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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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Next Episode:
My Queen I have cured myself and came back to live the rest of my days at your side.

I Iov...


You know what? Fuck it! You sons of bitches got me on this kit Harington x Emila Clark shipping shit. They should bang in real life. Sorry Rose Leslie, it's just meant to be.


Everyone is talking about the fight scenes, but the baby -> Jon transition in The Winds of Winter with dat music and everything, legendary TV moment.
The build up to Cersei blowing up the sept at the beginning of the episode as well. Really hope he directs some episodes next season
I don't think Dany has ever had to win over an honest to God ally before. Everyone who serves her she has either had to subjugated or had hem dropped in her lap. Diplomacy with actual good people seems new to her.
Yeah I definitely feel the same way. All the gold already making its destination takes away from how much of a hit that battle could've been. And like you said it's so convenient how there are soldiers still there on the battlefield when they took care of their objective already.

Getting the gold might have been Cersei's main objective in assaulting Highgarden. Makes sense that they'd retrieve that, load it up into the wagon and then rush that ahead, back to King's Landing to settle all debts and pay off the bank. It probably had an entourage of its own, but they wouldn't assign the whole army to protect it when the requirement was haste.

Then you have the bulk of the army - it was probably an easy victory over the Tyrell forces but they've just won a significant victory for their queen, and you also have dozens if not hundreds of other wagons whose job was to gather crops and supplies from the Tyrell territory. Makes more sense to keep the army around for this, especially if there's likely to be any resistance from the citizens or anyone still loyal to the Tyrells. Then, once that is done the army escorts the caravan back to King's Landing, predominantly in a rearguard formation which is when Dany attacked. This makes sense to me and I don't feel like it's contrived or unrealistic.


They're never going to have Dany kill all the Lannisters because it removes the main fighting force the human villain of the show has.

I can see the Lannisters being so scared of Dany though that they're unlikely to enter into battle with her again.
Anyone know what the Lannister and Tarly's combined strength is in numbers?

I don't think we have a particularly solid grasp on army sizes at the moment. I think Davos said there were under 10,000 soldiers in the North. There were, I think, 30,000 Unsullied to begin with but I wouldn't be surprised if that number is about half given all of the battles since Dany gained their loyalty. No good ideas on the Dothraki numbers but I felt like it was an extremely large number - like maybe two or three hundred thousand (in total; not just soldiers). The Wildlings must be just a few hundred by now. I don't think the Vale had huge numbers. The Tyrell forces must have been largely wiped out or sworn to Cersei. No idea about the Frey forces, and we've never really got a clear idea about Dorne. Who knows about the Lannister armies or reserves they have the ability to call on, but it's probably not as big as Dany's forces.


I don't think we have a particularly solid grasp on army sizes at the moment. I think Davos said there were under 10,000 soldiers in the North. There were, I think, 30,000 Unsullied to begin with but I wouldn't be surprised if that number is about half given all of the battles since Dany gained their loyalty. No good ideas on the Dothraki numbers but I felt like it was an extremely large number - like maybe two or three hundred thousand (in total; not just soldiers). The Wildlings must be just a few hundred by now. I don't think the Vale had huge numbers. The Tyrell forces must have been largely wiped out or sworn to Cersei. No idea about the Frey forces, and we've never really got a clear idea about Dorne. Who knows about the Lannister armies or reserves they have the ability to call on, but it's probably not as big as Dany's forces.

I've been trying to wrap my head around army numbers. I don't really care about the numbers in the north (including the Vale) because they are tied up with the White Walkers and frankly numbers in that fight are less important than tactics, strategy and dragonglass.

In the South, I honestly don't know who has a viable fighting force left. Cersei has the gold cloaks, some Lannisters and that's it? The Freys and Tarlys are broken and leaderless right now. Dorne and Highgarden are probably reeling from losing their entire royal houses as well. The Unsullied are presumably in a standoff with Euron in Lannisport.

That really leaves the Dothraki which are impressive cavalry, but not much in the way of infantry which is needed to attack castles and hold ground. Not very useful except in an open field. So neither side has the ability to wage a major offensive right now, which is why the next battle may be more personal. Assassin or other nefarious tricks maybe?


I kinda bothers me how Jon snow doesn't really seem to have any real flaws. Did he ever make any real stupid descisions or something like that?


I kinda bothers me how Jon snow doesn't really seem to have any real flaws. Did he ever make any real stupid descisions or something like that?

Plenty. Can't kill a enemy cause she's pretty, trusts people too much so he gets stabbed, can't follow orders even when told, nosey, broods alot, doesn't listen to sound advice at times by people he trusts, etc.
I kinda bothers me how Jon snow doesn't really seem to have any real flaws. Did he ever make any real stupid descisions or something like that?
The best example has to be The Battle of the Bastards. The Stark-Free Folk alliance should have been decimated that day.

Although to be fair, he would never have guessed House Arryn would support his cause.


So after fucking his Cousin in Silent Hill Revelation you now want Harrington to fuck his Aunt, eh?

You're some weird motherfuckers.


semen stains the mountaintops
He also literally got killed because he couldn't convince the Night's Watch he was doing the right thing.

And from the point of view of Olly, he was doing a pretty shitty thing. Oh, I'm supposed to be your trainee/squire/whatever but now you want me to team up with the people who murdered my family? Fuck off, m8.

Jon Snow isn't perfect by any means of the word, he just often has different morals and viewpoints that align with the audience but those don't always match up with the ones in Westeros.
Dreams of Jaime the Dragonslayer are dead.

Ornstein Lannister won't come to be ;-;

The way you describe him, he almost sound like an untrained puppy. "impulsive" "loyal" "doesn't always listen" "makes dumb noises"

He had flaws in the beginning. A rash, quick tempered spoilt rich boy who thought he was better than all the others and lashed out on those less privileged.

It's just that his mentors happened to be great influences on him.

Eddard, Jeor, Mance, Qhorin, Ygritte, Thorne and others shaped him into who he is. He is sort of the typical fantasy hero and I think that's intentional.

He wanted to play hero but now that's his life and he's very serious about it, lol.
I don't think we have a particularly solid grasp on army sizes at the moment. I think Davos said there were under 10,000 soldiers in the North. There were, I think, 30,000 Unsullied to begin with but I wouldn't be surprised if that number is about half given all of the battles since Dany gained their loyalty. No good ideas on the Dothraki numbers but I felt like it was an extremely large number - like maybe two or three hundred thousand (in total; not just soldiers). The Wildlings must be just a few hundred by now. I don't think the Vale had huge numbers. The Tyrell forces must have been largely wiped out or sworn to Cersei. No idea about the Frey forces, and we've never really got a clear idea about Dorne. Who knows about the Lannister armies or reserves they have the ability to call on, but it's probably not as big as Dany's forces.

The Vale arguably has the freshest army. They stayed out of the War of Five Kings and have a strong position. I doubt the battle with the Boltons taxed them greatly. That being said we don't know the size of their forces.

Good thing for Dany they are on Jon's side. Dothraki may have the numbers but the Vale knights are better equipped and quite capable on horseback.
Getting the gold might have been Cersei's main objective in assaulting Highgarden. Makes sense that they'd retrieve that, load it up into the wagon and then rush that ahead, back to King's Landing to settle all debts and pay off the bank. It probably had an entourage of its own, but they wouldn't assign the whole army to protect it when the requirement was haste.

Then you have the bulk of the army - it was probably an easy victory over the Tyrell forces but they've just won a significant victory for their queen, and you also have dozens if not hundreds of other wagons whose job was to gather crops and supplies from the Tyrell territory. Makes more sense to keep the army around for this, especially if there's likely to be any resistance from the citizens or anyone still loyal to the Tyrells. Then, once that is done the army escorts the caravan back to King's Landing, predominantly in a rearguard formation which is when Dany attacked. This makes sense to me and I don't feel like it's contrived or unrealistic.
It still doesn't make sense to me...yes that was Cersei's main objective and how she basically had another victory by getting all the gold into King's Landing and then got ambushed by the Dothraki. It seems like another convenience to me but whatever, I'll roll with it. There's worse things that've happened this season.
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