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Maybe but eh.. I hate the playstyle, its hunter deck with warrior card, screw it.. boring af
You mean its a minion tempo deck just like every other deck aka play over stated minions on curve.

Turn 2 Alex Champion, turn 3 Blacking Tech, turn 4 Twilight, Turn 5 Blackwing Corruptor.


You mean its a minion tempo deck just like every other deck aka play over stated minions on curve.

Turn 2 Alex Champion, turn 3 Blacking Tech, turn 4 Twilight, Turn 5 Blackwing Corruptor.

Yeah :(

Warrior finally get on the wave n its their best deck (

mofos gonna run out of the card in all games too because lack of draw, like you know certain class, finish game in 8 turn or you in topdeck mode.. no defensive tool too, its strong warrior deck without the fun swing mechanic that Warrior had. I can't go back piloting deck like this, fuck you blizz


They still have Azure Drakes in the Dragon decks to get the draws along with Slams. You can even play Varian in that deck if you want.


Essentially they took the easy and boring way for the future of the game and we just keep playing the same game with different artworks every rotation.

This my worry about standard. Time will tell if that is the case but right now I just find wild so much more interesting and fun. I enjoy seeing the variety in wild that includes mechs on top of all the things instandard. N'zoth can can be quite a bit more intersting as well.

I also would prefer they add new cards that counter pre-existing OPness rather then nerfs. Heck even banning cards from ranked would be better to me. Some of the recent nerfs would never have had to happen if they had made a core set of the existing sets and let the rest rotate out.


I decided to give the solo adventures a try and all of a sudden I was having really fun.

I really liked the puzzly nature of the bosses with different strategies needed, looking at what they had and then retry. And for a while I was enjoying myself quite a lot.

Then I ran out of missions to do and tried to play another Ranked game, ran up against some bullshit rogue who never let me have a single fucking minion out, tried 5 more times and lost every one, now I hate this game again.

It's sad that the solo adventures are so few and overpriced like fuck.
I decided to give the solo adventures a try and all of a sudden I was having really fun.

I really liked the puzzly nature of the bosses with different strategies needed, looking at what they had and then retry. And for a while I was enjoying myself quite a lot.

Then I ran out of missions to do and tried to play another Ranked game, ran up against some bullshit rogue who never let me have a single fucking minion out, tried 5 more times and lost every one, now I hate this game again.

It's sad that the solo adventures are so few and overpriced like fuck.
Now go back and beat them on Heroic.
How essential is Twilight Guardian to Dragon Warrior? I don't want to spend 800 dust on two TGT epics that are only good in a very specific archetype and Senjin seems like a good enough replacement.
How essential is Twilight Guardian to Dragon Warrior? I don't want to spend 800 dust on two TGT epics that are only good in a very specific archetype and Senjin seems like a good enough replacement.
It's not just about 3/6 vs. 3/5. It's about the card being a dragon activator for other cards. You're harming not only the stat-vomit the deck is played for, but its synergy and consistency.


How essential is Twilight Guardian to Dragon Warrior? I don't want to spend 800 dust on two TGT epics that are only good in a very specific archetype and Senjin seems like a good enough replacement.
Very essential.

3/6 is considerably better than a 3/5 especially as a 4 drop taunt. Not only that but Twilight Dragon itself is a dragon and can activate your other dragon synergy cards like Alex Champion, Blackwing Tech before it.

If you want to play any Dragon deck (not just Warrior) then you need Twilight, card is just too good in that type of deck.


Nothing more triggering than an aggro shaman (yes he was aggro) with an ooze. Still beat him with my stupid N'zoth Paladin deck.
It's not just about 3/6 vs. 3/5. It's about the card being a dragon activator for other cards. You're harming not only the stat-vomit the deck is played for, but its synergy and consistency.

Very essential.

3/6 is considerably better than a 3/5 especially as a 4 drop taunt. Not only that but Twilight Dragon itself is a dragon and can activate your other dragon synergy cards like Alex Champion, Blackwing Tech before it.

If you want to play any Dragon deck (not just Warrior) then you need Twilight, card is just too good in that type of deck.

Guess no Dagon Warrior for me then. Can't justify that dust for a deck that, while probably being the best deck in the game at the moment, is pretty boring.
Nothing more triggering than an aggro shaman (yes he was aggro) with an ooze. Still beat him with my stupid N'zoth Paladin deck.

Heh, my aggressive rogue decks often run ooze. It's a 2 drop that lets you win vs decks with a lot of weapon removal :)

It's also a pretty budget minded deck, maybe has 1 legendary and everything else is cheap.


Guess no Dagon Warrior for me then. Can't justify that dust for a deck that, while probably being the best deck in the game at the moment, is pretty boring.

If you can run midrange hunter or shaman, no reason to dusting for Dragon Warrior too, its basically same deck

or you can always run other midrange warrior variant that far less boring :)


When they did that Standard tournament back before Old Gods even came out... these were the top decks (you can check the tapes):

1) Combo Druid (doesn't exist anymore)
2) Aggro Shaman (current tier 1 deck)
3) Zoolock (current tier 1/2 deck)
4) Dragon Warrior (current tier 1/2 deck)
5) Miracle Rogue (previous tier 1 deck, now tier 2/3)
6) Dragon Priest (tier 3 deck)

Final match of the tournament was this legendary one from Thjis and Savyj.



Yay 500 warrior wins. All that's left is mage, druid, shaman, and rogue. Rogue will probably be the last one I ever get, have a whopping 30 or so wins on that one lol.


18-7 today with N'Zoth Priest (wild).

Get rekt, aggro Shaman:


This guy had Doomhammer w/ double rockbiter and still lost. I hope he uninstalled the game. (what kind of loser plays aggro Shaman in wild, anyway, it's a tier one standard deck ffs)

I'm facing so many control decks... control Paladin, Control Warrior (N'Zoth), Control Shaman even... and lots of Control Priest variations... You don't see that shit in Standard.

How strange that standard and old gods was supposed to slow down the meta but it's the degenerate wild meta where you have to go if you want to play control vs control.


18-7 today with N'Zoth Priest (wild).

Get rekt, aggro Shaman:


This guy had Doomhammer w/ double rockbiter and still lost. I hope he uninstalled the game. (what kind of loser plays aggro Shaman in wild, anyway, it's a tier one standard deck ffs)

I'm facing so many control decks... control Paladin, Control Warrior (N'Zoth), Control Shaman even... and lots of Control Priest variations... You don't see that shit in Standard.

How strange that standard and old gods was supposed to slow down the meta but it's the degenerate wild meta where you have to go if you want to play control vs control.

I'm seeing plenty of control decks in Standard (Rank 16-14). I even had a control shaman mirror earlier today. I was Yogg Shaman and he was N'zoth/Ancestral Spirit.

There are certainly more tempo and midrange decks, but maybe it is just because I'm playing weird stuff that I notice it more.


I'm seeing plenty of control decks in Standard (Rank 16-14). I even had a control shaman mirror earlier today. I was Yogg Shaman and he was N'zoth/Ancestral Spirit.

There are certainly more tempo and midrange decks, but maybe it is just because I'm playing weird stuff that I notice it more.

Define plenty? I played 33 games in wild, and 13 of those were against control decks.

I only saw one hunter, one aggro Shaman, one midrange Shaman, and two zoo Warlocks.


With this many Warriors out, there's a certain deck that can give these tempo Warrior decks trouble...

Divine Shield Aggro Paladin. Makes stuff like War Axe less effective. Worth trying out.


With this many Warriors out, there's a certain deck that can give these tempo Warrior decks trouble...

Divine Shield Aggro Paladin. Makes stuff like War Axe less effective. Worth trying out.

Patron beats Tempo Warrior pretty well and stomps all over that bubble deck with all its whirlwinds. But I get faced up against nothing but Priest in the garbage ranks so I can't use it.


With this many Warriors out, there's a certain deck that can give these tempo Warrior decks trouble...

Divine Shield Aggro Paladin. Makes stuff like War Axe less effective. Worth trying out.
Not reallt maybe dragon variant tho.. but I usually not have trouble.. they fare as wòrse as zoolòck against slow tempo warrìor or patron due tò extra whirlwind and more taunt


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
With this many Warriors out, there's a certain deck that can give these tempo Warrior decks trouble...

Divine Shield Aggro Paladin. Makes stuff like War Axe less effective. Worth trying out.

The Data Reaper report actually shows that Dragon Warrior is favored. Ravaging Ghoul is Aggro Paladin's natural enemy.

Midrange Hunter is favored, though.



I managed to take this guy down to 2 health, had 4 minions out and 16 health left, even if he took out a minion with taunt he would not be able to stop the onslaught. For once I felt generally pretty fucking good about the match and he OF COURSE HAS A FUCKING RENO JACKSON THAT BRINGS HIM TO FULL HEALTH GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


During the first few days of the season I got bodied as I expected. But now after first week is over doing well and got a winning streak going. made some refinements to my Hunter deck though that's working out well


My N'zoth Priest (Wild) just took a Hybrid Hunter (w/ N'zoth) to Fatigue and beat him. I probably healed for 60 that game! I was greedy and kept Justicar in my mulligan and that's the only reason I won. I survived both Call of the Wilds, a big N'Zoth turn (which seemed bad, as he brought back two mad scientists, two creeper, and one Sludge Belcher only), all his crazy burn.

The last 10 or so turns he had a secret up and a weapon equipped, and I never attacked his face once. I just removed every threat he played, then healed myself. Entombed Highmane, Lightbombed Boom, Cabaled Webspinner. There was no reason to ever proc his secret and give him the weapon charge (it was either Bear or Explosive, I tested for everything else).

If anyone wants to try my deck,

I don't run Northshire (I don't need more draw, with all these situational cards I don't want my hand to get too full and I have to burn an excavated a turn too early). I don't run Auchenai Soul Priest / Circle--I have Lightbomb, Excavated, and Holy Nova for clears. I did find I sometimes missed being able to do 4 damage to everything, which is why I teched in the Bloodmage Thalnos.

I don't run Velen's because there's too much hard removal out there. I don't want to go all in on a Deathlord, get rekt by execute, and lose two cards.

Basically I'm using Doomsayers and Deathlords to keep the early game at a comfortably slow pace, being greedy with my removal in order to disrupt the opponent's gameplan (I'd say the way you lose is by running out of removal so knowing what your opponent's win condition and what to save your Entombs for is key) and let the game tell me how I'm going to win. I've had to use N'Zoth just to bring back Sludge Belcher to give me more time to stabilize, and I've used N'Zoth as a finisher against a deck that's out of removal.

This version of the deck is 19-8 (70%). I ran an earlier version that I netdecked that was more tradional control priest, with Clerics and Velen's and Power Word Shield and Soul Priests, but I didn't like it.


Sometimes lucky. Against a Reno Mage in the sub-dumpster ranks because I barely played last month.. Shade #1 gave me Polymorph, Shade #2 gave me Fireball, Shade #3 from N'zoth gave me Effigy, and Spellslinger gave me another Fireball. Effigy gave me an Auchenai Soulpriest when it triggered on a Twilight Guardian.


Hmm, suppose I should buy classic packs now? I'm missing these key legendaries

deathwing (eh...)
hallazeal (lol)

al'akir (eh...)
malygod (eh..)
deathwing (eh..)


Hmm, suppose I should buy classic packs now? I'm missing these key legendaries

deathwing (eh...)
hallazeal (lol)

al'akir (eh...)
malygod (eh..)
deathwing (eh..)

Classic is also evergreen and if we do ever see Nerfs again, they'll be on cards in the classic set. I'm missing a few epics in Wrath I'd like, but I've switched to Classic whenever I'm getting packs because I want Classic golden cards that I'll be able to use forever.


I wonder when will the next expansion come out. I wish Blizzard would do smaller releases (15-25 cards) in between. Just enough to unstale the meta a bit.


They should come out with an adventure soon-ish if they want to keep with their timeline. YMMV if you think they'll keep up with it.

Classic is also evergreen and if we do ever see Nerfs again, they'll be on cards in the classic set. I'm missing a few epics in Wrath I'd like, but I've switched to Classic whenever I'm getting packs because I want Classic golden cards that I'll be able to use forever.

Not really missing any playable epics so those aren't a factor.


I love playing Renounce Darkness, but goddamn is it annoying when both of them hide in the bottom third of your deck.

Double Coldlight Orace, double Darkshire Librarian, double Novice Engineer, and Thalnos, and I'm sitting there like:



I'll try to give it a go this evening. Out of interest would it not make sense to tech in an Eater of Secrets for something like SW: Pain?

No, that card sucks and this deck is great against Secret Pally anyway. Why make your other match ups worse?


Went of a 5 game win streak playing C'thun druid at low standard.

It was nice to finish that quest so fast.

What do you guys think the next expansion will be assuming it keeps the old god theme of the year?
Hmm, suppose I should buy classic packs now? I'm missing these key legendaries

deathwing (eh...)
hallazeal (lol)

al'akir (eh...)
malygod (eh..)
deathwing (eh..)
I rememeber when we all thought Hallazeal would be strong. :(

Peléo;209128438 said:
I wonder when will the next expansion come out. I wish Blizzard would do smaller releases (15-25 cards) in between. Just enough to unstale the meta a bit.
Duelyst releases 4 new cards every month, and it definitely helps keep the game fresh along with 2 monthly patches.

Infinity Wars' devs recently declared they will be releasing monthly cards, too, and I am pretty excited about that.

It would be nice if Hearthstone took a similar approach. It helps keep the game fresh.
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