almost all of my games today were decided by some kind of rng out of my control, in my favor or against. Tuskarr totemic pulling manatide gg,
-Barnes into highmane, gg ez
-resurrect hits blademaster 3 times when there were at least 4 other dudes that died that game.
-shaman getting freaking trogg from portal (I hate this card btw, who though giving shaman aggressive board clear is a good idea? Like how out of touch can you be?) and rolling spell power 1 in 4 for exact board wipe roll on storm.
-getting 2/4 from raptor.
-Rag hits, ez. It's so stupid, my double innervated rag hit perfectly 3 times against this renolock, like absolutely disgusting, best target every turn, it even sniped his rag (with facelees) when his failed and it eventually killed him too. like lolz.
-fireland portal into earth elemental, it's funny how many times I've seen this happening from all outcomes, like holy shit these random cost cards are terrible design.
- and of course yogg.
even in pre standard we didn't have THIS much variance, yeah there were shredder and boombots, jugglers, sometimes unstable portal. The whole game is a clown fiesta now in like every class with huge variance RNG. and all of these trash will be in the game for 2 years, the game is done for serious players if you ask me. HS can only decline at this point anyways.