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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Hardhome is most special just for these 3 moments




Completely agree; especially on the latter two. The bit when all of the wights just ran off the edge of the cliff when getting through the gate wasn't working was amazing. Amazing, and it showed that this was a relentless enemy who was very hard to kill.

How many White Walkers are there? I feel like they only show up in four, but we already had some of them die.

I think there are lots but the show has only really made a point of showing us the Night King and his 'generals'. It would be interesting to see more of them really. Like, I want to know how Crastor's boys factor into it. Do they grow up as White Walker teenagers? Do they hibernate and then rise, fully grown? Did the White Walkers do this with any other people? Are there any other ways of creating White Walkers?
Undead people I can remember are:

The Nightking

His generals, or his best warriors Sam and Jon fought against.

The horde of resurrected zombies, they didn't seem like fighters and lacked the blue eyes if I recall correctly.

The dudes on undead horses leading the march.

The blue eyed white walker children from the Pilot of GoT.

The Dungeons and Dragons looking skeletons.

All they need now is an Ice Dragon to complete the set. :)

They are already near unstoppable in strength and by their undead numbers, but if they kill and bring back one of the Dragons too, then our heroes would be in a really bad situation.


My crazy thought is that Jon gets turned into a white walker and Arya stabs him in the heart with that dagger.

As much as I like Jon they owe us his death. It was so cheap killing him only to bring him back with no repercussions at all. It's not like Drago where he came back a brainless zombie, Jon came back completely normal.

Killing Jon and making him a White Walker would be cool - especially if he's riding an ice dragon as well!
All they need now is an Ice Dragon to complete the set. :)

They are already near unstoppable in strength and by their undead numbers, but if they kill and bring back one of the Dragons too, then our heroes would be in a really bad situation.
Which seems very likely to happen I think. Would be a pretty badass moment to see the Night King just down one of them like it was nothing


All they need now is an Ice Dragon to complete the set. :)

They are already near unstoppable in strength and by their undead numbers, but if they kill and bring back one of the Dragons too, then our heroes would be in a really bad situation.

Totally obvious that there will be an ice dragon. I would avatar bet for that.


As much as I like Jon they owe us his death. It was so cheap killing him only to bring him back with no repercussions at all. It's not like Drago where he came back a brainless zombie, Jon came back completely normal.

Killing Jon and making him a White Walker would be cool - especially if he's riding an ice dragon as well!

The death has to come into play at some point. No way would they just kill him only to bring him back like nothing happened. I'd imagine that's season 8 stuff.

I guess the death could have been used as a device to get Jon out of the night's watch, but that being the only thing would be pretty lame.


The death has to come into play at some point. No way would they just kill him only to bring him back like nothing happened. I'd imagine that's season 8 stuff.

I guess the death could have been used as a device to get Jon out of the night's watch, but that being the only thing would be pretty lame.

I think it was that, plus getting Melly to back him, and the North to rally on him. I feel as long as LoL has need of him, there's no going white walker for Jon. What would be lame is having his whole parantage be a such a big deal only to have him end up as puppet for the Night King.
I think in one of the earlier seasons, I think it was 4, there was a scene where the Night King turns one of Craster's children and in the background you can see like 10 silhouettes. I always assumed those were White Walkers as well.


How many 'wives' did Castor have - a dozen, fifteen maybe? I got the impression his deal with the White Walkers had been going on for a while, so he'd probably supplied a fair number of babies.

I wonder how they communicated. The Night King must be able to talk, right?


i know it's been said many times that the humans built the wall to keep the white walkers out, but what if it was the other way around. that might be a cool twist.


Do you think the showrunners would completely change the end of the show compared to GRR Martin's final vision if his is incredibly bleak or the "bad guys" win? If they feel like they want to appease the fans of the show?


i know it's been said many times that the humans built the wall to keep the white walkers out, but what if it was the other way around. that might be a cool twist.

That has kinda been my theory for a while. The problem with that is that the wall has magic that doesn't allow white walkers to pass it. No matter who built it, it would be so freaking cool to see the walkers send the wall crumbling down.
There should be a bit where they capture Jon 'kill' him and try and make him a White Walker only to be like "NAANIIIIII?" when it doesn't work and he's like "Surprise motherf**kers!" cause he already died and then pwns them all.

The Lord of Light wills it.
Do you think the showrunners would completely change the end of the show compared to GRR Martin's final vision if his is incredibly bleak or the "bad guys" win? If they feel like they want to appease the fans of the show?

I would love it if the show ended in a "if only we worked together, we could've won" moment for humanity with Tyrion dying at the feet of the Night King surrounded by corpses.

What I expect is the polar opposite.
Hardhome is most special just for these 3 moments



Hard to pick between this and BOTB as the best battle. Loot Dragon Battle is definitely the next best thing though, makes 2.9 episode look like nothing in comparison or the Wildlings vs Night's Watch.

Sapochnik nailed the fuck out of Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards and The Winds of Winter.

I would love to see him back next season.
I've heard he's either back for two episodes or every single ep next season


So is Benjen Stark ever going to appear again? I don't remember if he died or not after saving Bran.

He said goodbye when they got to the wall.

He's un-undead so the same magic that prevents the walkers crossing the wall also keeps him North of it. He's off wandering the forest, fighting the walkers best he can.

7he Talon

So is Benjen Stark ever going to appear again? I don't remember if he died or not after saving Bran.
He survived and he said "I still fight for a living. I'll do what I can, for as along as I can" (ep 6x10) and then rode of until the forest. So I think he'll pop up again. Either when Jon and friends are on the other side of the Wall, or when the Wall falls.
Their lines of succession are a bit weird. In the real medieval world they would have gone to the ends of the earth to find the closest relative to Tommen rather than crown Cersei.
Or a bastard, maybe? But on the show Cersei is not going by Baratheon at all so I don't understand why the world legally sees her as a Baratheon as the opening credits indicate.
Lannister logic makes no goddamn sense. You're bound by oath to protect and avenge your liege lord, which would be Mace Tyrell for Olenna. Dickon, his father, and the Reach lords that turned, are the true betrayers.

Also, Cersei is Queen only by name for most of the Realm. Dorne hates her, the North hate her, the Riverlands is either neutralised or back in Edmure's hands who hates her, the Vale officially aligned with House Stark. So you've got the Lannisters, Euron, and the recently flipped Reach (who just had parts of their traitorous elements get fucked). No one but the Lannisters and their lackeys buys anything they have to say..
So she took it like a dictator and Jaime is just indoctrinated by Cersei at this point. She has no right to it and pretty much everybody knows it but she took it for herself coz no one was gonna stop her.
Don't bring this up when people bitch that Dany is the villain who has no right ruling.
Never - GAF the least of all places did I ever think I would see people rationalize what the Lannisters - especially Cersei, has done.
Missandei is universally loved? wtf? The actress is ridiculously good looking but the character is totally dull. All her scenes with Grey Worm are the worst. Anybody who likes this character isn't thinking with their brain.
I think LotusHD summed it up right, Missandei is more inoffensive than universally loved. I don't care about her character that much myself but I do like the romance she has with GW even if they show too much.
Cersei seems to be running with the excuse that the explosion in the sept was an "accident" (she says so much to Mark Gattiss from the bank). Maybe it's known to have been her, but without any proof that's irrelevant.
Was this ever actually explained? This seems to be the convenient assumption for us to make but for all I know, Westeros understands that Cersei takes what she wants with blood and fire. That's how she took the crown and Randyl Tarly knows it.
Davos is easily my favourite character now that Olenna is gone.
Are you upset at how little his role has been thus far compared to, say Tyrion?


Did Randyll Tarly die?
I thought there was one shot showing a bald man burning to death, near the water.
Didn't pay attention to the armour though


The Watchers on the Wall is still the best battle.


Neill Marshall fucking nailed it. That battle was a rollercoaster of emotions, from Pyp dying to an arrow shot by Ygritte, Jon vs. Styr, Grenn rallying the other Watchmen by reciting the oath while Mag is charging and with Ygritte dying and this beautiful shot:


But the panning shot when Jon jumps of the elevator is fantastic too.


So is Benjen Stark ever going to appear again? I don't remember if he died or not after saving Bran.

Not sure how useful benjen is anymore.

Maybe the night king takes control of him and get's the nights watch to let him in and then he kills them and let's the white walkers through the wall. idk


Hey wait, it's just now dawning on me... was the gold in the loot train still by the time Dany attacked? Or had it made it through the city gates?
Hey wait, it's just now dawning on me... was the gold in the loot train still by the time Dany attacked? Or had it made it through the city gates?

Tarly said the gold was through the gates of King's Landing before he started talking about whipping the stragglers to make them hurry.


Tarly said the gold was through the gates of King's Landing before he started talking about whipping the stragglers to make them hurry.
Gotcha, thanks. Not that it really matters a whole lot at this point, seeing as Cersei likely won't have much time to put together an army with it.


whats the chances of them filming the final 6 episodes and getting it all done by August 2018
I just hope we get the last season next year and not 2019
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