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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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So what deck is best to farm all these Beast Druids that will pop up later today? I'm thinking Midrange Hunter because your minions are fast enough to contest the board against theirs and you have the best answer to Tiger (Deadly Shot).

Most likely just Aggro Shaman or Zoo.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So what deck is best to farm all these Beast Druids that will pop up later today? I'm thinking Midrange Hunter because your minions are fast enough to contest the board against theirs and you have the best answer to Tiger (Deadly Shot).

Beast Druid looks kind of like a slightly faster Midrange Hunter without a guaranteed finisher. Just play some super-fast aggro nonsense.


Nope, was sea giant, makes sense if you consider that in a control MATCH UP warrior is capable of doing his hero power a lot

That's not Sea Giant... that's Frost Giant.

Sea Giant is reduced based on how many minions are on board.

Frost Giant is reduced based on how many times you've hero powered.


So what deck is best to farm all these Beast Druids that will pop up later today? I'm thinking Midrange Hunter because your minions are fast enough to contest the board against theirs and you have the best answer to Tiger (Deadly Shot).
Aggro Shaman and Zoolock are going to be better (Zoolock probably going to be the best against it), probably even Dragon Warrior. Whatever hits the board faster and holds it is what you would want.

Hunter minions aren't really faster than Beast Druid's. Deadly Shot is legit but you want to be winning before Tiger comes down.


Super Sleuth
It's going to feel like they have tiger into warden every single turn five isn't it.

And when I play it it will feel like I never have it.


These beast druid would've just tier 3 aggros

I'm more concerned Fool's bane will kill Token Druid :(

brb ranking up, back playing warrior tommorow
Resurrect Priest is good against Aggro Shaman, Priest of the Feast is great for pushing out of their burn range.

maybe but trog->golem is usually responded to with a SWP, hopefully they have two else they pray for pyrmoancers.

edit: oh man now i feel dirty.......open 2 trogg 2 golem with coin vs. resurrect priest. has 2 trog and golem out on turn 2 and he went cleric->bump trogg+heal->blademaster->conceed. i feel so dirty playing this deck.


Ranked is so tilting. 9 stars til I hit my goal, but I just lost my streak, which is a 3 star swing.

One loss and my goal goes from feeling inevitable to impossible.

I'm still gonna get there, I think this evening will be a favorable time to climb.

I've got a positive win rate with warrior against every common deck right now, except midrange hunter where I'm 42%.

At this point all I need to do is avoid tilting, keep my emotions in check, and I'll get that stupid chest and no longer will I be made to feel inferior for "only" being a rank 6 player.
odd i've played 10 games with aggro shaman, lost 2 (zoo/midrange hutner). not a single time did i win with doomhammer, or even rockbiter. it basically comes down to overwhelming them with resilient minions+flametounge or tons of spell burst damage.

all i did was take one of the manacrystals deck and plug in two ancestrals and dropped finley (i dont like that card) and we're off.


Doomhammer doesn't need a nerf, it's the interaction with Rockbiter that's problematic.

Make it so Rockbiter overwrites Doomhammer instead of buffing it, problem solved.

People want to nerf power overwhelming but I don't think it needs a nerf. The issue is that Zoo can essentially run 4 copies now with Dark Peddler. I really don't see the point of nerfing a core card of a deck that isn't even that strong right now. Why kick zoo when it's down?

Does Yogg need a nerf? I don't know why people are predicting a Yogg nerf before Blizzcon. Do you think Blizzard is bothered that two of the eight people who made it top 8 in Prelims got there off of the back of Hail Mary Yogg plays?

They want the game to appeal to casual players, and casual players see Yogg and think "Cool! I want that card!". I doubt they really care if the relatively small hardcore competitive scene hates it.

If they do nerf Yogg, I would be so happy. Even if they made it so the random spells were cast by random players, instead of just from the person who played Yogg, it would fulfill its original purpose of being a "fun" card instead of the strongest swing card that the game has ever seen.
Doomhammer doesn't need a nerf, it's the interaction with Rockbiter that's problematic.

Make it so Rockbiter overwrites Doomhammer instead of buffing it, problem solved.

People want to nerf power overwhelming but I don't think it needs a nerf. The issue is that Zoo can essentially run 4 copies now with Dark Peddler. I really don't see the point of nerfing a core card of a deck that isn't even that strong right now. Why kick zoo when it's down?

Does Yogg need a nerf? I don't know why people are predicting a Yogg nerf before Blizzcon. Do you think Blizzard is bothered that two of the eight people who made it top 8 in Prelims got there off of the back of Hail Mary Yogg plays?

They want the game to appeal to casual players, and casual players see Yogg and think "Cool! I want that card!". I doubt they really care if the relatively small hardcore competitive scene hates it.

If they do nerf Yogg, I would be so happy. Even if they made it so the random spells were cast by random players, instead of just from the person who played Yogg, it would fulfill its original purpose of being a "fun" card instead of the strongest swing card that the game has ever seen.

hearthstone is odd compared to other blizzard games. usually blizzard identifies the OP stuff and nerfs it quick. here they just let it roll forever (patrons). the only big change was standard and then the changes to like 10 cards at once or whatever it was.


You could make it so that character attack buffs and weapon damage don't stack. So Doomhammer + Rockbiter is just three damage twice instead of five.


Yeah other night I titled in Standard and lost 2 ranks. But that same night I got a winning streak in Wild I gained like 2 ranks. I like Wild because there is a bit more variety but fighting against Dr. Boom is crazy lol. I feel like I'm going back in time in Wild- seeing how crazy things were before I started (I started in WoTG)
Just change Rockbiter to say "Your next attack has +3 attack". There's no reason for it to not stack with Doomhammer. It just shouldn't stack with both hits.

Yeah other night I titled in Standard and lost 2 ranks. But that same night I got a winning streak in Wild I gained like 2 ranks. I like Wild because there is a bit more variety but fighting against Dr. Boom is crazy lol. I feel like I'm going back in time in Wild- seeing how crazy things were before I started (I started in WoTG)
If they would tone down Secret Paladin, I would only ever play Wild. :p


Just change Rockbiter to say "Your next attack has +3 attack". There's no reason for it to not stack with Doomhammer. It just shouldn't stack with both hits.

Actually yeah, that's a real easy way to fix it.

That way you fix the problem with Doomhammer, but you don't nerf Rockbiter for any of its other uses (minions, early game removal).
Just change Rockbiter to say "Your next attack has +3 attack". There's no reason for it to not stack with Doomhammer. It just shouldn't stack with both hits.

Yeah, that was going to be my suggestion as well. It's not like anybody actually runs any Windfury effects other than Doomhammer.


Zoo is "down"?

Ayy LMAO... just about everyone brought it to the recent big tournaments and is like the 4th best deck right now while consistently being a top deck throughout the history of HS.

Actually I would go on to say that in the entire history of HS it is in fact the BEST deck.


Zoo is "down"?

Ayy LMAO... just about everyone brought it to the recent big tournaments and is like the 4th best deck right now while consistently being a top deck throughout the history of HS.

Actually I would go on to say that in the entire history of HS it is in fact the BEST deck.

If a deck used to be the number one deck in the game and now it's not even in the top five, that is by definition a downswing.

I also didn't say that Zoo wasn't good, just that it's not as good as it used to be and not especially strong in this meta.

It's a tier two deck.

You can't judge a deck based on if people bring it to tournaments, because tournaments have ban lists. You can't ban warrior from ladder.

Why does a tier two deck with an overall 51% win rate need a nerf?

Answer: it doesn't.


vS Data Reaper Report #15
Control Priest is almost as common as Dragon Warrior these days on ladder.
By the holy light!


Unconfirmed Member
The biggest fallacy in Hearthstone is attempting to look at tournament decks and results to inform opinions about the ladder. They are incomparable except that they use the same pool of cards.

Tournaments are much more predictable due to bans, the multiple game and deck format, and knowledge about opponenets. None of that applies to the ladder.

That said lots of tournament deck can be strong on ladder and vice versa, but there is no reason to assume so. In fact I'd say that counter-meta'ing the most recent tournament winner's deck is one of the best ideas to gain ranks. The one trueism is that people love to copy decks and if there is a tournament winning deck, you can bet it will show up A BUNCH on ladder real quick.



I played a lot of both Midrange Hunter and Hybrid Hunter during this period, and I have to say I agree that Hybrid Hunter is the stronger deck. I never messed with any of the secret builds, I'm not particularly fond of those decks as they currently exist (or Hunter traps in general).

Warrior getting knocked down a few pegs also correlates with what I saw. With so much of ladder being Hunter it's very difficult to play any Warrior slower than Dragon Warrior.

I'm 42% with DW against Hunters, but it's so draw dependent, and while Hunter is getting stronger with the Kara cards, I don't see Iron Portal or Fool's Bane helping Warrior narrow that gap in any significant way.

Everyone was calling for FWA nerfs but the meta isn't very kind to FWA with cards such as Kindly Grandmother, Totem Golem, Argent Squire, Possessed Village, Mirror Image, Stoneclaw Totem and other FWA-resistant early drops, not to mention Acidic Swamp Ooze making its way into a lot of different lists lately.

If aggro shaman is strong against Hunter I might actually pick it up. I've never practiced that deck so I'm very hesitant to start playing something new this late in the season, but none of my current decks are performing better than 55-60% anyway, and most of 'em are closer to 50%.

Why the drop in warrior?

Short answer is that Warrior really struggles against Hunter, which is now the most popular overall class on ranked ladder.


Super Sleuth
I played a lot of both Midrange Hunter and Hybrid Hunter during this period, and I have to say I agree that Hybrid Hunter is the stronger deck. I never messed with any of the secret builds, I'm not particularly fond of those decks as they currently exist (or Hunter traps in general).

Warrior getting knocked down a few pegs also correlates with what I saw. With so much of ladder being Hunter it's very difficult to play any Warrior slower than Dragon Warrior.

I'm 42% with DW against Hunters, but it's so draw dependent, and while Hunter is getting stronger with the Kara cards, I don't see Iron Portal or Fool's Bane helping Warrior narrow that gap in any significant way.

Everyone was calling for FWA nerfs but the meta isn't very kind to FWA with cards such as Kindly Grandmother, Totem Golem, Argent Squire, Possessed Village, Mirror Image, Stoneclaw Totem and other FWA-resistant early drops, not to mention Acidic Swamp Ooze making its way into a lot of different lists lately.

If aggro shaman is strong against Hunter I might actually pick it up. I've never practiced that deck so I'm very hesitant to start playing something new this late in the season, but none of my current decks are performing better than 55-60% anyway, and most of 'em are closer to 50%.

Fools bane may help slightly with the sticky minions hunter has, but not too much for how expensive it is. Even if you kill the highmane and its children if you didn't develop want strong minions that turn you are still hopelessly behind.


If a deck used to be the number one deck in the game and now it's not even in the top five, that is by definition a downswing.

I also didn't say that Zoo wasn't good, just that it's not as good as it used to be and not especially strong in this meta.

It's a tier two deck.

You can't judge a deck based on if people bring it to tournaments, because tournaments have ban lists. You can't ban warrior from ladder.

Why does a tier two deck with an overall 51% win rate need a nerf?

Answer: it doesn't.
First of all Zoo is definitely in top 5. This whole tier 1 and tier 2 non sense is just sipping on the cool aid especially when Zoo counters the best deck in the game. There isn't a big difference between the 4th best deck (Zoo) which tier "2" and the 3rd best deck (Token Druid) at tier "1". Zoo has been tier 1 in post OG meta for a quite a long time. Watch it be tier 1 in two weeks.

Secondly where are you getting this win percentage from? According to Blizzard, both Shaman and Warlock have better win percentages than Warrior... and I know for sure they are not talking about Renolock here.

Zoo is among the most played and won with decks in both ladder and tournaments in the history of HS... now and forever and ever.

A refresher on why this phenomenon always happens:



Unconfirmed Member
Is malchezar's imp going to be an auto include with any deck that runs doomguard? Or just a discard deck?

The 1/3 stats are probably enough to warrant an include in pretty much anything that has even a few discard effects.
hunter hero power soo good in aggro shaman

Also played against control shaman and killed them from 24, Doomhammer in play, Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Druid Hero Power, Lighting Bolt, Lava Burst for 26 damage
That seems to be for synergy with the card that destroys minions on either side and gives you their attack/health.

Or maybe with wind fury creatures?

I edited this because I think I know why there was the extra health involved: so it actually doesn't die during your turn, in case you want a Deathrattle to go off earlier.
this guy just barnes out ysharrj who pulled fandral and dropped bog creeper but i had 3 spell damage totems so i dropped bloodmage and maelstrom portaled XD
This wing might not have the strongest cards, but it definitely has the most interesting cards in terms of deck building. I think I am going to start with control paladin, maybe dragon paladin... definitely something with curator. But I also want to use the new dragon paladin card, and yet I want curator to always pull a badass dragon.... some many potential decks just from curator.
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