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alright i've won two games as trap lock and load hunter + beast synergy against weird off-meta decks so it's clearly unstoppable tier 1 top of the meta.

What traps did you add in? I was trying the same thing earlier and won two games. Replaced Emperor and Elekk with Huntresses and then added bear, explosive, dart, frozen, snipe and misdirection traps x2. Too bad we have to wait a few weeks for Cat Trick. Seems like it could add some much needed minions to the standard Yogg and Load deck running in Tandem with Bear trap.


If I buy this adventure through the App (installed from Amazon) will it use the $10 credit I was supposed to have gotten for installing some app? I don't see a discount listed on the purchase screen. I guess it would have to be through coins but can't tell if it works to buy those either.

You won't know about the discount until you receive the e-mail receipt.

Buy with $ not coins.
I think I already hate using Discard Lock. When everything works out the right way it's fun but it seems like it just takes too much luck.


Super Sleuth
Seems like a good idea to tech in a flare since you are likely to see quite a few secret hunters right now and card draw is always welcome in hunter.


I think I already hate using Discard Lock. When everything works out the right way it's fun but it seems like it just takes too much luck.


What traps did you add in? I was trying the same thing earlier and won two games. Replaced Emperor and Elekk with Huntresses and then added bear, explosive, dart, frozen, snipe and misdirection traps x2. Too bad we have to wait a few weeks for Cat Trick. Seems like it could add some much needed minions to the standard Yogg and Load deck running in Tandem with Bear trap.

right now i'm 2x bear 1x snake, 1x explosive, 1x freezing


I already got rid of it, but it wasn't anything special. I'm sure you can already find something much better on Hearthpwn.

that's not what i'm asking, if you made a garbage list then of course you hate it. I want to see if you made obvious mistakes like overinvesting in discard.

you complain about discardlock but without knowing your list how is anyone supposed to know what you're complaining about or why?
Kolento seems to like Ivory Knight.

Rank 25 GAF card power guesses

He's gotten 3 secrets to choose from off the discover a couple times already


fun adventure so far

as someone that only plays arena other than the occasional brawl I pretty much just buy these for the bosses and always feel like I got my moneys worth
So far:
I like priest of the feast, won me a game where I got double down, shield blocked, and circled to heal me from 3 hp to 20. I'm sure that dragon warrior regretted not trading.

But I suck at priest deck building so I've moved on to paladin.

And I like Ivory Knight. I even managed to brann + ivory knight once, but it came up a bit short since my opponent had a rag I had no answer for for like 5 turns (neither equality drawn). The knight got me an answer but the mana wyrm was almost as big as the ragnaros anyway.

Also, I'm liking moroes tbh. A druid felt the need to swipe it on turn 4. Once vs a rogue I got like 4 tokens off it, and then used the body to remove an azure drake. Could have been bad vs rogue but even when paladin used muster sometimes it got great value when they didn't have fan.

I'll probably go to test mage and rogue later.


Beat adventure on Heroic.

That was a fun adventure. The Mirror one took me the longest because I didn't have Majormormo. I cheese it with Astral Communion Druids that also had Belchers. The other one I beat with Priest using a lot of small AOE clears. Honestly would've been a lot easier with Patron Warrior deck.

Now to try out Bolster Warrior boys!!!



right now i'm 2x bear 1x snake, 1x explosive, 1x freezing

The main thing I'm having issues with is balancing the amount of traps in the deck. I think ideally I would run 2x bear, frozen, explosive and Cat trick. Using 8 traps doesn't really seem like it would be worth using the huntress over thaurissian though since traps are cheap to begin with. Seems like Elekk+Emperor>Huntresses from a consistency and practical standpoint.


The main thing I'm having issues with is balancing the amount of traps in the deck. I think ideally I would run 2x bear, frozen, explosive and Cat trick. Using 8 traps doesn't really seem like it would be worth using the huntress over thaurissian though since traps are cheap to begin with. Seems like Elekk+Emperor>Huntresses from a consistency and practical standpoint.

it's all about those early turns, turn 3 huntress + a good secret is great, or even better

anomaly into turn 2 coin huntress + secret. boom.


Just whooped a Zoo player with the Defend the King plus Bolster combo.

Deck isn't half bad honestly. And I would probably run Pompous Thespian in this deck too.


Played the prologue. Played the 3 mana spells-cost-zero card on three. Then played the summon a random legendary card. This happened.


RIP Malchezar.


Unconfirmed Member
Beat adventure on Heroic.

That was a fun adventure. The Mirror one took me the longest because I didn't have Majormormo. I cheese it with Astral Communion Druids that also had Belchers. The other one I beat with Priest using a lot of small AOE clears. Honestly would've been a lot easier with Patron Warrior deck.

Now to try out Bolster Warrior boys!!!

This is my plan when I get home later.
Any tips? Sounds like Majordomo is the big one for the Mirror fight.


This is my plan when I get home later.
Any tips? Sounds like Majordomo is the big one for the Mirror fight.
For Heroic?

The first is the Medivh vs Malchazaar fight. They key here is using the god tier spells with your apprentices and keep them alive. Malchazaar has bad clears and as long as you keep clearing his stuff your apprentices will stay alive. Without them you will quickly go into fatigue and run out of ammo, you need that engine plus 3 cards draw every turn. Requires some luck because of you start getting stuff with no Arcane Missiles and no Spell damage then you might get rolled over.

Against Silverware Golem you want lots of granular AOE damage. I used Priest but I feel Grim Patron Warrior will be superior. Double WW, Ravaging Ghouls, Unstable Ghouls, Death's Bite, Grim Patrons etc. Hell even throw Revenge in there if you want to. I am pretty sure if you get a board full of Patrons then he's done for.

Second one is tough without Majordormo. He summon a 1/1 copy of whatever minion is played on his side including your own. Deathlord is godly in this match because you can get out a big minion really early. His deck is insane and very well synergized though he plays it like a dummy. I beat with Astral Druid after rolling a few times. Biggest problem was Mirror Entity, I would insta lose of he had it in his opening hand.

Third is just the chess piece only you can't discover chess pieces. This is not so bad until you realize you have very cards on your deck so you have to finish fast. All the special pieces you need to extract maximum value out of and use the move position option in the late game to optimize damage. Sometimes playing an extra minion means you don't get double damage on his minions so don't summon extra stuff. You want the Queen on far right after you have a lead on him so she can start dishing out face damage. I would restart the game if you lose the queen.


Priest of the Feast vs Refreshment Vendor is my new favourite dialogue interaction.

"That is my cake!"
"But I have more caaaakes..."


I want auto attack to be a key word in future expansions. The chess game is so fun. Now if only I could win the heroic one.

I consistently get it down to 2-7 hp but end up running out of steam. One game I would have won if I had not died to fatigue. :(
Protect the King + Bolster is fun.

I want auto attack to be a key word in future expansions. The chess game is so fun. Now if only I could win the heroic one.

I consistently get it down to 2-7 hp but end up running out of steam. One game I would have won if I had not died to fatigue. :(

Chess seems like an obvious tavern brawl at some point.


NAXX out?
Imp was one of the few new cards I actually wanted to try and it's from the last fucking wing, thanks Blizzard™

effect is too RNG doeeeeeeeeee, highroll card doe

pro player my ass

the brokeback is here
heavily rng-based effect, yes. if it doesn't work, you have a 3 mana 3/3 which is awful, yes. 50% chance to not being awful with 3 cards, and that is when you're lucky and have those 3 cards.
nice rank 25 card doe


Bolster Warrior is now a fun enough deck you can make rank 5 with if you want. I don't know where it is tier wise, obviously lower than Tempo and Dragon Warrior but it honestly is way more playable than it may first seem. If you have a taunt up and they play a couple of minions into it Bolster and Defend the King is damn near back breaking. These situations happen more often than you may think. Of course Defend the King is terrible against Control but no one played control against me today so Defend the King always did something.

Beast Druid and Discard Lock are not there yet. They are still missing that final crucial piece.


Unconfirmed Member
Beast Druid and Discard Lock are not there yet. They are still missing that final crucial piece.

Interesting. I assumed that the 1 mana 2/2 would be neough for Beast Druid. There are so many good on curve minions in that deck already that not having that midrange/end game drop I didn't think would hurt too much. I guess you need that final back breaking push to close out.


I've been enjoying my old Reno Paladin deck again. All the same except putting Ivory Knight in, but it's been doing a lot better. Biggest problem used to be zoo constantly flooding the board against my low number of board wipes, but I haven't been running into many of them.


Wow just crafted two golden cards, got dc'd and now I lost both cards and arcane... wtf

There isn't anything I can do is there? :/


trump's taunt warrior is hilarious mainly b/c he keeps talking about building a wall. regardless, clearly warrior needed another deck.

Memes upon memes.

I love that he's beaten every dragon warrior I've seen. The problem is the 2 times he played rogue he got beat pretty easy. That's the problem with looking at win rate at this time...no one is looking to counter you and people are playing a bunch of random decks.


Taunt Warrior is going to be Levi's favorite deck.

I tried to make a Bolster/Taunt/Nzoth deck in Wild before the Protect the King came out. Bolster seems good in a deck where you can play Deathlords and Sludge Belchers and then bring them back. I also ran Emperor and Blood Warriors for maximum greed.

It was fine.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Man, the chess battle is amazingly fun.
hope they make it a brawl... hell hope they make it a game mode around it.


watching some secret yogg&load hunter and it still is mediocre at best, I'm afraid.
as far as hunter goes I think people will just keep using the same beast deck with the Kindly Grandmother as the only new card in it.


watching some secret yogg&load hunter and it still is mediocre at best, I'm afraid.
as far as hunter goes I think people will just keep using the same beast deck with the Kindly Grandmother as the only new card in it.
Cloaked Huntress is a good card though, might see more play in Wild.


Unconfirmed Member
So my control hunter with Cloaked Huntress is doing ok, but the similar version I ran at the begining of WOTOG did ok too, largely thanks to people running unoptimal decks. Maybe Cat Trick or Kindly Grandmother will help, but I doubt it.

My more traditional midrange hunter with an added Cloaked Huntress does great. Maybe part of that is the unoptimized meta, but it really feels like a good deck. Seems like something like that has potential.


I absolutely love Ivory Knight. It has been working wonders in my N'zoth/Anyfin Paladin deck. 3 Anyfins per game seems pretty common so far.

Farming the heck out of people testing control decks and is surprisingly strong against tempo mage and dragon warrior. Will be interesting when I get to a more aggro meta.
My thoughts on cloaked huntress is that it's about as good as kirin tor mage. Better statline by a tiny margin, worse text since mage secrets are stronger. Too high roller. Very good when it hits 2 secrets. Maybe okay when it hits 1. Below average for a hunter 3 drop when it hits 0 secrets.

Probably doesn't even fit in yogg hunter since it stops your elekk from getting yogg.

Should clarify, this is a summation of my pre-launch thoughts on the card. Hasn't changed yet though.


watching some secret yogg&load hunter and it still is mediocre at best, I'm afraid.
as far as hunter goes I think people will just keep using the same beast deck with the Kindly Grandmother as the only new card in it.

Firebat was on a disgusting winstreak playing an aggro version of secret hunter. His combo version seemed pretty decent too. Turn 2, coin, Huntress, Freezing Trap can shut down a lot of decks and then you take everything face.


Cloaked Huntress is a good card though, might see more play in Wild.
oh it's definitely a good card, I just don't see the secret version of midrange hunter or yogg&load hunter being better than the current beast midrange + Kindly Grandmother, not in standard anyway.

Firebat was on a disgusting winstreak playing an aggro version of secret hunter. His combo version seemed pretty decent too. Turn 2, coin, Huntress, Freezing Trap can shut down a lot of decks and then you take everything face.
is it just standard face hunter with Cloaked Huntress and a couple of more secrets in it? I remember him winning games with face hunter in standard way before this expansion came out, I think he's just good with that deck lol. same with freeze mage
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