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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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What about Ned arriving in KL in episode 3 after only leaving WF in episode 2? That's a month long ride.

If you really wanna get into the nitty gritty, Ned left for KL in ep 2, then a month passed when Catelyn was sitting at Bran's bedside. So Ned had a month's headstart. She gets there about 20 minutes after he does in episode time.

Season 3 had a raven make it from the wall to dragon stone in a scene.

Season 1 has the same kind of thing.


semen stains the mountaintops



Hot take: Tommen was just as bad as Joffrey.

He wouldn't let Cersei go to Myrcella's funeral because he was afraid of confronting her about the fact that he was too afraid to confront the High Sparrows about what they did to his wife and mother. That is next level weakness. If he was allowed to rule for long enough, the kingdoms would have fallen into ruin.

Tommen wasn't bad at all. Tommen was just a naive kid that was suddenly thrust into a position of responsibility he never was expected to have. He was setup for failure.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Hot take: Tommen was just as bad as Joffrey.

He wouldn't let Cersei go to Myrcella's funeral because he was afraid of confronting her about the fact that he was too afraid to confront the High Sparrows about what they did to his wife and mother. That is next level weakness. If he was allowed to rule for long enough, the kingdoms would have fallen into ruin.
Not necessarily. Lame duck kings are dime-a-dozen throughout history, usually the people around them pick up the slack and they become nothing more than a figurehead.

It's the crazy kings you really need to watch out for.
If you really wanna get into the nitty gritty, Ned left for KL in ep 2, then a month passed when Catelyn was sitting at Bran's bedside. So Ned had a month's headstart. She gets there about 20 minutes after he does in episode time.

Season 1 has the same kind of thing.

No one complained back then because no one was invested or had any emotional attachment.

Now suddenly it's just bad writing and they're ruining muh damn show.

The nitpicking increases every season, lol.


semen stains the mountaintops
The reason time was also different was because a lot of characters either didn't move, and the ones that did, their whole stories were around moving. This season has a lot of characters traveling but their stories aren't about the travel but what they do in their destination.

Neither way of telling a story or better or worse, it's just a different way to tell what they need to tell, now that we're in the end game and it's all about Dany fighting a war and soon the Night King, whatever happens on the way from A to B isn't as important as what happens at B.


Hot take: Tommen was just as bad as Joffrey.

He wouldn't let Cersei go to Myrcella's funeral because he was afraid of confronting her about the fact that he was too afraid to confront the High Sparrows about what they did to his wife and mother. That is next level weakness. If he was allowed to rule for long enough, the kingdoms would have fallen into ruin.

The fuck?


The reason time was also different was because a lot of characters either didn't move, and the ones that did, their whole stories were around moving. This season has a lot of characters traveling but their stories aren't about the travel but what they do in their destination..

That's a good point.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Under Tommen, Westeros would've turned into the Holy Roman Empire with the High Sept holding the bulk of political and social power. That's not necessarily a bad thing because the Sept was a pretty smart dude and not exactly corrupt or incompetent.


Tommen wasn't bad at all. Tommen was just a naive kid that was suddenly thrust into a position of responsibility he never was expected to have. He was setup for failure.

No he wasn't. Time and time again he was given a chance to step up and he didn't. Varys even makes a point in saying he was too weak for the throne in one instance.

He was so terrified of confrontation that he wouldn't let his own mother attend his daughter's funeral. That isn't just weakness, that's pathological pansiness. Tommen suuuuucked.

The fuck?

If someone took Margery or Cersei away from Joffrey he would have had him and his followers executed. Tommen just sulked in his chambers and let it happen.
The reason time was also different was because a lot of characters either didn't move, and the ones that did, their whole stories were around moving. This season has a lot of characters traveling but their stories aren't about the travel but what they do in their destination.

Neither way of telling a story or better or worse, it's just a different way to tell what they need to tell, now that we're in the end game and it's all about Dany fighting a war and soon the Night King, whatever happens on the way from A to B isn't as important as what happens at B.

I think this should be a top of the page sticky for every page so people would just shut the fuck up about teleporting characters already, lol.


semen stains the mountaintops
Under Tommen, Westeros would've turned into the Holy Roman Empire with the High Sept holding the bulk of political and social power. That's not necessarily a bad thing because the Sept was a pretty smart dude and not exactly corrupt or incompetent.

I would disagree that he's not corrupt. It's never outright stated, but as the seasons went along, it became more and more clear that he was just playing the game like everyone else.

Even if that isn't the case, though, his Sparrows were also insane fanatics that beat people in the straight for being 'sinners'. There's that scene in season 5 episode 2-3, where they just go around destroying a bunch of businesses and arresting people, it would've been a pretty awful place to live in.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I would disagree that he's not corrupt. It's never outright stated, but as the seasons went along, it became more and more clear that he was just playing the game like everyone else.

Even if that isn't the case, though, his Sparrows were also insane fanatics that beat people in the straight for being 'sinners'. There's that scene in season 5 episode 2-3, where they just go around destroying a bunch of businesses and arresting people, it would've been a pretty awful place to live in.
By corrupt I mean in the sense of "will eventually ruin the kingdom through selfishness" rather than "morally questionable".

Sending out mobs to harass businesses in the name of God is just typical Papacy shenanigans.


About the 'timeline issues'. The only one that actually is strange is Euron circumventing Westeros to catch the Unsullied after attacking Yara's fleet, and stopping off in King's Landing.

Euron making it to Castertly Rock is the only one that's even halfway tough to reconcile. 95℅ of "teleportation" complaints have been and will always be fucking stupid, especially since people would complain whenever they took the time to show travel as a way to unpack characters or show the world. Pretty much every TV show similar in nature does the exact same thing. Why? Because unless something of consequence happens during journey, retreading the same ground amounts to narrative dead air. It really isn't hard to intuit the passage of time based on the distance traveled, not sure why people like to act so obtuse(well I do but that's a different convo for a different thread).


No Scrubs
Under Tommen, Westeros would've turned into the Holy Roman Empire with the High Sept holding the bulk of political and social power. That's not necessarily a bad thing because the Sept was a pretty smart dude and not exactly corrupt or incompetent.

The Sparrows only got where they did because of Cersei's actions.


The Iron Bank confuses me... they propose giving Cersei a loan, but only if she pays back her current loan? So Cersei is transporting Highgarden's gold to King's Landing to pay back the Iron Bank... so that the Iron Bank will give her new gold? Why does she even need the new loan? Why does the Iron Bank insist on waiting for the old loan to be repaid before giving the new loan?

Help me understand.


If Littlefinger had the power to have Bran assassinated, you don't think it would be easier for him to try and have Jon killed as well, instead of exposing his lineage that no one would believe?

He might have heard, he might even know, but he has no way of proving so that pretty much cancels out that idea.

Why would he have Jon killed when a. everyone believes he is a bastard b. it serves as a pain point between Ned and Catelyn c. he could have never expected Jon Snow, condemned to the Night's Watch, to come back and become the King in the North.

Anyway, I was just watching some reaction videos and went far back as the Red Wedding. Wow it still fucking hurts. I never watched a second of that whole sequence a 2nd time cause it really traumatized me. And its almost like a different show - those characters were so dominant and so much part of the story for seasons 1-3 that it almost seems like a different show. Man I miss Robb and his wife.

Before this whole thing ends, I want the remaining Starks to bring it up again and again as they cut down the Lannisters. At least I hope this happens :(


The Sparrows only got where they did because of Cersei's actions.

She was instrumental in their rise to power but so were Tyrion and Margaery and Olenna and Littlefinger. Tommen too but I don't really blame him , he was being manipulated and jerked around so hard that he never stood a chance.


The Iron Bank confuses me... they propose giving Cersei a loan, but only if she pays back her current loan? So Cersei is transporting Highgarden's gold to King's Landing to pay back the Iron Bank... so that the Iron Bank will give her new gold? Why does she even need the new loan? Why does the Iron Bank insist on waiting for the old loan to be repaid before giving the new loan?

Help me understand.

They want to collect on the previous loan which is a large sum considering how long the Crown and Lannisters have both been borrowing from them. They want their full payment and then they will be open to future business - such as the sell swords.

They don't want to just buy an army for Cersei when her husband, her son, her father, and all others failed to return the money they had owed.
The Iron Bank confuses me... they propose giving Cersei a loan, but only if she pays back her current loan? So Cersei is transporting Highgarden's gold to King's Landing to pay back the Iron Bank... so that the Iron Bank will give her new gold? Why does she even need the new loan? Why does the Iron Bank insist on waiting for the old loan to be repaid before giving the new loan?

Help me understand.

I borrow $500 from you last week and tell you I'll pay you back with interest by next week. Next week comes, I'm asking to borrow $2,000 and promise to pay you back the following week. I haven't returned a single cent of that original $500 yet. How willing are you to continue doing business with me?


Talking about the geography of the Loot Train Attack, is this how everyone envisions it went down? Randal says they should cross the Blackwater by nightfall so it gives a pretty good reference. I'd imagine the fleet and dothraki could move pretty fast via this route. I can't see them as having gone North of King's Landing.

Talking about the geography of the Loot Train Attack, is this how everyone envisions it went down? Randal says they should cross the Blackwater by nightfall so it gives a pretty good reference. I'd imagine the fleet and dothraki could move pretty fast via this route. I can't see them as having gone North of King's Landing.

Going north seems like a good way for them to get spotted fast.


Talking about the geography of the Loot Train Attack, is this how everyone envisions it went down? Randal says they should cross the Blackwater by nightfall so it gives a pretty good reference. I'd imagine the fleet and dothraki could move pretty fast via this route. I can't see them as having gone North of King's Landing.

There are shots of Drogon over a river, so they might have been up at the Rush by then.


There are shots of Drogon over a river, so they might have been up at the Rush by then.
Good point. They were probably a heck of a lot closer then and it would be a task just to get all the supplies and stragglers across the Blackwater. My projected distance might be a few days of travel.


Talking about the geography of theLoot Train Attack is this how everyone envisions it went down? Randal says they should cross the Blackwater by nightfall so it gives a pretty good reference. I'd imagine the fleet and dothraki could move pretty fast via this route. I can't see them as having gone North of King's Landing.
Soooo we're definitely going with this shitty name? I know they wrote the show but I'm gonna continue to reference the event as another field of fire


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It's a epic fantasy show so I know they don't want us stressing over logistics too bad but

Lots of people are gonna starve, doesn't matter who sits on the throne or if the white walkers are defeated.

Unless of course, the defeat of the WW causes summer to come.
Honestly I think that is part of the point. All the jockeying for power is weakening the realm to the point that it will collapse. We have seen two images of the throne room in a dead world.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I just had a thought. Now that Arya has delt with Walder Frey, where the hell is Edmure Tully?

Either Arya didn't bother to let him out or he's in a different prison.

They want to collect on the previous loan which is a large sum considering how long the Crown and Lannisters have both been borrowing from them. They want their full payment and then they will be open to future business - such as the sell swords.

They don't want to just buy an army for Cersei when her husband, her son, her father, and all others failed to return the money they had owed.

If you owe the bank thousands, then the bank owns you. If you owe the bank millions, then you own the bank.

What Cersei did was release the Iron Bank to support whoever the hell they think is winning rather than who's going to pay them the highest amount of the Crown's debt. She probably shouldn't have paid all of the money back.

The problem with this idea is that it make the Iron Bank dumb if they support Cersei after she got annihilated by Dany using one of her three tactical nukes.


This probably for answered many times over in older threads but it just occurred to me.

The girl Robb married, wasn't she of a noble or famous house? Won't word of her brutal murder reach her family and people? Where is the retribution for her killing.


This probably for answered many times over in older threads but it just occurred to me.

The girl Robb married, wasn't she of a noble or famous house? Won't word of her brutal murder reach her family and people? Where is the retribution for her killing.

She was from essos,

i think the whole point was that, she was a no one, there was nothing to gain from marrying her, robb married for love instead of alliances

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
This probably for answered many times over in older threads but it just occurred to me.

The girl Robb married, wasn't she of a noble or famous house? Won't word of her brutal murder reach her family and people? Where is the retribution for her killing.

She was from Volantis and therefore of no noble standing because they probably wouldn't recognize someone from Essos even if Talisa was of some noble Essosian house.

That, in fact, added insult to injury for Walder Frey and was part of why Robb was dumb.
Just wanted to drop in out of nowhere and say this scene is Emilia's best performance on the show


She looks devastated.

Bouncing off Iain Glenn gets the best work out of her. Hope Jorah returns to her soon.

I agree. Iain Glenn is definitely one of the best actors left on the show and I hope they do a lot with him next season. I also hope his return opens up a more vunreble side of Dany.
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