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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


That card is pretty good, but I don't know why they are going more toward random mechanics over discover. Discover was a huge step up.

Same thought I had but I guess mage already got a discover a spell.

Good card for longer games but I still don't see much indication that we'll get to those longer games. Pretty sure it's gonna be mostly aggro decks based on what we've seen so far. Just gotta hope they haven't unveiled the anti aggro tools yet.


It's not a Freeze Mage card. You only get near-empty turns in control matchups where hand size becomes a serious issue as you draw towards an OTK turn, can't fill it with a bunch of potentially unusable spells.


Thats what Trump thinks anyway.

I watched a couple videos that went back and evaluated streamers' card reviews several months after launch and I came to the conclusion that Trump is the worst predictor of a card's value and you'd be better off going with the opposite of what he says lol.


Conjurer has proven to be really good, now pretty much you don't get the choice or body but you get all three outcomes for same mana. I guess it's fine but probably won't see much play. It's good for niche grinder mage decks but those lose a lot in standard.

Mage gets something like that but of course rogue has to get from the opponent's class, yeah...
It could maybe work in a tempo mage deck because of it's strength against control. Rogue often sprints for 4 mana, cycling cards. This doesn't seem impossible to work in a one of. Plus as reynad suggests, the spells can make up for the tempo loss and the additional synergy.

I think it definitely works for control mage. I just think there are few bad mage cards to draw. At least, most of them range from very good to good.
I think it's weird that we keep getting cards that look specifically designed to synergize with cards that are leaving Standard in a month or a year.


Corporate Apologist
I guess one way to look at this is that its like discover, but you get all 3 options.

It has no body though, and doesn't effect the board, an issue for a 5 mana spell. I wonder if one of the old gods will benefit from card advantage, a lot of new cards seem to be in an effort to gain card advantage.
I guess one way to look at this is that its like discover, but you get all 3 options.

It has no body though, and doesn't effect the board, an issue for a 5 mana spell. I wonder if one of the old gods will benefit from card advantage, a lot of new cards seem to be in an effort to gain card advantage.
Old God for 10 mana that breaks a mana crystal for every card in your hand. ;-D


In control match ups it's really strong to get resources out of thin air, one card turns into 3. When I play tempo mage against control decks, duplicating archmage or conjurer even can be game winning. It's a similar, faster but weaker effect with this card. It's pretty good.


I guess one way to look at this is that its like discover, but you get all 3 options.

It has no body though, and doesn't effect the board, an issue for a 5 mana spell. I wonder if one of the old gods will benefit from card advantage, a lot of new cards seem to be in an effort to gain card advantage.

Considering raven idol is a 1 mana discover a spell, basically, this is the overcosted bundle version of 'discover 3.' Just like ball of spiders, but one mana less than that because you don't actually get any choice.


I think a few of the worse Mage spells are also less bad with the dropping power level of the game and the potential nerf to something like BGH.

Flame Lance is a pretty attractive answer to pull out of thin air when you're about to fight a series of 7-9 health creatures in a control match-up, even if it's something you don't want to include in your deck normally.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I watched a couple videos that went back and evaluated streamers' card reviews several months after launch and I came to the conclusion that Trump is the worst predictor of a card's value and you'd be better off going with the opposite of what he says lol.

He was horrible for TGT but he actually did pretty good with LOE. When Dahbomb and I did our LOE re-review he actually beat both Kripp and Kolento, and was just barely beat out by Kibler.


If you want to compare it with other spells, we have nourish for 5, it draws 3 cards from your deck which are generally better than random cards. Here they value random mage spells same as cards from your deck, which actually is close enough and the card has the benefit of creating extra value on top of your own deck.

Burgle gives you 2 random class cards for 3. The class is random depending on the match and they can be minions or spells. With this card you know you get 3 mage spells every time which makes it considerably better than burgle every time.

I think the cost is fair, at 4 it would be too good, at 6 it would be somewhat bad.


There was a Trump video where explained that he THINKS C'Thun is going to be at the top of the good decks (not the great ones). Its purpose is really for people who are just starting the game, especially since everyone gets the card. Its simply an easy to build, highly accessible deck that will win games if curved properly. This is why you and I are not all that excited about those cards, its not really meant for us.

Thats what Trump thinks anyway.
True and that's a good thing if they manage to balance it well enough. The problem is that we haven't seen a single game-changer card so far, the closest is probably Renounce Darkness and that's just way too rng-heavy for constructed play unless you're a concede streamer. Pure rng in general seems to be rather prevalent despite the fantastic discover mechanic which they seem to ignore entirely with this expansion.

Like sure, we've only seen a third of the cards yet but the legendary percentage has been quite high.


Seeing as how Discover was well received, somewhere down the road, I could see them expanding it with a meta gaming angle.

"Discover a Quest"

Quests would be conditions you meet in a game after playing the card that gave you the quest.

They could be things like:
"Destroy three minions in one turn",
"Play five cards in a turn",
"Survive for 5 turns",
"Empty your hand",
"Have four taunts on your side",

The rewards could depend on the quest or be determined by the quest giving card. You could get a coin, discover a card, destroy a minion, heal, etc.

I feel like this sort of metagaming is inevitable as a lot of established card games tend to add something like it.

It would tend to be a slow strategy, but could be tweaked. I think it could bring another interesting angle to games. They could even do a promo card that gave you dust or gold as its quest reward if played in standard.

Anyone else think this would be fun?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The problem is that we haven't seen a single game-changer card so far, the closest is probably Renounce Darkness and that's just way too rng-heavy for constructed play unless you're a concede streamer.

Undercity Huckster is the best 2 drop Rogue has ever seen. Ancient Shieldbearer could be the glue that makes C'Thun Warrior work.




Basically a better statted, worse mechanic varian wrynn. Meh. Might work well in a deathrattle nzoth deck maybe? But then what if it summons nzoth. Ugh.

Ancient harbinger is obviously the near-auto-include in a lot of old god decks. Bad stats though. Tells your opponent you're fishing.
I gotta say I'm very annoyed that they seem to want to ignore inspire and discover while not even adding a new keyword, add in that they don't want to make charge minions(apparently) and you have a lot of old ideas for cards.

Edit: Oh wow that 6 Mana minion is pretty cool, it could potentially even draw more 10 mana cards if you have them.

Not sure how I feel about Y'Shaarj though, seems pretty meh.


Corporate Apologist
So, thats our Tutor. Its actually a bit weaker then I expected.

Now I want to see if someone can make an old god Gang Up Deck work, since that Harbinger can draw more then 1 card out of your deck.
Seems like Y'shaarj is a lot like Varian to me.

The cards you would want to pull out don't have battlecries, so you would want (from Standard)


And so on.


Seems like Y'shaarj is a lot like Varian to me.

The cards you would want to pull out don't have battlecries, so you would want (from Standard)


And so on.

Maybe it'll work in a warrior varian deck, where you just WANT as many big minions with 'on turn' effects. Use varian to hopefully pull this out, and you just generate a handful of big cost minions. Downside, as always is 'how do you get to turn 10 with so many huge minions in your deck?'

Maybe if there's a spell that reshuffles your hand or something :/
It's like the slow but steady Varian, it guarantees you draw minions but only plays one a turn, also it has better stats, which is only significant if BGH is getting nerfed.
Ancient Harbinger is actually legit insane though, especially for decks running old gods. That card is absolutely going to see play.

Edit: Oh wait it's start of your turn, not end, that makes it a little less great. You'd still run two of them in C'thun decks though I have to imagine.


Ancient Harbinger seems a bit hard to use unless you want to use it as a removal sponge.

Also I'm not sure Big Game Hunter could reasonably be killing anything with card design like that. Why on earth would you run a Varian that drags out two less cards and gets instant killed anyway?
If someone knows you are playing a deck with an Old God in it, they will save a removal for the Harbringer. It has pseudo-taunt like Thaurissan, will die the turn it is played and since its the start of the turn...well, it might as well be an Alarm-O-Bot.

Is there only one Old God left, then?

Yogg-Saron, yes.


that's a real bummer of an old god right there. So C'thun basic decks, deathrattle old gold when some of the better death rattle cards are leaving standard, and a ten cost variant of a card that doesn't see play.

League of Explorers was too good for this world.


that's a real bummer of an old god right there. So C'thun basic decks, deathrattle old gold when some of the better death rattle cards are leaving standard, and a ten cost variant of a card that doesn't see play.

League of Explorers was too good for this world.

Adventures are generally better than filler card sets. Save your gold/money for this summer :p
that's a real bummer of an old god right there. So C'thun basic decks, deathrattle old gold when some of the better death rattle cards are leaving standard, and a ten cost variant of a card that doesn't see play.

League of Explorers was too good for this world.
The more I think about it, the more I wish Naxx was staying Standard, and we were just losing GvG.


Adventures are generally better than filler card sets. Save your gold/money for this summer :p

i spent all my gold on standard packs because i had 2800 and that was so much and i couldn't wait for old gods. I had bought a $50 itunes card for $40 that i was going to use anyways if didn't save a lot of gold, but now i don't really feel like pre-ordering wtih money and wish i had saved gold for packs :O


Ancient Harbinger is an auto include in Cthun deck.

Having two of those means you basically have 3 times the chance to get a Cthun in your hand.

The Old god has anti synergy with Cthun and a bunch of powerful battlecries. Very similar to Varian Wrynn for sure although at least it's guaranteed to put a body on the battlefield.

Edit: Wait I misread that Ancient Harbinger... it says START of your turn. Nevermind then, it's not that good then. Should've been end of turn like the other card.


Adventures are generally better than filler card sets. Save your gold/money for this summer :p

Yeah, adventures have way less cards and I feel like blizz wants a meta impact w/ less cards, so therefore the cards are typically more gamechanging in the adventures. Expansions are way more watered down in impact, for the most part. C'thun is the only real big meta changer I see so far. *maybe* nzoth, maybe. Almost everything else seems to just be filling in gaps left behind from going to standard. We'll see.
The complete absence of face cards is very disturbing, turns out I might just main wild because I mosty play on breaks and in the John so 95% of my playing time I'm not interested in turbo long games, they slow down the grind for gold immensely as well.
Y'Shaarj looks pretty bad. Varian is arguably better and doesn't get played very much. Ancient Harbinger isn't that great either. Its effect isn't guaranteed to go off, and even if it does, it's basically just card draw. Being able to draw specific cards is nice, but I'd prefer just regular card draw. Harbinger also has the draw back of not even drawing you cards if you already drew your 10 cost minions, which will be pretty common since you'll probably run 2 at most.


I'm assuming ancient harbinger won't cause battlecries to come out for C'thun, so it's just going to drag it out. 4 attacks makes it so priest can't one shot it with removal.

I mean i guess if it's up you need to deal with it or get a 10 mana minion to deal with as early as turn 7.

y'shaarj is a better Varian, specially since the effect continues every turn it survives, but the random aspect (as well as missing out on some battlecries) kinda makes it bleck. Sure there are legendaries that you will want but you won't always get those legendaries pulled out.
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