Looking back at the set rotation. Had Dr. Boom simply just been taken out of the game like changing stats, that would probably be enough.
Then again, we still would have a Shredder problem.
I remember watching the finals of some tourneys in 2015, and I remember some unique decks like Healadin as it even played regular class cards like Holy Light.
Nah Wild has a bunch of issues.
*Shredder and Mad Scientist the dominant BS neutral minions.
*Belcher is a big problem especially when Nzoth in the set.
*With so many Deathrattles in Wild, Nzoth is a god tier top end card.
*Void Caller being able to cheat out massive demons is a big problem
*You still have Secret Paladin the god to deal with.
*Eater of Secrets in a lot of people's deck means there's this feast of famine playstyle of "welp played a bunch of Secrets because of Mad Scientist/Mysterious Challenger, now I win/lose based on Eater of Secrets". Except that people still lose to MC when using Eater of Secrets and all it really does is push specific Hunter decks and Freeze Mage out.
*Complete non sense RNG cards like Crackle, Unstable Portal and Implosion.
And you still have the issues of Standard persisting. You still have Doomhammer + Rockbiter combo, you still have Yogg/Barnes stealing games, Tuskar Totemic/Shaman god curve, Beast Druid god combo, Hunter Call of the Wild.
Reynad was right in a recent video. Said competitive HS is a joke and will be unless tournaments start outright banning out cards like Yogg and Barnes (those are two he specifically said he would ban).
Surprisingly, I haven't heard serious talks about banning out cards since Tinkmaster and Nat Pagle.