aronnov reborn
Content round up
I love the casting for pod.. he's just all... This is how many fucks i give...
Content round up
They load it on the boat instead.Something I thought was a little odd. They made thousands of wildfire jars.. and they didnt show anyone throwing them.
Something I thought was a little odd. They made thousands of wildfire jars.. and they didnt show anyone throwing them.
nib95 said:I do have one question. Where was evil magic women and her shadow monster? She didn't do shit to help.
Said this in the other thread, but no matter what the books do (Haven't read them), Tyrion ain't dying. Nope, no way.
Book necessity is not the same thing as TV necessity. This show needs Tyrion imo about as much as it needs [most?] of the Starks alive.
They filled a fucking ship and let it leak out onto the water as it sailed. That's a lot of "pig's shit".Something I thought was a little odd. They made thousands of wildfire jars.. and they didnt show anyone throwing them.
Davos didn't want her there and they outnumbered King's Landing so much they didn't think they needed her.I do have one question. Where was evil magic women and her shadow monster? She didn't do shit to help.
I'm asking this question in the wrong thread but as a GoT newbie I think the Got experts will give a better answer.
They rarely use the word "fuck" in the show but whenever they do it's in the verb form, as a synonym for "to have sex" or "rape." Is that how it's always used in the series?
Davos convinced Stannis to leave her behind so the victory would belong to Stannis instead of her. Worked out great for him. :lolI do have one question. Where was evil magic women and her shadow monster? She didn't do shit to help.
Davos didn't want her there and they outnumbered King's Landing so much they didn't think they needed her.
I though she had to get pregnant to have a shadow baby assassin.
they were all dumped onto that ship
In one of the previous eps, we see Stannis decide to leave Melisandre behind, thanks to Davos prodding
I'm asking this question in the wrong thread but as a GoT newbie I think the Got experts will give a better answer.
They rarely use the word "fuck" in the show but whenever they do it's in the verb form, as a synonym for "to have sex" or "rape." Is that how it's always used in the series?
jett said:good decision there, davos
Totally agree.
I didn't start watching this show until a couple weeks ago and marathon'd all the eps on HBO GO on my xbox 360.
If Tyrion Lannister dies, this show is over. In my opinion, he's the star of the show now. I don't know what happens in the books, but they better keep him alive in TV land.
Quick question
Why did the hound just quit mid battle?
Quick question
Why did the hound just quit mid battle?
For some reason, I thought that was a one shot thing.I see. Shame. She could have helped win the battle. And she had the shadow assassin in an earlier episode!
I agree, maybe the promo was just showingthem fighting some random people. I really want to see more Jaime/Brienne scenes together before the mummers capture them.
That explosion was the most bad ass TV moment I've ever witnessed when taken purely for the spectacle of it. I mean, I audibly gasped even though I knew it was coming. Amazing.
That was almost PotC: At World's End level ship-getting-torn-apart.
yeah i was expecting a tv explosion, maybe moderately better than the embarrassing one at the end of Walking Dead.
that shit was true pimp explosion, totally believable and sold the entire package. My mouth was agape when I saw it because I didn't expect it to be so crazy
[ASoS]seriesIt's gonna be The Brotherhood, bank on it. They've been mentioned too many times not to be relevant, and also considering the hanging bodies and Jaime implying they had something to do with the Starks.
[ASoS]The hanging bodies was straight out of the book from before they pass the Inn of the Kneeling Man IIRC. They were already hanging and Jaime says that Northern men left them hanging. I think I was over-thinking it and they may just be fighting some of the men that give chase after their escape.
Looking it up on Tower of the Hand [ASoS]Interesting that it's out of the book, thanks. I still think the Brotherhood will probably show up though.
How can one suspendered old dude write such an awesome episode. C'mon GRRM! Channel your awesome into the new books!