I can vouch for this. Possibly every available spell was cast.Some insane Yogg shenanigans in Kibler's stream just now.
Beast Druid has superior 1 drops and superior turn 2 plays. Hunter doesn't start catching up until turn 3 with high roll Animal Companion or Eaglehorn or crazy Huntress play.These hunter deck surprisingly seem always fall behind beast druid curve from what I see from early stream
Can we nerf equality though?
Anyone have a beast druid deck list they could post? I have Cenarius and was thinking about crafting Fandral, but wanted to see the card requirements for the decks before I spent my dust.
Can we nerf equality though?
Forsen LMAO
He just said he should start going out finding cute girls, buy them computers and streamign setups, and promote them, and then take half of all the donations they take
Twitch pimping, and the sad thing is that i think he'd make TONS of money like that.
no idea but it can be crafted lolany reason why medivh's valet is showing up in the crafting section of my mage?
As a note, I have not bought the full expansion, i'm buying them with gold every week
These are my stats vs beast druid so far:
Malygos Rogue (with curator mixed in):
Dragon Paladin
What dragon paladin list are you using. I'm trying a Curator/Dragon Paladin right now, and it's fun, but not competitive at all.
I was using jewelled scarab but I cut that for something.
I was using jewelled scarab but I cut that for something.
Would it be too broken for master of evolution to work on enemy minions?
Thanks, I'll try it out. My deck was similar, but I was using Murloc Knight istead of Corrupted Seer, had one more ivory knight and a lay on hands in place of forbidden healing.
YesWould it be too broken for master of evolution to work on enemy minions?
Death rattles, static and EoT abilities.Why would you want to do that? I can't see how it would be broken either.
Why would you want to do that? I can't see how it would be broken either.
Why would you want to do that? I can't see how it would be broken either.
it could be really good if you use it on a Tirion or other very annoying legendaries, and change them into something (probably) less good. or to avoid taunts for lethal, etc.Why would you want to do that? I can't see how it would be broken either.
watching beast druid and it's ok, nothing spectacular. as expected I suppose
it could be really good if you use it on a Tirion or other very annoying legendaries, and change them into something (probably) less good. or to avoid taunts for lethal, etc.
watching beast druid and it's ok, nothing spectacular. as expected I suppose
Ramp druid vs beast druid who hits combo:
It was quite a game.
I like who they got for Illhoof/Curator. Just need him to redo Cho's lines and we're good!
I was using jewelled scarab but I cut that for something.
Wew, someone just played a Totemic Might against me. Never go full totem. Though the 7/10 totem golem was kinda neat.
These are my stats vs beast druid so far:
Malygos Rogue (with curator mixed in):
Dragon Paladin
I just came from the funeral of a friend's father, so I will recently start playing hs.
How are the new decks doing? is beast druid a thing?
that and if you're lucky Menagerie Warden + Savage Combatant are probably the best combo cards you could get, and I don't even think the combo is that broken. then you can have a good curve with decent minions but that's about it.I think an optimized list will be pretty scary, if it curves well then the tiger into warden is about as broken as everyone figured, but I've had surprisingly clunky hands when it doesn't all work out.