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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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is there some way to change the deck detection rules for track-o-bot?
half the time it wants to call my deck aggro, half the time it wants to call it midrange, i'd like a new classification.


Someone harass Blizzard until they cough up the win percentage of Call of the Wild when played on curve and then win percentage of the card when played twice in a game.


Unconfirmed Member
I can certainly replace the timberwolves with 2x bloodfen or a second cloaked huntress and one bloodfen. I do treat hunter different than zoolock of course, I don't just plop timberwolves down as a one drop, I wait until their buff will be beneficial enough to the board to risk losing them the next turn. Still, if I'm better off replacing them then I will since they wouldn't have stayed forever anyways.

I eventually want to run something like http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/620626-thijs-secret-hunter but I obviously don't have all the pieces yet ( or ever in the case of quickshot) and so I'm just trying to make something moderately functional until I can assemble everything I'm missing that I can reasonably get.

I was so proud that yesterday I finally got into rank 17 this season by beating a fellow hunter who pulled call of the wild twice but I still managed to pull off a victory. I know I still have a lot to learn though and many cards to collect which will help me make stronger decks. Ty for the help.

I think wanting to use timberwolves for when you have a board for a deck like that is a perfect example of get more ahead mentality. The hardest part of hearthstone is gaining the lead, not maintaining it. It's generally very hard to come back from behind in this game. The one way an opponent sometimes comes from behind is if they do an Area of Effect clear of your board when you have no cards left to rebuild on the following turn, and timberwolves are very weak to that.

On the other hand, there are some minions that tend to stick around even when you're behind. Pantry Spider are one of those minions that are quite impossible to remove when played on curve and can be helped a lot by timberwolf. That's probably another big reason you're noticing an improvement by including Pantry Spider. I'm honestly a little worried that Timberwolf and Pantry Spider are a package deal, and I don't want to tell you to get rid of a card you're clearly excited about.

Second Cloaked Huntress does sound like a good choice, and Huge Toad is included in tons of Hunter Decks, and Bloodfen Raptor is pretty similar if you don't have that.

Tracking is also a really, really good F2P card from the basic set. I'm a little biased towards it overall, and think it should be in practically every hunter deck, but I think even people that don't like spending 1 mana for it would admit it's great for F2P because it shrinks your deck size both in the deck builder by taking two slots with simple card cycle, and in game by discarding your less good cards.

Only problem is it can take a little experience to know which card to pick, and you have to understand that "discard" is pretty much never bad for most hunter decks. Even if you get 3 really good choices, you still get to draw the best of them.


Normally I only spent money on adventures but I decided to buy 15 packs before crafting Ragnaros to trip up the pity timer. actually got a legendary I was looking for, Malygos


Also got a bunch of dust which I used to help craft Ragnaros. Will probably craft Sylvannas next. got a bunch of gold cards that I don't need. Would really love to get to the point where I can actually keep my pretty gold cards but they worth too much dust for me right now

This was a weird pack:

This golden sword of justice look interesting but will probably dust


My crappy Menagerie Dragon Priest deck is maintaining a 66% win rate at rank 8.

EDIT: It is working ok because priest lacks a decent 3 drop. Zoobot combos well with the earlier dragons.

I'll try this out later tonight and give my thoughts on it.

Seems strong against aggro. Weak against control and 4 mana 7/7.

Guess you have to end the game before big threats appear.

Wouldn't this kind of deck work better in a Warlock because of card draw? Also seems weak against Resurrect Priest.

edit: Won two games so far.

edit 2: Losses were close. Feels like a midrange Priest that sometimes always goes face when the opponent is trying to play control.

edit 3: Weak against Barnes Tirion and N'zoth.

edit 4: Strong against Face Hunter as expected. Didn't trade until Taunt was in the way. Also requires using the Northshire Cleric as simply a 1 attack minion and disregarding its ability.

edit 5: Strong against Zoolock. Players are very confused. Weak when draws are bad. Too dependent on a board clear when overwhelmed.

edit 6: Weak against Yogg Tempo Mage.

edit 7: If you draw zero dragons by turn 2, you might as well concede.

edit 8: Weak against Priest of Feast decks.

edit 9: Bad against Paladin.

I guess people at your rank play faster decks.


Meh. The deck takes away too many unique properties of Priest, which is to tell opponent your own deck sucks, and you have to use their cards to beat them.


I'm kind of sad Reynad keeps winning with his tempo rogue list. I'm playing a similar list and it is very strong. I was hoping most people wouldn't catch on to it before I had a chance to take advantage of it.

My list is just different enough, though, that people might play against it badly.


Someone harass Blizzard until they cough up the win percentage of Call of the Wild when played on curve and then win percentage of the card when played twice in a game.

That win rate gonna plummet now that Fool's Bane is running around beating it.

...right guys?


Got to rank 5 this month with Zoo.

The meta is so, so ridiculously aggressive that it's basically a death sentence if you don't do anything every single turn starting from turn 1. Stuffed my deck with like 16 1 drop cards and then top ended with double Doomguard since I was dumping my hand.

Can't wait for next week when people go ham with the Discard Zoo.

A ton of Hunters, Druids and Shamans with some Warriors thrown in the mix. I didn't see a single Warlock aside from myself which I thought was strange as the deck is still clearly strong. I guess with no new tools to work with there wasn't much incentive to play it.

I did try a bunch of other decks at rank 7-6 for the final push but everything felt like a clown fiesta.

Shaman Mirror - Whoever got god curve hand, hit the other face first and rolled high on totems/Tuskar won.
Hunter Mirror - Whoever went first or dropped CotW first won.
Druid Mirrors - Whoever cheated... I mean Innervated out something first won.
Warrior mirrors - Whoever had War Axe and curve won.


Unconfirmed Member
Got to rank 5 this month with Zoo.

The meta is so, so ridiculously aggressive that it's basically a death sentence if you don't do anything every single turn starting from turn 1. Stuffed my deck with like 16 1 drop cards and then top ended with double Doomguard since I was dumping my hand.

Can't wait for next week when people go ham with the Discard Zoo.

A ton of Hunters, Druids and Shamans with some Warriors thrown in the mix. I didn't see a single Warlock aside from myself which I thought was strange as the deck is still clearly strong. I guess with no new tools to work with there wasn't much incentive to play it.

I did try a bunch of other decks at rank 7-6 for the final push but everything felt like a clown fiesta.

Shaman Mirror - Whoever got god curve hand, hit the other face first and rolled high on totems/Tuskar won.
Hunter Mirror - Whoever went first or dropped CotW first won.
Druid Mirrors - Whoever cheated... I mean Innervated out something first won.
Warrior mirrors - Whoever had War Axe and curve won.

Hunter Mirror is the silliest of them all. If I go first and have CotW in my hand, I'm always so stressed until I see the coin used pre-turn 7, and then I can laugh at his miss-use of the coin or sad no-CotW draw.


Unconfirmed Member
Token Druid mirror is pretty fun tho unless the hand quality is pretty lopsided or Yogg ruin it which pretty often sadly.

I personally play it extremely greedy, way more than I see anyone else play it, under the assumption that whoever gets the sickest single turn wins the game, and it seems to work out. Didn't really get why people play stuff like 2 1/1s and 3/2 Power of the Wild in that matchup.

Makes me like the mirror since I have a good winrate for it, though sometimes people still get the sickest single turn by virtue of the draw. Unfortunately I'm not sure if i can maintain that strategy now that Beast Druid is a thing.


Thread title should go back to refined deeprock salt. That's what it is. screw this game. going full time TES Legends at this point.

I hope there is some kind of big scale blow back in Hearthstone in future, like WoW subs falling like flies or Diablo 3 launch, maybe things change, I loved this game. rip.


I just came across Grim Patron for the first time. I had a very comfortable advantage but just couldn't respond to it. Got my ass handed to me.


Looks like I'll go back to arena then and just ladder for quests when the hero doesn't match all 3.

I don't know why you people like constructed so much.


I have a play a friend quest on EU if anybody wants.


I might not respond right away. reply in thread if i'm not online.

EDIT: all done thanks!


Thread title should go back to refined deeprock salt. That's what it is. screw this game. going full time TES Legends at this point.

I hope there is some kind of big scale blow back in Hearthstone in future, like WoW subs falling like flies or Diablo 3 launch, maybe things change, I loved this game. rip.
Speak for yourself man.

Maybe this game is just not for you anymore.

I still enjoy it a lot. My nephews have a blast watching me play yogg.


Played Priest on ranked to complete a quest and Priest mirror matches are seriously the worst. Luckily, my opponent misplayed all of his removals and used two Entombs on Injured Blademasters. After all that, I'm stuck on 1-3 Stars at Rank 19. I only ever go ranked for Priest quests just to see how it would fare and it really is difficult. Now my current problem is whether to craft Rag or just spend the dust for a new deck.


The game has definitely become a lot more aggressive and I have adapted by playing my own version of tempo rogue and tempo dragon paladin. Hunters and shamans are still annoying, but I can't argue with these results. Warlock and Warrior games were to clear out quests ;)



Unconfirmed Member
Played Priest on ranked to complete a quest and Priest mirror matches are seriously the worst. Luckily, my opponent misplayed all of his removals and used two Entombs on Injured Blademasters. After all that, I'm stuck on 1-3 Stars at Rank 19. I only ever go ranked for Priest quests just to see how it would fare and it really is difficult. Now my current problem is whether to craft Rag or just spend the dust for a new deck.

Playing against priest is the worst no matter what class you're playing. I'd take bullshit Shaman curves over 50 minutes of waiting to see if priest has an answer over and over again until you reach fatigue.

Only thing that makes it worthwhile are the easy wins.


Can't past rank 2.. losing streak always came when I reach rank 2, keep bouncing from 3 with no star to 2 and slide again


fuck me can you queue me to zoolock till reaching legend


Got Twin Emperor Vek'lor today from a pack. I can finally make C'Thun decks without spending any dust in them, yeah! Too bad I don't feel like playing more than enough to get my quests done, back to other things.

I've been pretty lucky lately since I've been saving gold for Karazhan. Three legendaries thanks to the brawl free packs and the couple of Old Gods packs that I've got since I stopped saving.


I'd have less problems with Entomb if it cost less mana, killed the minion and shuffled a copy into the Priests deck rather than simply lifting it off the board.

It's often impossible to play around silence removal if you're playing a slower deck. Which would be fine, but it doesn't exactly encourage fun interactions.


Tirion is too OP is the one that made slow pally struggle against priest lmao

other deck that stacking big minion too not struggle too much
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