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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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This is neat to know. My friend also said that if you Faceless a Moat Lurker who has eaten a thing the copied one will also pop the eaten thing out on death as well. Not sure if the owner of the cloned eaten thing is altered though.

Cool. Far as I am aware the only time a moat lurker doesn't maintain its description is if it is called back by Nzoth. At that point it is just a vanilla 3/3


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I just realized WoW Legion CE doesn't include a Hearthstone bonus of any sort.

What a bunch of incompetent, inconsistent losers that works at Blizzard today. Good job adding two Diablo 3 products that no one gives a shit about, but forgetting the one game that actually isn't dead out of the trifecta of failures.


How have the Zoo experiments been going? I'm curious if we'll see the non-Curator Beast/Dragon/Murloc cards being played after the meta settles.


Super Sleuth
How have the Zoo experiments been going? I'm curious if we'll see the non-Curator Beast/Dragon/Murloc cards being played after the meta settles.

The key card comes out next week.

Discard lock could be faster than pirate.

Which epics are more important to their respective classes, prep or cotw?


Ok 20 games in and > 80% winrate, been tracking my stats but having a hard time thinking of any tweaks. I dropped 1 rockbiter to put the 2nd lightnign bolt in after losing a freeze mage match. To be honest I could have won the match but I used up my lightning bolt early. Later on in the game I needed 2 points of spell damage to kill him when he had frozen everything i had including my face, what I had in hand was my 2nd rockbiter :(


Ok 20 games in and > 80% winrate, been tracking my stats but having a hard time thinking of any tweaks. I dropped 1 rockbiter to put the 2nd lightnign bolt in after losing a freeze mage match. To be honest I could have won the match but I used up my lightning bolt early. Later on in the game I needed 2 points of spell damage to kill him when he had frozen everything i had including my face, what I had in hand was my 2nd rockbiter :(
Should you really optimise your deck based on a game against a deck that barely sees play these days?


Had a warrior quest on EU so it was time for some Fool's Bane experiments.

The one time it was good, I didn't even play the card on purprose. I played Malkorok vs a board of 4 Patrons, got Fool's Bane.

The dream!

I took 14 damage (opponent used inner rage on one of them) but I completely tempoed him out after that and won easily.

Every other game I drew Fool's Bane naturally, it was really bad. Took 8 damage to clear a Misha, lost that game. Took 18 damage to face to clear a Tirion, that was a freakin' disaster. Almost every situation I was using Fool's Bane, I would have much preferred to have a Gorehowl, a Bash, or a Slam.

I think Tempo Warrior probably isn't the right deck for Fool's Bane, because you don't gain enough life to be able to justify taking so much face damage just to remove some midrange minions. It might be better in control warrior where if you can play Justicar early enough your life total no longer really matters.


I had great time with Fool's Bane as tempo warrior yesterday

Destroying zoo, get rid of Feral Spirit and totem.. the highlight is kill both emperor veklor to pass the lethal

At least I think you want one off this instead Arathi Weaponsmith


Yeah Curator is a god tier legendary (imagine him as a better Ancient of Lore pre-nerf).

I would put Druid of Sabers in instead of Huge Toad. Druid of Flames instead of Jungle Panthers. I would also play Fandral even in beast druid. Maybe only one combatant. Dunno about Drakes, I would just play Nourish, Curator and the 2 marks for card draw, your 5-drop slot is too overcrowded.

Beast Druid is weak to stuff like shadowflame so Renolock could see increase in play if Beasts run amock in the ladder.
I already run 2 Druids of Sabers though? Huge Toad is there for a 3rd 2-drop (and I am considering swapping him for a 2nd Living Roots).

There's 5/30 cards working with Fandral right now (6 if I swap out Huge Toad for a 2nd Living Roots), not sure if that is enough to justify its inclusion.

Druid of the Flames either do too little (2/5) or are easily removed by weapons/spells/traded (5/2), Jungle Panther's stealth lets them survive through those, the only weakness being AOE (which is pretty rare outside of combo warriors + pyro).

Drakes provide a body + spellpower for use with Living Roots/Wrath/Swipes while also being a draw target with Curator. Nourish is way too much of a tempo loss since you essentially spend 5 mana and put nothing on the board for a deck like this IMO.

I do agree that my 5-slot is too crowded, I guess I could drop a tiger or DotC for a lower drop.


Tempostorm puts Shaman at #1 in tier list and Ladder is now full of Shaman.

Kripp just went up against like 6 Shamans in a row lol. New video incoming.


Ladder has so much variety now, it's awesome. Like aggro shaman, aggro druid, aggro mage, aggro warrior and aggro (lol) hunter. Even aggro priest. GG Blizzard.


Ladder has so much variety now, it's awesome. Like aggro shaman, aggro druid, aggro mage, aggro warrior and aggro (lol) hunter. Even aggro priest. GG Blizzard.
Ben Brode "We are seeing all these tempo/aggro decks but they all play so different from each other so it's ok."
Ladder has so much variety now, it's awesome. Like aggro shaman, aggro druid, aggro mage, aggro warrior and aggro (lol) hunter. Even aggro priest. GG Blizzard.

I hope this game goes through massive decline(like Starcraft 2 did) so the team at Blizzard would get their head out of their asses and stop making cards agressive and rng heavy.


Do you think this game needs more Molten Giant-like cards?

Board Clearing Spells that are cheaper when health is lower.

Try it in Wild. Dancing Swords and Tinker's Oil don't make the deck great, but they give you an actual win condition.

Finally won one after going on a 15 game losing streak.

I just want something different in Standard. Otherwise I'm just going to play Arena whenever my quests are loaded up.

I hope this game goes through massive decline(like Starcraft 2 did) so the team at Blizzard would get their head out of their asses and stop making cards agressive and rng heavy.

Aggro is never going away, so I think you're hoping for the player base to drop the game.

In other words, you want its substitutes like Elder Scrolls + Duelyst to do better.


Do you think this game needs more Molten Giant-like cards?

Board Clearing Spells that are cheaper when health is lower.
You mean like Revenge?

They are alright but they by themselves aren't going to change the game. The good aggro/tempo players will play around it and then finish you off in one combo. Though I guess with the IQ of players these days, they will get punished for not playing around so it might not be such a bad idea... I mean how many of these players play around Revenge?

I remember that before rank 5 your average player wouldn't play around Molten Shadowflame so you could get to rank 5 with Control Warlock really easily.


Almost made it to 17 multiple times today, consistently get to 18 with 3 stars and then slide back to 20. It's so damn frustrating to be so close and then always fail, usually to someone who is already rank 17. Is there some big skill gap there I am missing between these two rank because I just cannot seem to make the jump.


People keep asking for cheap board clears but don't realize that aggro will use them too.

Lots of shamans run lightning storm, zoos run hellfire sometimes, hunters have unleash, etc


And they're all still too slow. Speed it the fuck up Blizzard.

Why you don't just fucking play with shopkeeper

what the fucking fun playing tht dumb face deck that can win in 3 turn that you keep glorifying?

play fucking facebook game if you just want pointing cursor to one direction in game

btw sorry guys for being lame, but I'm currently on tilt
Do you think this game needs more Molten Giant-like cards?

Board Clearing Spells that are cheaper when health is lower.

Finally won one after going on a 15 game losing streak.

I just want something different in Standard. Otherwise I'm just going to play Arena whenever my quests are loaded up.

Aggro is never going away, so I think you're hoping for the player base to drop the game.

In other words, you want its substitutes like Elder Scrolls + Duelyst to do better.

Before Naxx and GvG were taken out of standard, i'd say aggro decks were at a very low level. Sure the game wasn't perfect by any means (nor would I argue it was balanced) but you didn't have to deal with how stupid the game has become with the last few card sets that have been added (RNG heavy cards, 4 mana 7/7 etc)


I was thinking it would be fun if we got together once in awhile on GAF discord to spectate games and have a "Hearthstone Night". Nothing formal, but maybe an hour or so with somebody running a deck and the group playing along.

I'm willing to start tomorrow. (unless IRL takes priority) but will shoot for around 7 PM PST.

I have a few decks I'm experimenting with so it might be cool to get some feedback.

I'll post in here with the GAF Discord Link and see who wants to join in.

We don't really use to discord for too much at the moment, but this might be a fun way to grind the ladder and learn some stuff.

let me know if this sounds like a good idea.


Looking back at the set rotation. Had Dr. Boom simply just been taken out of the game like changing stats, that would probably be enough.

Then again, we still would have a Shredder problem.

I remember watching the finals of some tourneys in 2015, and I remember some unique decks like Healadin as it even played regular class cards like Holy Light.


Why you don't just fucking play with shopkeeper

what the fucking fun playing tht dumb face deck that can win in 3 turn that you keep glorifying?

play fucking facebook game if you just want pointing cursor to one direction in game

"Somebody has different tastes than I do! Better have a childish meltdown!"
Has anyone ever gotten a random post match friend request in this game that is actually nice? I am 3 for 3 this week on a string of insults and probably 10+ over the course of the summer. To be clear, I dont really mind the insults, and I am usually accepting the request almost solely to see what horrible thing they have to say to me.

I feel like there is a less that 0.0001% chance that someone will be cordial and say; "Cool game, lets do a 80 Coin Battle someday"

One of these recent requests came after I lost a game that went into fatigue with both us on low HP. Apparently I "should have conceded 10 ******* turns ago, you ******" according the the message. I can see someone's seeing red mist upon a loss and lashing out, but I have no idea how some people play in seemingly a constant state of anger.


Unconfirmed Member
Man, fuck tuskar totemic. There is no card that more single handedly turns the game into a coin flip.

Also, meta switched back to try hard net decks super fast.


Before Naxx and GvG were taken out of standard, i'd say aggro decks were at a very low level. Sure the game wasn't perfect by any means (nor would I argue it was balanced) but you didn't have to deal with how stupid the game has become with the last few card sets that have been added (RNG heavy cards, 4 mana 7/7 etc)

We better not revising history here, Aggro shaman already tier 1 even before standard and even had stuff like Crackle, face hunter run amok with arcane golem and mad scientist.. Strongest zoolock ever etc, not to mention everybody run Shredder and dr. boom

god no, no matter how shit HS going currently its will never reach that low point again


lol, went 5-0 with aggro shaman to clear my daily quest. Turns out it's pretty good with all these hunters around and not as much warriors.


Has anyone ever gotten a random post match friend request in this game that is actually nice? I am 3 for 3 this week on a string of insults and probably 10+ over the course of the summer. To be clear, I dont really mind the insults, and I am usually accepting the request almost solely to see what horrible thing they have to say to me.

I feel like there is a less that 0.0001% chance that someone will be cordial and say; "Cool game, lets do a 80 Coin Battle someday"

One of these recent requests came after I lost a game that went into fatigue with both us on low HP. Apparently I "should have conceded 10 ******* turns ago, you ******" according the the message. I can see someone's seeing red mist upon a loss and lashing out, but I have no idea how some people play in seemingly a constant state of anger.

I send friend requests to ask people about their decks and talk to them about the match if I have questions or compliments. I've also spectated later games of theirs while we chatted. I tried to send a request earlier today to let the person know my well played before I killed them wasn't a taunt but genuinely meant, sadly they didn't accept the friend request.

I miss chatting with my opponents like in sc2 there was good fun there and friendships were formed just as much as vitriol was spewed.


Has anyone ever gotten a random post match friend request in this game that is actually nice? I am 3 for 3 this week on a string of insults and probably 10+ over the course of the summer. To be clear, I dont really mind the insults, and I am usually accepting the request almost solely to see what horrible thing they have to say to me.

I can't remember exactly what happened, but I played against someone who'd done an awesome play and I added them to complement them on it. And they had a cool username.
We better not revising history here, Aggro shaman already tier 1 even before standard and even had stuff like Crackle, face hunter run amok with arcane golem and mad scientist.. Strongest zoolock ever etc, not to mention everybody run Shredder and dr. boom

god no, no matter how shit HS going currently its will never reach that low point again

I never said the game balance was perfect-go read my original post. My point was, the game back then wasn't the clown fiesta of a game it is now. Sure aggro was viable back then too but so was control unlike now.

But hey, if you like the game where it is now-more power to you I guess.


lol, went 5-0 with aggro shaman to clear my daily quest. Turns out it's pretty good with all these hunters around and not as much warriors.

Yeah here are my stats from the last 3 days. 16 Hunters and 2 Warriors.



Looking back at the set rotation. Had Dr. Boom simply just been taken out of the game like changing stats, that would probably be enough.

Then again, we still would have a Shredder problem.

I remember watching the finals of some tourneys in 2015, and I remember some unique decks like Healadin as it even played regular class cards like Holy Light.
Nah Wild has a bunch of issues.

*Shredder and Mad Scientist the dominant BS neutral minions.
*Belcher is a big problem especially when Nzoth in the set.
*With so many Deathrattles in Wild, Nzoth is a god tier top end card.
*Void Caller being able to cheat out massive demons is a big problem
*You still have Secret Paladin the god to deal with.
*Eater of Secrets in a lot of people's deck means there's this feast of famine playstyle of "welp played a bunch of Secrets because of Mad Scientist/Mysterious Challenger, now I win/lose based on Eater of Secrets". Except that people still lose to MC when using Eater of Secrets and all it really does is push specific Hunter decks and Freeze Mage out.
*Complete non sense RNG cards like Crackle, Unstable Portal and Implosion.

And you still have the issues of Standard persisting. You still have Doomhammer + Rockbiter combo, you still have Yogg/Barnes stealing games, Tuskar Totemic/Shaman god curve, Beast Druid god combo, Hunter Call of the Wild.

Reynad was right in a recent video. Said competitive HS is a joke and will be unless tournaments start outright banning out cards like Yogg and Barnes (those are two he specifically said he would ban).

Surprisingly, I haven't heard serious talks about banning out cards since Tinkmaster and Nat Pagle.


Looking for some gaffers to add on hs - hit me up at Jadax #2287 (EU mostly).

So I just restarted playing this game after like a 1 yr break, I only have Naxx bought - the rest of my cards are basic. What should my aim be right now? Just doing quests, or start doing arena. Tavern Brawl is new to me, so will check that out too.


Never change a winning team.


Has anyone ever gotten a random post match friend request in this game that is actually nice? I am 3 for 3 this week on a string of insults and probably 10+ over the course of the summer. To be clear, I dont really mind the insults, and I am usually accepting the request almost solely to see what horrible thing they have to say to me.

I feel like there is a less that 0.0001% chance that someone will be cordial and say; "Cool game, lets do a 80 Coin Battle someday"

One of these recent requests came after I lost a game that went into fatigue with both us on low HP. Apparently I "should have conceded 10 ******* turns ago, you ******" according the the message. I can see someone's seeing red mist upon a loss and lashing out, but I have no idea how some people play in seemingly a constant state of anger.
The majority of my post-match friend requests have been people with positive feedback of some sort. I do tend to play obscure decks with weird tech choices so it's often about deck list or to praise (pity?) me.
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