The Lamonster
No joke, listen to his voice when he tells Theon that Rodrick must die. He sounds like the devil. Pretty weird.
Perfect casting on Dagmer. I hate him so much haha
No joke, listen to his voice when he tells Theon that Rodrick must die. He sounds like the devil. Pretty weird.
MORE ENTIRE SERIES SPOILERS OF THE TYPE YOU DON'T WANT TO FUCKING READThey can warg into whatever, so long as Martin never forces us to read about animal sex again.
SERIESI dunno, I wouldn't be shocked if Sansa never wargs into anything. Maybe losing Lady was a lot more meaningful than it appeared to be.
Perfect casting on Dagmer. I hate him so much haha
Seems most of the season 2 soundtrack has found its way to youtube. Don't listen to the last track if you don't want to be spoiled, but ooooh, that last track.
SOS SpoilersWhat is great with the Red Wedding is that it is soul crushing but then you get a little hope with the Viper and the Mountain that someone is finally going to pay on the Lannister side. I still think the best scene in the whole series is the fight between the two. Tyrion starts completely devastated and doomed but the Viper fights so well that Tyrion starts to get so into it and you feel it too. Just as we are about to feel a little better, it all fucking ends horribly again. This is the scene I so want them to nail but this will probably happen in season 4. I really hope they get a good fighter for the Viper and that new Mountain is decent. Old Mountain would have been better though as he was pretty imposing in his brief Spartacus moments.
the full song is very well done. i dont care for those celtic sounding other versions, they sound way too much like an irish pub song.
ASOS spoilers
Though I wonder what it'll sound like in the Red Wedding scene, the song is supposed to be sung by the musicians in the scene right? Cant sound like this version if supposed to be "live".
- Via A visit with some of the cast from Game of Thrones (short youtube vid)
Amy Poehler meeting NCW at the Peabody Awards thing yesterday. She's apparently a big GoT nerd and the show gets mentioned all the time on P&R.
Good call. I've seen a couple references this season on 30 Rock.I bet Tina Fey is also a big GoT fan. There have been a couple mentions on 30 Rock this season and she is good friends with Poehler IRL.
Ah, that makes sense.Adam Scott is best friends with David, so there is probably that too.
No, I found a site where they do cartoon drawings of TV characters. The only problem is that they have a watermark across them so I've been removing them and making avatars. There are 3 more GoT ones I could do (Drogo, Jon, Tyrion) but I haven't gotten around to them yet. of Thrones
What the fuck is the point of having Westerling being written out but replacing her with a girl from voltanis?
I don't see the problem, she had about as much development as this replacement.
No, series spoilerRemember, Tyrion is also suppose to be fucking ugly and a midget. They didn't make Dinklage wear any makeup so I don't think they will do that now. For the show, him being a little person is enough in terms of his development on the show side. They don't need to compound the fact that he is ugly and that he has no nose
I was hoping it would happen this season just to see viewer reaction. You know, since he's one of the few likable characters in the show.
I hope so too, it's a defining part of his character
You guys realize that everyone can tell what you're talking about, right?
Before I leave, one last Oona gif.
*shivers* She' a kitten...
What's your favorite scene of the entire series?
Maybe it's just me, but I don't hear it. It sounds more like the Harry Potter theme, as others have mentioned. Most likely, Dinklage was just whistling tunelessly.
ETA: I mean, they probably shot this way back in Aug or Sept of last year. The National probably recorded their version a few months ago.
SERIESI dunno, I wouldn't be shocked if Sansa never wargs into anything. Maybe losing Lady was a lot more meaningful than it appeared to be.
The scenes that mean the most to me personally are most of the ones from episode 1 because after watching that episode I was instantly hooked. In particular the first beheading and direwolf scene. I think the best scene overall was the beheading of Ned or maybe when Ned is walking into the throneroom to declare that Joffrey is not king.
Yeah, it's strange. I started rewatching Season 1, and while most of Season 2 has been better, just purely from an "events" standpoint (for most characters), Season 1 has such a strong sense of cohesion that's largely absent from Season 2.
I'm curious if there's anyone that prefers Season 2.
Season 2 seems so much slower, less eventful, and less focused. Around the middle of Season 1, something mind blowing was happening in each episode. We haven't got that this season at all.
Edit: Theon is one of the best characters/stories/arc in the series. I'm in love with where his story goes.
So are they going to (series)keep Alfie Allen around for the next couple of seasons and show his descent into Reek, or are they just going to bring him back in a few years?
People have said that the dialogue in Season 2 has improved over last year's season. However, due to the nature of the source material, there's not as much "oh shit" moments so far but I think the last 2 episodes will get people excited for season 3 and bring the grade for this season up.
And as frequency said, the Theon stuff has been my favorite scenes to watch this year and probably overall, even though I didn't like reading it at first in the book.
So are they going to (series)keep Alfie Allen around for the next couple of seasons and show his descent into Reek, or are they just going to bring him back in a few years?
(series)Seeing as though their wolves are the primary means through which the Stark kids have developed their warg abilities, I don't think Sansa will ever have the means to develop as a skinchanger.
And it seems like the ability to skinchange is a matter of circumstance and not one of heredity. Unless I've misunderstood or overlooked something, it seems like the Starks developed the abilities because of the wolves, not because they inherited it. I don't recall any suggestion that there have been large numbers of Stark skinchangers.
Really?! [series](series)They're casting Ramsay Snow for S3, so it sounds like Theon will remain in the picture.
Really?! [series]i suppose it would be quite difficult contract wise for the actor to to have to leave and then come back in 2 season. Still this is a confusing to me. His transformations from reek back to Theon is the interesting arc, not the reverse. I mean, they can't just show him being horrifically tortured for 2 seasons. My purist senses are tingling! I suppose if Ramsey was the focus of the scenes they could get away with it, maybe they could tie him more into the red wedding.
There are plenty of oh shit moments in ACOK. Many just aren't in S2 of this show