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How critical do you think fandral will be to beast druid decks?

Hard to say. Fandral is a very strong class legendary that will probably be in most lists, but I think a faster list could work without it.

I have no idea on how its going to shake out. Is the ideal Beast Druid going to be best as a midrange list or an aggressive list? Is it going to have a really low curve or is it going to run late game cards? Will it end up a gimmick people play for a week or two or will it rival Token Druid?

I'm excited to give it a shot--I've been experimenting with Beast Druid lists since TGT (I think the first time I posted here was to get feedback on a Beast Druid homebrew deck).

If I had any PTO left I'd take the day off work tomorrow so I could start experimenting with Warden ASAP. Alas, I won't be able to really dig in until 6pm PST when I get home.


Unconfirmed Member
I think it depends on if the Beast Druid deck tries to do the Zoobot/Curator stuff too or not.

It seems like that deck is the best suited to the Dragon/Beast stuff since all you really need is 2x Azure Drake and 2x Faerie Dragon to be basically good to go on Dragons. Then you can try to add in Zoobot and Curator for extra card draw and buffing power. Is that deck any good when you have stuff like Warden, who can't copy Azure drake, which makes your 5->6 turn way less devastating? It seems like making a mix is possible but maybe inconsistent?

Ok...I think I just talked myself out of running Curator and Zoobot and Azure Drake in that deck. Yeah, the deck builds itself then.

And Fandral is definitely in it. Wrath, Druid of the Claw, Living Roots alone would be enough, but you're prolly running Raven Idol too so yeah. Play him.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The Beast Druid deck literally builds by itself.

To be fair, I thought the same about Midrange Shaman in the lead up to Old Gods, where you put in 28 Shaman cards and two Azure Drakess. Turns out that deck was just a bit too slow.


To be fair, I thought the same about Midrange Shaman in the lead up to Old Gods, where you put in 28 Shaman cards and two Azure Drakess. Turns out that deck was just a bit too slow.
That's basically the Midrange Shaman deck though and it's obviously a strong deck (tier 2 at least on pretty much every list and brought to tournaments).

Though the Aggro Shaman list is basically that too (but faster so it's better):

2x Trogg
2x Lightning Bolt
2x Totem Golem
2x Flametongue
2x Rockbiter
2x Tuskar Totemic
2x Feral Spirits
2x Lava Burst
2x 4 mana 7/7
2x Thing From Deep
2x Doomhammer

I can tell you more the following cards will be used in Beast Druid out of necessity:

2x Living Roots
2x Enchanted Raven
2x Druid of the Saber
2x Mark of Yshaarj
2x Mounted Raptor
2x Innervate
2x Wrath
2x of some random 3 drop Beast (Druid of Flame probably)
2x Savage Combatant
1x Fandral
2x Druid of the Claw (maybe you bring it down to one)
2x Tiger
2x Warden

I think these 25 cards are very hard to replace. The other 5 cards will dictate if you want to go faster (so Power of the Wilds) or slower (Rag and Ancient of War top end)


The Beast Druid deck literally builds by itself.

Do you think the day one list is going to be the fully optimized version?

Look at Cycle C'thun now vs the slow C'thun lists Warrior was running a month ago.

Look at today's midrange Shaman vs the Loyan Bloodlust list everyone was running with Old Gods launch.

Look at Dragon Warrior, which didn't get figured out for a month or two past the Old Gods launch. Tempo Warrior has been almost completely replaced.

The list goes on and on... Beast Druid seems obvious now but if it turns out to be a meta deck I seriously doubt the lists we're using tomorrow will last.


Of course it won't be fully optimized but the core will be the same. Lists will change based on the meta as well.

The slow Cthun Warrior and Cthun Druid decks are very similar now to what they were day 1 to be honest. Same for Zoolock decks, very similar now as they were like week 1.
I played majordomo in the brawl for giggles, and when I became ragnaros, on my turn it didn't let me discover a card, and subsequently wouldn't let me play anything or even hero power, even though my connection was fine


Just straight winstreaking with this totem shaman deck up through the dumpster ranks. I'll probably have to wait for next month to play anyone worthwhile but it's doing well which I guess shouldn't be too surprising.


Of course it won't be fully optimized but the core will be the same. Lists will change based on the meta as well.

The slow Cthun Warrior and Cthun Druid decks are very similar now to what they were day 1 to be honest. Same for Zoolock decks, very similar now as they were like week 1.

Well, no one is innovating on C'thun Druid because that deck sucks.

WIth C'thun Warrior, it has changed a lot.The slower list day one was this janky Elise, Doomcaller thing. It took a while to figure out which and how many C'thun buffs were necessary and whether Elise and/or Doomcaller was worth running, whether the list should have Gorehowl, etc. A lot of people playing C'thun Warrior day one weren't even running Brawl.

I guess we're just arguing degrees. Replacing 5 or 6 cards to me is a BIG change, and to you they're "very similar".

Of course, with Warrior I'm very nitpicky over every card so I really notice the changes.

I don't agree that Zoo is the same list now as day one Old Gods. Back then the Leeroy / Gormok list was most popular. These days it's the double Doomguard/1 soulfire list that is most popular. That's a huge difference in my opinion.


My second and newest legendary is shifter zerus. I might as well throw him in my zoo deck and swap out blood imp for now until I can get some knife jugglers and such. Speaking of which part of me just wants to craft the fuckers but another part of me knows that the minute I do they'll drop in the next pack to taunt me.


My second and newest legendary is shifter zerus. I might as well throw him in my zoo deck and swap out blood imp for now until I can get some knife jugglers and such. Speaking of which part of me just wants to craft the fuckers but another part of me knows that the minute I do they'll drop in the next pack to taunt me.

I wouldn't craft Knife Juggalos when they're so easily substituted in Zoo.

Flame Jugglers or Argent Horseriders are good zoo cards that you can plug in that slot if you have them. You miss out on the Forbidden Tentacle synergy but honestly that's not back breaking.


If you think swapping out one charger/4 damage for another in Zoo is a BIG change then sure... the day 1 Beast Druid list is going to be a LOT DIFFERENT than the month later list.

To me, roughly 25 cards in the deck represent the core cards in the deck that define the deck and the remaining cards you change around based on the meta (ie. tech choices).


I wouldn't craft Knife Juggalos when they're so easily substituted in Zoo.

Flame Jugglers or Argent Horseriders are good zoo cards that you can plug in that slot if you have them. You miss out on the Forbidden Tentacle synergy but honestly that's not back breaking.

Yeah i need to optimize my deck more, this is what I run right now. http://www.hearthpwn.com/deckbuilder/warlock#74:1;85:2;170:2;174:1;196:1;236:1;305:2;340:2;357:2;386:1;472:1;473:1;513:1;529:1;542:1;573:1;577:1;610:1;614:1;648:1;33171:2;33175:1;35216:1;35219:1;


If you think swapping out one charger/4 damage for another in Zoo is a BIG change then sure... the day 1 Beast Druid list is going to be a LOT DIFFERENT than the month later list.

Sarcasm aside, I've played both lists and they are different decks.

These kinds of granular changes can have big consequences on a deck's win rate.



It's a start. There's some odd choices. Too many "one-ofs". If you can save up 700 gold to get two Dark Peddlers from wing one of League of Explorers that'll improve the deck, and you need Doomguards more than you need Knife Jugglers, so if you are going to do some crafting I'd start there.

Argent Horseriders, Argent Commanders or even Reckless Rocketeer would improve the deck. Reckless only if you can't run Doomguard for whatever reason.

Cut Felguard ASAP, that's a really bad card. If you want a Taunt, Senjin Shieldmasta or Sunfury Protector is a better choice.

Good luck! Zoo is a really fun deck.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Doing well with my new Hunter deck.

Major issue I run into is the new priest can wreck me.

Usually can get the jump on aggro lock, midrange shaman, and paly. Mage can wreck me if it gets flamewalker out there to ping pong me to death.


Got my second legendary back in this week's brawl: Tinkmaster Overspark. He transformed into Dr. Boom that time. He isn't as shiny but well, he could have been Millhouse or some other totally useless crap.

I heard he was somewhat decent against the new ramp Druid?
13-3 in wild with tempo mage... I have yogg in the deck but have only played it like once lol

Oh damn priest almost beat me but got greedy af. he left my sorc apprentice up cause he didn't want to trade both his NSC. Then I mana wyrm, coin, fireball his deathlord, kill it off and I get a shredder. So his 2 NSC vs my 3/3 wyrm and shredder. He conceded lmao.


Got my second legendary back in this week's brawl: Tinkmaster Overspark. He transformed into Dr. Boom that time. He isn't as shiny but well, he could have been Millhouse or some other totally useless crap.

I heard he was somewhat decent against the new ramp Druid?

Tinkmaster is very good vs C'thun decks and N'zoth decks. Making it so Doomcaller can't resurrect a C'thun or N'zoth can't resurrect a Sylvanas or Tirion is very good. I run Tinkmaster in my control warrior and he's performed very well.

I'm not sure what he'd do vs Ramp Druid. Get past a big taunt or stop Y'Shaarj from proccing?

It's not a tier one legendary so if you need the dust, don't feel bad, but in some match ups Tink is huge.


Tinkmaster is very good vs C'thun decks and N'zoth decks. Making it so Doomcaller can't resurrect a C'thun or N'zoth can't resurrect a Sylvanas or Tirion is very good. I run Tinkmaster in my control warrior and he's performed very well.

I'm not sure what he'd do vs Ramp Druid. Get past a big taunt or stop Y'Shaarj from proccing?

It's not a tier one legendary so if you need the dust, don't feel bad, but in some match ups Tink is huge.

I only dust extra cards because in the long run 400 (max) dust isn't that much, so I prefer to keep everything. Who knows when something can be good? Even something like Herald Volazj
Playing wild is like a walk through a shitty museum. The real decks you run into are all just crappy versions of your most despised archetypes of the past. Mech mage, aggro mech shaman, secret paladin. Just to name a few.

It's pretty funny that these people can't even figure out how to update them appropriately and even when they get the god starts they end up sucking because of includes you'd never see in a refined decklist of that type.

15-3 with the tempo mage decklist I threw together today, so this post is far from motivated by salt. I find it humorous, not sour.


It's pretty funny that these people can't even figure out how to update them appropriately and even when they get the god starts they end up sucking because of includes you'd never see in a refined decklist of that type.
This is why I am in agreement with the opinion that sites like Tempostorm should not post Wild tier lists or decks. It has actually created an interesting ecosystem.


It's a start. There's some odd choices. Too many "one-ofs". If you can save up 700 gold to get two Dark Peddlers from wing one of League of Explorers that'll improve the deck, and you need Doomguards more than you need Knife Jugglers, so if you are going to do some crafting I'd start there.

Argent Horseriders, Argent Commanders or even Reckless Rocketeer would improve the deck. Reckless only if you can't run Doomguard for whatever reason.

Cut Felguard ASAP, that's a really bad card. If you want a Taunt, Senjin Shieldmasta or Sunfury Protector is a better choice.

Good luck! Zoo is a really fun deck.

Ty for the advice I can certainly do some of that now ( the rocketeer and saving the gold to access LOE for the peddlers). I really do enjoy the Felgaurd despite his drawback but if he has to go he can enjoy the bench next to the void terror who was also once part of the deck and got swapped out for other things that were more consistently useful.
This is why I am in agreement with the opinion that sites like Tempostorm should not post Wild tier lists or decks. It has actually created an interesting ecosystem.

I'm sure the decklists are out there though. It's not like netdecking didn't exist until TS started posting lists.

In other news, I just arcane missile'd a board of 5 1/1s and only 1 minion was removed. Then I just had 7 missiles hit face with 1 target on board.... Then then ext turn I cast another spell, both missiles hit face...

I still won the second match in a landslide despite having the worst rng possible literally. 9 coin flips hit face. I've never seen that before. Oh and it was vs priest so... lol.


Super Sleuth
It is fun to play against a dumb astral communion druid when you have a deadly shot or two in hand and a full board.

Oh no an 8/8 taunt! And you have no other cards in hand! Eek!


Deck lists exist but they aren't refined or they aren't up to date with the meta. Plus hardly any streamer streaming Wild which makes a big difference too.


A played shaman in this brawl.

Played tuskar totemic, flamewreathed faceless, 2 turns later sylvanas, and then another flamewreathed faceless.

felt like constructed


Playing wild is like a walk through a shitty museum. The real decks you run into are all just crappy versions of your most despised archetypes of the past. Mech mage, aggro mech shaman, secret paladin. Just to name a few.

It's pretty funny that these people can't even figure out how to update them appropriately and even when they get the god starts they end up sucking because of includes you'd never see in a refined decklist of that type.

15-3 with the tempo mage decklist I threw together today, so this post is far from motivated by salt. I find it humorous, not sour.
I just use wild to clear out some easy quests around rank 20 lol. Not gonna bother updating decks for it, face hunter still winning games in 5 turns. &#128513; Secret pally games are usually over quickly too. Not gonna bother playing control in standard without any Rags. :<


Super Sleuth
I never notice if a mage is reno unless he plays jeweled scarab. Even if they play dumb shit like flame lance. I just feel confused and then either l them or get surprised by the reno dropping.


Here's my Resurrect Priest deck now after a week.

I'm trying to see where I can add a Shadow Cabal + Darkshire Alchemist + Arcane Giant as I once had those cards before but now have removed them for Priest of the Feast, Smite, and Wild Pyromancer.

I probably should drop Barnes.



Brawl was good to me, got a Doomhammer on my Asia account (my collection there is very tiny) so I've been able to make a pretty good hybrid Shaman to do quests with there.

40 dust packs for my other two accounts but I'm happy with those collections so it's no thang.

Didn't play any ranked ladder today, probably why I'm still in a good mood. Gonna have to do some grinding tomorrow, though.


Here's my Resurrect Priest deck now after a week.

I'm trying to see where I can add a Shadow Cabal + Darkshire Alchemist + Arcane Giant as I once had those cards before but now have removed them for Priest of the Feast, Smite, and Wild Pyromancer.

I probably should drop Barnes.

How's Shadow Madness in that deck? That's probably what I'd cut.

I probably wouldn't cut Barnes.

Curious why you'd run Thoughtsteal and not Shifting Shade? Both represent card advantage but Shade gives you a body on board and a possible Barnes/Resurrect target.

Wild Pyro has negative synergy with Resurrect, maybe that'd be another place to cut.

Looks fun.

Played a c'thun warrior that played sea giant with charge and faceless manipulator.

I was astonished!

I think you mean Arcane Giant, not Sea giant.


Wouldn't it be more astonishing if it were sea giant?

It sure would. It'd be very difficult for C'thun Warrior to have a board wide enough to make Sea Giant worth using as a combo finisher.

And if C'thun Warrior has a board that dominant? They don't need any fancy combo to win. Grom or Gorehowl ought to do it.


How's Shadow Madness in that deck? That's probably what I'd cut.

I probably wouldn't cut Barnes.

Curious why you'd run Thoughtsteal and not Shifting Shade? Both represent card advantage but Shade gives you a body on board and a possible Barnes/Resurrect target.

Wild Pyro has negative synergy with Resurrect, maybe that'd be another place to cut.

Looks fun.

I like it a lot. Sometimes it makes people insta-concede.

I was thinking of cutting one to add a Cabal back in the deck, but hm.

Aggro is what changing my deck.

I could probably cut one Wild Pyromancer.

Why I have so many spells was that I had Arcane Giants. I could cut one Pyro for a Giant.


I like it a lot. Sometimes it makes people insta-concede.

I was thinking of cutting one to add a Cabal back in the deck, but hm.

Aggro is what changing my deck.

I could probably cut one Wild Pyromancer.

Why I have so many spells was that I had Arcane Giants. I could cut one Pyro for a Giant.

I wouldn't cut a bunch of second copies to add in a bunch of one-ofs.

One thing I try to keep in mind in deckbuilding is that, in general, if it's worth running, it's worth running two of. You can't do everything so figure out what you actually want it to

I'm okay with tech cards (Shadow Madness) or Heavy Cards (Arcane Giant) being one-ofs, but overall I subscribe to Chakki's school of thought that consistency is important when making a deck.

With so many decks running Barnes maybe Shadow Madness is something you should keep two of. Taking their 1/1 and keeping the Deathrattle seems worth.

With that many spells Yogg Soron might be worth running (if you have him).

I lost you off my friends list, if you feel like it add me back, I'd like to spectate some of these Priest games. Levi#1147

If you use Track-o-bot put your token in here:


And it'll analyze the win rate of your deck on a card-by-card basis. Do you win more games when you draw Priest of the Feast than when you don't? This tool will tell you. Pros use it when putting together their tournament lists.


If you use Track-o-bot put your token in here:


And it'll analyze the win rate of your deck on a card-by-card basis. Do you win more games when you draw Priest of the Feast than when you don't? This tool will tell you. Pros use it when putting together their tournament lists.

Oh cool. I had been trying to develop something like this on my own but was having trouble with the Track O Bot API. Glad to see someone else has figured it out. I'll definitely have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!


How's Shadow Madness in that deck? That's probably what I'd cut.

I probably wouldn't cut Barnes.

Curious why you'd run Thoughtsteal and not Shifting Shade? Both represent card advantage but Shade gives you a body on board and a possible Barnes/Resurrect target.

Wild Pyro has negative synergy with Resurrect, maybe that'd be another place to cut.

Looks fun.

I think you mean Arcane Giant, not Sea giant.

Nope, was sea giant, makes sense if you consider that in a control MATCH UP warrior is capable of doing his hero power a lot
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