But the actor I think is not part of the main cast but the supporting cast which probably means he automatically has less lines and screentime.

But for however long he is there, I wish we could see him & Jon talk more. Just like how he and Stannis talked. Jon is younger and way less psycho than Stannis, and now that Davos is with him he should lighten up, which he has.

Davos loved Stannis, is he gonna love Jon too? With the tragic loss of his son, could Davos be a father to Jon for the winter war?
Davos is easily my favourite character now that Olenna is gone.


We're surely going to see a lot more of the dragons in battle before this is over. I wonder if this is where a lot of the budget is going, because they look completely superb. Probably the best dragons on film ever.

Battle of the Bastards and the Loot Train are the best war scenes so far in entertainment.
Battle of the Bastards and the Loot Train are the best war scenes so far in entertainment.

Hardhome is still my favourite. I love how frantic and desperate it felt. Especially at the end, after Jon has made his escape and the Night King rubs it in by reviving all of the fallen Night's Watchmen and Wildlings as wights and adding thousands to his own army. There's something brilliant and terrifying about this oncoming army of unstoppable creatures, and for every one of yours they kill they add it to their own forces.

I should watch the Battle of the Bastards again though. Technically and in terms of craftsmanship it's probably the most impressive fight scene ever filmed.


Deffo need to rewatch the episode, so much cool shit happening.

Can kind of see why the skipped the battles in ep 3.

Atomic Odin

Hardhome is still my favourite. I love how frantic and desperate it felt. Especially at the end, after Jon has made his escape and the Night King rubs it in by reviving all of the fallen Night's Watchmen and Wildlings as wights and adding thousands to his own army. There's something brilliant and terrifying about this oncoming army of unstoppable creatures, and for every one of yours they kill they add it to their own forces.

I should watch the Battle of the Bastards again though. Technically and in terms of craftsmanship it's probably the most impressive fight scene ever filmed.

Hardhome is most special just for these 3 moments



While she could not have known this beforehand, this was a relative win for her. The enemy has an anti-dragon weapon, and she knows about it with all dragons (ostensibly) intact.

I don't get this point.

It was there to be used. She would have always known about it after the first use of it. However, those ballistas have a much longer range than the dragons. If they mass-manufactured them then they'd be able to keep the dragons at bay (from the castles anyway).


Undead people I can remember are:

The Nightking

His generals, or his best warriors Sam and Jon fought against.

The horde of resurrected zombies, they didn't seem like fighters and lacked the blue eyes if I recall correctly.

The dudes on undead horses leading the march.

The blue eyed white walker children from the Pilot of GoT.

The Dungeons and Dragons looking skeletons.
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