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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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If people are feeling the plot kind of getting too scattered... I don't know how they're gonna keep things under control by book 5. There are just so many locations even GRRM had to split them to two books following the same timeline. And that's on a +1000 page per novel format.

Yeah, I'm on the 3rd book and people hoping for main characters per episodes will be disappointed. This is only going to get wider from here.

big ander

So this is the official thread or isn't it? Why is there two threads? The other one is dead compared to this one. If people labelled spoilers properly I dont really see the need for two threads. Anyways...

Premier was so good.

The other thread pretends the books do not exist, basically. In this thread, people are supposed to tag all book spoilers with a reference as to what book they're spoiling while remembering not to leave things like names and such outside of the tags or in the quote they are responding to (because that could tell us that a character is in a future book). Most remember to do this. Others do not, and it's infuriating.


Neo Member
Goes to show how bad my memory of the books is at this point (probably read ACOK a decade ago).

I didn't remember the scene where Littlefinger tells Cersei that he knows her secret at all. As I was watching it I was thinking "Wow, that's really not something you'd want her to know, considering what happened to the last couple people that let it slip that they knew"

I assume that actually happened in the book anyway.
I don't think that scene was in the book at all. It was added to the show for some reason. I didn't think the scene itself was bad, but it was definitely out of character for littlefinger as he is written in the books.


Yeah, I'm on the 3rd book and people hoping for main characters per episodes will be disappointed. This is only going to get wider from here.

I didn't mean that one character should occupy one episode but that certain areas and story arcs could receive more attention in certain episodes instead of everyone getting their moment every episode. That wouldn't actually mean less time for the other characters, I'm just talking about how the they will show it on screen.

Also did anyone else really like Craster part? It was not how I imagined him but the actor really nailed it, maybe the best performance of the whole episode for me. It was so creepy when he said "wife" and grabbed that girl.


Neo Member
I didn't mean that one character should occupy one episode but that certain areas and story arcs could receive more attention in certain episodes instead of everyone getting their moment every episode. That wouldn't actually mean less time for the other characters, I'm just talking about how the they will show it on screen.

Also did anyone else really like Craster part? It was not how I imagined him but the actor really nailed it, maybe the best performance of the whole episode for me. It was so creepy when he said "wife".
Ya I thought he was great. Not quite as dirty as I pictured, but he nailed the role. I loved that scene. Can't wait to get some Mance Rayder action sometime in the future. I hope they get someone good to play him.


I don't think that scene was in the book at all. It was added to the show for some reason. I didn't think the scene itself was bad, but it was definitely out of character for littlefinger as he is written in the books.

I can't remember if it was or wasn't, but it's definitely odd. The rumor was going around kings landing, so it's like going up to the person the rumor is about and poking them with a stick for no good reason. From his perspective she could have slit his throat and that would have been it. Why risk it? Where was the reward?

Is it just me, or is Joffrey way more rebellious than in the books as well? It seems like (series spoilers)
she domineers that relationship for a little while longer in the books


I can't remember if it was or wasn't, but it's definitely odd. The rumor was going around kings landing, so it's like going up to the person the rumor is about and poking them with a stick for no good reason. From his perspective she could have slit his throat and that would have been it. Why risk it? Where was the reward?

Well I guess it does kind of set up [series spoiler]
the idea that Littlefinger is no friend to Cersei. That in turn explains why he does all those tricks in the Vale and kidnaps Sansa, he has his own ambitions that are in opposition to the ruling class of Westeros.


well he only reacted very poorly after she insulted him about something he cares very much about

besides remember stannis sent out letters to everyone, the whole kingdom is talking about it now. no point pretending you didnt hear
The Craster scene was great. I like the portrayal of him being a reletively clean looking man surrounded by filth and dirt. It was as if it was his way of pronouncing his role as master over his wives/daughters


Well I guess it does kind of set up [series spoiler]
the idea that Littlefinger is no friend to Cersei. That in turn explains why he does all those tricks in the Vale and kidnaps Sansa, he has his own ambitions that are in opposition to the ruling class of Westeros.

I guess it makes sense from the perspective of setting that up, but from the perspective of his character, it doesn't make any. He's (series spoilers)
identified himself as a potential threat, and gained nothing from doing so. It doesn't set him up as the master strategist the books portray him as. Even if it happened in the book (which I won't know until re-reading) I don't like it, lol


Neo Member
Well, kind of... other characters in the book see the sword and it apparently IS red or glows like an ember or something, but it doesn't actually give heat. The imagery in the book is strong for that because it implies falseness or a real "show" for everyone like you're saying.

full series spoilers
I believe Stannis and Melisandre tried several times to recreate Lightbringer in ACOK, just like Azor Azai had to try several times to make his magic sword and ended up killing his wife? to get it done. Only the final sword has the glow that is described in ADWD. The way I interpreted the scene was Stannis being annoyed that the sword DIDN'T become magical and was just burning a bit from the fire and thats why he threw it down. And Littlefinger and Varys were way to 'in your face we're cunning' last season as well. Probably necessary to get the point across. Aiden Gillen's way of talking is odd here, I wonder why he couldn't just use his own accent more seeing as Littlefinger comes from the middle of nowhere anyway.
I don't think that scene was in the book at all. It was added to the show for some reason. I didn't think the scene itself was bad, but it was definitely out of character for littlefinger as he is written in the books.
I think the scene was written to portray Cersei's willingness to go on a power trip rather than Littlefinger tripping up. He's used to being a cheeky bastard to people above his station, and Cersei had it coming for being so smug about knowing his 'secret.' The "Power is Power" line will probably be used to push his character going forward, and Cersei's (minor series)
corruption from absolute power
is foreshadowed nicely.
Yeah Dragonstone felt off. I don't want to criticize this episode too much because I enjoyed a lot of it, it just didn't become greater than the sum of its parts for me. I think that there is just so much to cover. They have a few minutes to get in a lot and if some choices or scenes don't sit right with certain people the episode will feel weaker whereas others may enjoy it more. Like I felt the moment with the bastards they should have just focused on the baby, not try to rush through a bunch of killing scenes. I do like a slower and more contemplative style and there may just not be the minutes for that kind of thing. I hope after the first episode we can have episodes focusing on certain characters. Like maybe Jon Snow could be more of the focus in one episode, Robb in another, etc. instead of everyone having to get their moment. Also Shae is annoying and Littlefinger scene was a bit much.

I thought BastardMontage was the perfect example of the split between the show and the books and how they'll never be alike but both equally awesome. They've taken the slow burn of the books and turned it into cinematic momentum in the best possible way. Instead of an additive kind of dread compelling you forward, you see a full on bloody assault on dozens of kids, pure animated viciousness, and then WHAM, the last one left is with Arya Stark. Cut to credits.

That's how you make a fucking television show. I've officially given up any comparisons to the books after that brilliant premiere. They're doing their own thing and doing it in completely the right way. I watched all of S1 without reading the books but now that I'm 53% into Feast and seeing the show, I have a significantly different perspective on the execution.

It was better than a perfect adaptation. It was modified for television. ;D

(Memles, you can steal that.)


thought the scene with cressen was a bit forced. other than that it was an awesome episode and im so glad the show is back!


I didn't have a big problem with the Littlefinger/Cersei scene. It was a mistake by Littlefinger to be so bold, but he was thrown off his game by Cersei's belittling of him, pointing out that his family is only a generation removed from dirt and that he wasn't good enough for Cat -- both sensitive subjects for Littlefinger. That he lashes out and we see him make a rare misstep is an improvement from the books in my opinion, where Littlefinger can be almost unbelievably clever sometimes.

My complaint with the scene is my general complaint with the entire episode, which is it was too rushed and they were attempting to squeeze so much into one hour that the material didn't have room to breathe. It was like "Kill him -- wait!" a split second later, with no opportunity to build any kind of tension because they had to move on to other things. I was surprised by some of the things from the book they didn't have time to include. In particular, Tyrion's taunting of Cersei after he reveals he's known all along about her incestuous relationship is one of the funniest parts of any of the books and somehow it didn't get included.

I wasn't sold on the handling of the introduction of Stannis either. His letter should have been treated as a major plot point, but it's rushed through incredibly quickly, and it's treated so insignificantly that the Small Council apparently doesn't even meet to react to it. I would have preferred the letter was introduced in episode 2 and given more attention, but I guess they wanted it in the first episode so they could tie it in to the murder of Robert's bastards. Lightbringer didn't seem very impressive, and non-book readers might be confused to think it was just an ordinary sword. I'm also confused as to how Cressen hoped his attempt to poison Melisandre would work, since it acted so fast that anyone could have seen within seconds that the glass was poisoned. If Melisandre hadn't been immune to poison, she simply wouldn't have drank it.


1) Sex appeal
2) She'll probably replace a couple of the more prominent whores for simplicity's sake this series?

Such a shame if they replace the whore from the
Summer Isles
. I'm not sure if that's a proper spoiler... maybe possible casting spoiler? Playing it safe though.

I mean, Ros is fine and all and she's already been introduced but.. ehh..
I was kinda hesistant to get back into the show... Every time I think back to season 1 I'm reminded of the unpleasantness in my life as I was watching it last year. I'm glad to say that I enjoyed this episode immensely: I'm really digging the darker, more edge mood they've gone with. It's fitting when you take the book into consideration, but still, I'm glad.

Some really great location shots here, too. I loved the way they used the comet to tie them all together. Cersei's look as she realizes she's losing control was fantastic. Dinklage was awesome, as uaual. Lots of great foreshadowing, too.
I was really impressed by this episode. It finally looks and feels like a big budget fantasy series. In the first season there were certain elements that felt off. The dogs as dire wolves, the sense of scale (especially in places like the Lannister camp), some of the editing, etc. The budget increase and use of CGI for animals / establishing shots really adds a lot and it just seemed better directed/acted.

I can't wait to see the Iron Islands next week (I assume it's next week).


pretty decent episode. the best parts were tyrion returning to kings landing, the night's watch north of the wall with castor's harem, and jamie and robb with a guest appearance by grey wind.

was fun to be in westeros, but the early reviews ranking the episode up there with like episodes 8-10 of last season were mistaken.

the preview trailer for the rest of the season was awesome though.


So not worth it
Just watched Episode 2 (via Dutch HBO Go), bookspoilers ahoy:

They did a good job on the Theon/Asha (Yara in the show) scene, the face he makes when he finds out he fingered his sister, awesome, well done. As is Castly Pyke, looks brilliant, pic (here). I also enjoyed Gilly, so cute too (again, pic here.
Also very much enjoyed the scene where Gendry finds out about Arya being a Lady, it was cute.
Are there chapters about big battles in the Books or do they only talk about what happens?

I can't imagine them getting a few thousand extras just for a 2 minute battle scene.


Are there chapters about big battles in the Books or do they only talk about what happens?

I can't imagine them getting a few thousand extras just for a 2 minute battle scene.

I'd imagine they would either have to skip them or make it some long-shot CG in the periphery. They skipped over a battle last year by just knocking Tyrion out.
I'd imagine they would either have to skip them or make it some long-shot CG in the periphery. They skipped over a battle last year by just knocking Tyrion out.

I didn't feel like that was a major battle though, it was just a slaughter. Didn't miss out on much.


But then again, Neil Marshall is directing the second to last episode of season 2 which is penned by GURM, so I expect that it's going to be a nice hybrid of live action and CGI. I think Marshall is pretty good at squeezing good work out on a tight budget.

I actually think Marshall will do a good job at presenting *BOOK 2 SPOILER*
the battle of the black water with tons of green wildfire


Well, that was pretty fantastic.

They really nailed the locations, love the Kings Landing makeover specifically. I also said 'wow' at Craster's keep, looked exactly how I pictures it in the book, even with all the shit on the floor outside the main building.

Oh and my favourite thing about the episode, THOSE WOLVES.


Jealous Bastard
to be honest, the more tight, personal, gruesome conflicts make the show feel much more brutal. the world seems scary and dangerous, and like you're always ten seconds away from upsetting someone enough that they want to cut out your tongue or kill you with forceful imbibing. this is in stark contrast to a lot of fantasy where your chances of death are limited to large-scale battles or sword duels.


There aren't really many epic mega battles in the books. Thanks to the POV structure the view is always very limited and you only get small glimpses of what's happening overall. They'll probably shoot the show's battle scenes in a similar fashion with a few big CGI shots here and there.


*minor book spoiler re Stannis*
Was the sword Stannis pulled out of the bonfire on the beach the Lightbringer sword he uses going forward? It seemed kind of weird that he just left it there on the beach for Davos to grab.
*minor book spoiler re Stannis*
Was the sword Stannis pulled out of the bonfire on the beach the Lightbringer sword he uses going forward? It seemed kind of weird that he just left it there on the beach for Davos to grab.

ACOK Spoilers
I always thought it was a different sword. Maybe Melisandre intended others to think it was the same sword, but she created a different one or maybe altered the first one later to appear more like the sword of legend.
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