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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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Outside of the book niggles, the real problem is the direction. Truly low-tier shit here, and one doesn't even need to read the books to understand this. It's really rough around the edges and every episode seems to break at the seams with the amateur-hour direction.
I think having two David Nutter episodes in a row seems to have rubbed a lot of people the wrong way in terms of direction. I didn't have too much of a problem with it aside from a couple of scenes. (In particular, Theon's last scene from last week felt off - not sure if that's direction or editing there.) Alan Taylor's back on tonight, so we'll see if he can get it things rolling again for those of you that were disappointed with it. (EDIT: Oh, Steely already mentioned this.)
There were actually a lot of good points made amongst all the bickering.
Yeah, I read through all 1500+ posts from the last week, and there were some good points being made among the finger pointing and trolling. I think what I found most frustrating about it is that much of it regressed into some sort of binary decision about whether you like the show or not - as if those are your only two options. There's a lot of room on the spectrum for some nuanced discussion (e.g. "I like the show except for these things" or "I'm disappointed in the show, but I did enjoy the following...) and it is useful and interesting to read posts from people that are taking the time to lay out their arguments without resorting to hyperbole to make sure that their "side" wins. Hopefully there isn't quite as much venom in future discussion, but we'll have to wait and see...


To the bigger point, it is possible to judge something on its own merits while appreciating the nerd-nods GRRM and the production staff have made. Why are you counting changes? Why bother? Seems like a terrible way to try and enjoy a product that can never compete with your own imagination (which seems quite active, btw!).

Because many of the changes don't make sense to the story, even the one presented in the show. I'd list a reason, but I doubt you'd read it - since there are multiple reasons on multiple pages, and you're still stuck here in your sloth mind

Classy as ever.

You must earn class. You don't get class if you sit around whining about my commentary being about superior this and inferior that, and then simultaneously ignore the laundry list of issues I raised. This is always the problem with people like you - I make posts that are thousands of words long, FILLED with content you could pick apart and genuinely take issue with, but instead you're whining because I said something is superior to something else. Do you even hear how you sound? You don't respond to these posts because you don't have the mind to defend your positions, so you take the easy way out. It's the same every time.

It's easier to paint people who criticize the show as book nerds than individuals who legitimately have issues with things clashing with the stories internal logic, and have made long, long posts explaining why at length.


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Obviously not. I wasn't aware that they pitched the show themselves.

The showrunners went to GRRM to pitch the show and he, with reservations as far as I recall, gave them permission to pitch it to HBO. He turned down dozens of adaptation offers previously to that which I'm quite sure would have been horrible. This series is honestly as close to unadaptable as it gets, so I think we should enjoy what we've got and be glad it was something at all.
The showrunners went to GRRM to pitch the show and he, with reservations as far as I recall, gave them permission to pitch it to HBO. He turned down dozens of adaptation offers previously to that which I'm quite sure would have been horrible. This series is honestly as close to unadaptable as it gets, so I think we should enjoy what we've got and be glad it was something at all.

you lost me there. By that logic I think we should all enjoy David Lynch's Dune too.

edit: not that this is as bad as that hahaha. But yeah there are problems. I'm just glad the show is enjoyable at the end that's all. But it could be a lot better than it is at it's current state.


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you lost me there. By that logic I think we should all enjoy David Lynch's Dune too.

edit: not that this is as bad as that hahaha. But yeah there are problems. I'm just glad the show is enjoyable at the end that's all. But it could be a lot better than it is at it's current state.

My point was definitely premised on the fact that this show isn't the unadulterated sack of shit that it's been described as by one or two posters. There are certainly some issues that could be improved, but I'd personally rather take an optimistic view that they will be.


I think it's frustrating that when reading the criticisms of the show it usually revolves around something where the show deviates or condenses something from the book which is necessary to keep the show flowing and avoid redundant scenes. But at the same time, there are many changes that no one seems to mention such as CoK
Vaes Torello (def spelling that wrong but the dead city in the red waste), Big and Little Walder are not present along with the Blackfish and Edmure Tully (so far), Riverrun and Storm's End ( for the people w/ complaints about not enough Stannis or Davos)

Obviously whats going on is the season is coming to the end and I'm going to miss GoT's and that sadness makes me want to lash out on the internet and prove to the world that their opinion is inferior to my superior opinion

Rickon = Me reading this thread.


I think it's frustrating that when reading the criticisms of the show it usually revolves around something where the show deviates or condenses something from the book which is necessary to keep the show flowing and avoid redundant scenes. But at the same time, there are many changes that no one seems to mention such as CoK
Vaes Torello (def spelling that wrong but the dead city in the red waste), Big and Little Walder are not present along with the Blackfish and Edmure Tully (so far), Riverrun and Storm's End ( for the people w/ complaints about not enough Stannis or Davos)

I definitely understood why they skipped that place with Dany. Would have been all sorts of dead time with no real character progression for a tv show. But I am pretty sure <ACoK spoilers>
Edmure Tully was cast, and will be here before the season is out
. Considering his role in <ASoS spoilers>
The Red Wedding
, it should be done sooner rather than later.
I definitely understood why they skipped that place with Dany. Would have been all sorts of dead time with no real character progression for a tv show. But I am pretty sure <ACoK spoilers>
Edmure Tully was cast, and will be here before the season is out

Edmure is being cast for season 3.
But at the same time, there are many changes that no one seems to mention such as CoK
Vaes Torello (def spelling that wrong but the dead city in the red waste), Big and Little Walder are not present along with the Blackfish and Edmure Tully (so far), Riverrun and Storm's End ( for the people w/ complaints about not enough Stannis or Davos)

Most of those you're complaining about have been cut to 'to keep the show flowing and avoid redundant scenes'. With the exception of
Edmure Tully
I can't see why the story the show is telling specifically requires anything mentioned.

Either way the showrunners have stated they are holding back certain plot-lines and characters until next season.


Edmure is being cast for season 3.

Damn, that sucks. I must have had my wires crossed because for some reason I thought Tony Curran was cast as
Edmure Tully
? Must have got that mixed with one of those "guess who will be cast for X character" posts.


No I didn't mean to come off as complaining about those things missing, I think that this season has been awesome. I was meaning something more along the lines of "Who really cares about the changes with Arya/Tywin or with Jon/Rose/QHand when so on and so forth have already been changed and worked out just fine"

I'm also re-reading CoK since the beginning of this season, and to be honest every time I have a sit down with that book, I find what seems like 1 line directly from the book per chapter per POV.
No I didn't mean to come off as complaining about those things missing, I think that this season has been awesome. I was meaning something more along the lines of "Who really cares about the changes with Arya/Tywin or with Jon/Rose/QHand when so on and so forth have already been changed and worked out just fine"

Well I would guess it's because the changes to Arya's storyline have been quite dramatic and should have [unless they can compile the pain and misery she endures during the novel within the final few episodes] an effect on her characterization for the rest of the series. Not to mention Arya's storyline was, for many, the highlight of the novel. If you look at early pages of this thread I'm sure you'll find a number of posters exclaiming their excitement at seeing her arc come to life. Whilst her scenes with Tywin aren't particularly bad I [and I'm sure some other book readers] are slightly disappointed [despite understanding the reasoning behind the changes] at the changes due to hype of our own creation.

I can't comment on the rest as we have no idea how they plan to handle the finale of Jon etc's storyline in the show.
The Watchmen is similar to Game of Thrones. Both are really hard to adapt (some people would argue that they can't be adapted) and diehards will incessantly complain no matter how effectively an adaptation is done.


I was a bit down on the show after the last episode but my excitement has replenished for tonights episode.
Arya's book 2 storyline will probably carry over to the 3rd season
This is what I'm hoping. I would kinda of like to see (ACoK)
them play out some of what was missing from the badly done stableboy scene last season in the scene where she escapes Harenhal. It might be a bit to soon for the show to show her as a cold blooded killer when they haven't really focused on all the awful shit she's seen this season. I dunno, could go either way i suppose


I listed numerous issues earlier, but it's possible to enjoy the books and simply think changes are legitimately for the worse. Arya's story to me, even though I enjoy her interactions with Tywin, have really gutted the meat of her character transformation. Her story is supposed to be far more brutal, and that has been reduced. But it also makes it clash with the logic of the show. Why didn't she just tell Jaquen to kill Tywin?

I can name like fifty changes that don't make sense, but this is the one immediately springs to mind. Arya is not stupid.

Tywin, despite being a Lannister, has actually treated Arya in the show with respect, has shown appreciation for her intelligence, and has ironically become a sort of post-Ned father figure to her. Not to say that he still isn't her enemy as a Lannister, but there's clearly a developing bond between them that doesn't exist in the books, and it remains to be seen how it plays out.


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Tywin, despite being a Lannister, has actually treated Arya in the show with respect, has shown appreciation for her intelligence, and has ironically become a sort of post-Ned father figure to her. Not to say that he still isn't her enemy as a Lannister, but there's clearly a developing bond between them that doesn't exist in the books, and it remains to be seen how it plays out.

Also if she has Tywin killed, what happens then? She goes back to the pen to be tortured? Tywin's presence in Harrenhal has been the only thing keeping any semblance of order.
I'm also re-reading CoK since the beginning of this season, and to be honest every time I have a sit down with that book, I find what seems like 1 line directly from the book per chapter per POV.

Thats the thing really, is that a lot of the dialogue from the show is lifted almost word for word from the book in many scenes. Then you get to some scenes that are completely original and they only work to varying degrees.

Most of my complaints with the show don't come down to things that shouldn't be impossible for budget reasons, but more characterization issues and directing issues.

I think episode 3 of this season had a couple great scenes that were adapted really well for TV. One, being the scene where Tyrion is laying out his plan to find out who is leaking information to Cersei. That was a great adapted scene from the book that made the most the medium. And then the scene with Theon burning the letter and his baptism were great, even though they weren't in the book.

But then you have stuff like Jon's current arc where I don't know what they're doing with his character, besides making him look like he has stones rattling around in his head.


Also if she has Tywin killed, what happens then? She goes back to the pen to be tortured? Tywin's presence in Harrenhal has been the only thing keeping any semblance of order.

Why would they do that? The only way for that to happen is if Dance would want to quit the show. Also read the synopsis cornballer posted. I wonder how will they justify Arya choosing Jaqen in the show.

EDIT: UPS, sorry dude.


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Why would they do that? The only way for that to happen is if Dance would want to quit the show. Also read the synopsis cornballer posted. I wonder how will they justify Arya choosing Jaqen in the show.

I'm not suggesting that. I'm trying to refute the argument that Arya should ask for Tywin to be killed in the first place.
- Westeros.org notes that there will be a special(?) promo for Blackwater after tonight's episode airs
HBO is releasing a special promo for the episode this Sunday at 10:01 Pacific&#8230; or 1:01 Eastern on Monday, and it should be available online via HBO.com, Making Game of Thrones, and of course the official Youtube channel.
I'm not sure what the promo is going to entail. Sounds like a bit more than the usual 30 sec preview, but don't get your hopes up too high.


Tywin, despite being a Lannister, has actually treated Arya in the show with respect, has shown appreciation for her intelligence, and has ironically become a sort of post-Ned father figure to her. Not to say that he still isn't her enemy as a Lannister, but there's clearly a developing bond between them that doesn't exist in the books, and it remains to be seen how it plays out.

I find my logic stretching a little bit at this. Tywin talks all day long about killing Robb, strategies to eliminate one of Arya's family members or the next, Arya clearly fantasized about killing Tywin in one of the episodes (she had the knife, it zoomed into the Tywin's neck or something like that), and might have even directly ordered several or more atrocities in front of Arya - Tywin certainly had no problem directing the Mountain to kill indiscriminately.

Given all this, and what it would mean to Robb's efforts if Tywin died, I cannot imagine him showing a little silver tongue over her smarts and having a few conversations would supersede Arya's desire to get revenge for her family.

I don't know, I see what you're saying, but this is the problem with the change... the alternative was better and made sense.


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I find my logic stretching a little bit at this. Tywin talks all day long about killing Robb, strategies to eliminate one of Arya's family members or the next, clearly fantasized about killing Tywin in one of the episodes (she had the knife, it zoomed into the Tywin's neck or something like that), and might have even directly ordered several or more atrocities in front of Arya - Tywin certainly had no problem directing the Mountain to kill indiscriminately.

Given all this, and what it would mean to Robb's efforts if Tywin died, I cannot imagine him showing a little silver tongue over her smarts and having a few conversations would supersede Arya's desire to get revenge for her family.

I don't know, I see what you're saying, but this is the problem with the change... the alternative was better and made sense.

Like I said above, Tywin pretty much saved Arya's life and stopped her ambiguous love-interest Gendry from being tortured. If he wasn't there they wouldn't be far off from being right back in that situation.


I watch The Borgias right after Game of Thrones and always marvel at the difference.

Fortunately for them they have a much smaller cast to deal with.
Pretty good, as good as S1. It really is one of the more underrated shows out there.

Sounds good, I enjoyed season 1, so I'll have to catch up on it sometime.

Wish for tonight's episode ACOK/ASOS
I hope the opening scene is Cat holding Jaime at sword point and he vows to return her daughters and to never take up arms against the Starks and the Tullys again.
Nobody picked anybody. Without David and Dan this show would not exist. Is that a preferable outcome in your opinion?

Certainly not to me... Without the show, my gateway to the books (and more importantly reading in general) would never have even existed... i havent cared about reading since Goosebumps back in my pre teens almost 20 years ago.
While the direction can be spotty, the show has moments of brilliance and I still think it is easily one of the better shows on TV. It’s not at the level as the best HBO as a whole, but when it works it really works.

The Alan Taylor episodes are great. I think the Daniel Minahan episodes in series one are very good, but he isn’t directing any of series 2. All that said, I’m very excited about Neil Marshall directing ‘Blackwater’.

Ultimately, I think it’s doing a good job with some pretty unwieldy material. I prefer the books, but I’m glad we have to show.

I’m looking forward to watching the second season on Blu Ray, as I enjoyed season one much more in that format after some time had passed from the initial screenings. It’s also one of the best looking Blu Ray transfers on the market in my opinion.


LOLZ people accurately predicted they would use Ros for this scene. What a waste of time building that character.
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