I bet plenty of people are celebrating that 2 of the sand snake girls are dead. The fate of "bad poosi" girl will probably be ironic considering what those men will do to her.
Sam really has the most disgusting scenes in the season.
Nice reunion between Arya and Nymeria, but I doubt we'll see more of the direwolf because story wise she's on her own path now and production wise, the crew has to travel to Canada to film those scenes.
I don't mind the sex scene but I'm afraid that having a long scene between Greyworm and Missandei means he'll be dead soon.
It was the right choice for Theon to jump ship. He realized Euron was baiting him and fighting him will just get Yara killed, or worse, end up in captivity again. We see him surveying at the slaughter around him so I think it was a calculated choice and not just him turning back to Reek.
One thing that really bothers me is that we see Jon receiving a Raven from Sam and Tyrion and yet still no word from the Night's Watch that Bran is alive. wtf?