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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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Rogue finally gets the healing it deserves.



Where's that crybaby who was complaining that Shaman didn't get any worthwhile cards besides Maelstrom?

I just lost because I couldn't remove a Witchdoctor, which led to me being burst down from 38 effective health in one turn.

I had an ancient of war on board and 28 health and didn't feel like I was about to die.

Guess what.

I died.


yeah but why did you play so hard into aoe on turn 5?


I got totemic might the other day from the pirate, good thing you can cast it even without totems, draw one card with gadgetzan, it worked out. I won the game. but in another match I got bolster and you can't cast it even. why it works differently I have no idea.

I like the pirate, I still think random class cards are generally not very useful, but when the cost is a 1 mana 1/1 it seems good. Swashburglar is a lot better than huckster, rogue doesn't have anything to do on turn 1 really unlike turn 2, even 1/1 body could help you deal with something and you get the card immediately, making it much much better than huckster in late game if you topdeck it, it's just a 2/2 then. It can activate combos too by itself. Deathrattle synergy is really irrelevant here. Is bringing it back with N'Zoth even good? It's meh. You probably win or lose at that spot, the cards you get wont matter more often than not.

It's like Blizzard started with burgle, 3 mana get 2. Completely awful. 2 mana 2/2 DR, mediocre. finally 1 mana 1/1 instant effect, it's actually a good effect now but they can't possibly go lower than this, lol.

I don't think the peddler will be very useful. That's honestly why it's a 5/6 for 5. The effect is probably determined to be not worth much in internal testing and their rogue testing usually is very harsh. Like they decided that a 4/2 Xaril would be OP.

I like to test it but it's probably just a pit fighter 70 percent of time and that's actually not awful but if rest of the deck can hold up or not that's the question.
That feel when shaman has to smack tirion in the face twice with doomhammer (last 2 charges) and use a 5/5 to kill it. He didn't even give up after I healed to full with forbidden healing lul


he coined portal on a board with one dude on it, he was fundamentally disrespecting the aoe of his own card so maybe he has another aoe answer if something happens.

It was a bad read, doesn't change my point, which is that Witchdoctor is a good card.


Super Sleuth
I had a druid dominance quest so I tried out beast druid.

I went 5/5 curving out nasty in every game but in different ways.

That deck can get real gross real fast.
I'm going to lose a fatigue warrior match because I was ending my turn too fast and of course burned forbidden healing. Because of that missing 20 health I didn't have enough time to pressure my opponent into using their 2nd Brawl and that in turn made my Nzoth useless. I want my 20 minutes back.


Made it to rank 16 by fiddling with my hunter deck some more, so close to my goal of 15 by the end of the season. For some reason mage seems extinct here and its all just dragon paladin, Dragon priests with or without reno and ressurect priests. Where the fuck did everyone else go?
Edit: secret based hunter is super fucking fun. I find it interesting that the three decks I want to play are zoolock. Secret hunter and freeze mage. All so different but equally enjoyable.

I've only just started actually watching HS tournaments and it's fascinating to see how off my predictions of moves are compared to what the pros do.


Super Sleuth
Druid vs druid mirror. Opponent plays living roots turn one. You have living roots, innervate, power of the Wild. Do you put up two 2/2s? Seems wrong but i can't decide. They could take you down to a 2/1 and you lose tons of cards advantage.


Today was my luckiest day in hearthstone took my midrange warlock in wild for a total domination win streak with so many close games. Then I had 900 gold so I get 1 grand tournament pack and open goremac. I had disenchanted him the first week of the grand tournament because everyone was saying he was not worth it so its good to have it back. Then I get a classic pack and open Alexstrasa. What a nice gift now I can try even more decks.
Not sure if my opponent is slow rolling me or if he really doesn't have 4 damage in hand.

Strike that he was just slow rolling me. At least have the decency not to rope after playing back to back CotWs. Can't believe I lost against him he played so bad, guess that's what I get for drawing zero healing all game.


Man, lately I've gotten a lot of friend requests. I don't care if someone wants to just bitch at me, but goddamn have the balls to stick around for a second or two. Why even bother to message someone if you're too cowardly to hear a response. Last one was "nice job top decking peacekeeper" in other words. I mean, why even bother with that. Guy was too dumb to see how lucky his start was and to go all in the way he did, playing around aldor with 2 conceals, then to get salty when I actually use aldor and bitch because it was the next card I drew?

Fuck it, I'm going back to auto-decline friend requests.

I accept every request but I wait a day. But hell I wish I was good as you and got flooded with rage friend requests that would make my day. This must be a thing you see once you get to rank 10 and above.

Where's that crybaby who was complaining that Shaman didn't get any worthwhile cards besides Maelstrom?

I just lost because I couldn't remove a Witchdoctor, which led to me being burst down from 38 effective health in one turn.

I had an ancient of war on board and 28 health and didn't feel like I was about to die.

Guess what.

I died.


Yeah I was lol'ing at those posts when I saw those posts crying bout how everyone got screwed with karazhan cards.
Ah, Cloaked Huntress, another blatantly overpowered card to push an archetype Blizzard likes.

I swear that's all the content drops in this game revolve around now. What does Blizzard like? Okay let's make some overpowered cards to make it happen.

Why do people post stuff like this? Secret Hunter isn't #1 deck archetype. If the card was so OP then surely Secret Hunter would be #1. Some of you top ranked gafs probably got hard data but I know at my current ranked my Secret Hunter is 64% win rate (over 11 games). But my tempo yogg mage is trailing right behind at 63% with over 20 games (actually really it's 40 games since I have multiple tempo mage variations)

[edit] Dang it I've done it again. Should keep my mouth shut against you more veteran players. need to lay low and soak more knowledge and climb the ladder more.


Today was my luckiest day in hearthstone took my midrange warlock in wild for a total domination win streak with so many close games. Then I had 900 gold so I get 1 grand tournament pack and open goremac. I had disenchanted him the first week of the grand tournament because everyone was saying he was not worth it so its good to have it back. Then I get a classic pack and open Alexstrasa. What a nice gift now I can try even more decks.

I feel you bro I've been getting lucky but I've spent a little money (I already have all adventures unlocked)

But yeah I love getting new legendaries which helps enables me to try new strategies
Why do people post stuff like this? Secret Hunter isn't #1 deck archetype. If the card was so OP then surely Secret Hunter would be #1. Some of you top ranked gafs probably got hard data but I know at my current ranked my Secret Hunter is 64% win rate (over 11 games). But my tempo yogg mage is trailing right behind at 63% with over 20 games (actually really it's 40 games since I have multiple tempo mage variations)

[edit] Dang it I've done it again. Should keep my mouth shut against you more veteran players. need to lay low and soak more knowledge and climb the ladder more.
His point isn't that Secret Hunter is #1, but that Blizzard is bad at game design so they push archetypes into the meta by giving them OP cards. If you want a history lesson on this, look at Mysterious Challenger and how Paladin secrets went from mostly unplayed to everyone playing nothing but Secret Paladin.
Cloaked huntress... OP? wow... It's better than kirin tor mage but blatantly OP? .... no.

I accept every request but I wait a day. But hell I wish I was good as you and got flooded with rage friend requests that would make my day. This must be a thing you see once you get to rank 10 and above.

I honestly don't mind if someone wants to rage at me, but it's gotten really petty and pathetic when they unfriend you within 2 seconds. At least I usually get to say GG, which I bet they take as an insult. I should just go "GG EZ" then unfriend myself.
His point isn't that Secret Hunter is #1, but that Blizzard is bad at game design so they push archetypes into the meta by giving them OP cards. If you want a history lesson on this, look at Mysterious Challenger and how Paladin secrets went from mostly unplayed to everyone playing nothing but Secret Paladin.

Nah a 6/6 for 6 that draws 4 cards and cheats them into play is totally a fair card. To be fair though, avenge made that deck.


Beat a secret Pally in 6 turns with Face Hunter lol. He didn't want to pop my Mad Scientist and was going for a face race. Too bad I had Unleash the Hounds after he wasted his Consecrate and played Muster. Exactly 12 damage together with Kill Command. :D

Also had an amazing Knife Juggler. Opponent had 3 minions on the board. I had Knife Juggler, played Unleash with all 3 juggles to his Druid of the Claw, attacked the Druid of the Claw with my Haunted Creeper to pop it and they both hit the Druid of the Claw for a perfect clear of the taunt. What are the odds to his him 6 times in a row lol. That play won me the game.


Then again, Hunter secrets are a lot stronger than Palladin ones. Has anyone btw tries running Redemption in a Nzoth Pally deck? Could make some sick plays with Cairne, Sylvanas or Tirion. Also double the ressurects with Nzoth!
Cloaked huntress... OP? wow... It's better than kirin tor mage but blatantly OP? .... no.
If Hunter had any kind of draw tool, it would be more obvious. As it is, when a Hunter has burned his hand he's done. lol

Then again, Hunter secrets are a lot stronger than Palladin ones. Has anyone btw tries running Redemption in a Nzoth Pally deck? Could make some sick plays with Cairne, Sylvanas or Tirion. Also double the ressurects with Nzoth!
The deck is already hard countered by things like Hex, and this would exacerbate that issue.


Cloaked Huntress IS blatantly over powered but since Hunter is such a terribly designed class they can't fully take advantage of it. Anything that requires combos in Hunter or pushes something that isn't aggro/control is harder to make work. Hunter just doesn't have the draw power to make use of Cloaked Huntress that well.

It's like when Blizzard put out Tuskar Totemic in TGT. Card was always strong but Shaman couldn't properly take advantage of it until now (Thing from Below).
Then again, Hunter secrets are a lot stronger than Palladin ones. Has anyone btw tries running Redemption in a Nzoth Pally deck? Could make some sick plays with Cairne, Sylvanas or Tirion. Also double the ressurects with Nzoth!

Yes, way too easy to play around since you can't hero power if you want it to go off.
Cloaked Huntress IS blatantly over powered but since Hunter is such a terribly designed class they can't fully take advantage of it. Anything that requires combos in Hunter or pushes something that isn't aggro/control is harder to make work. Hunter just doesn't have the draw power to make use of Cloaked Huntress that well.

It's like when Blizzard put out Tuskar Totemic in TGT. Card was always strong but Shaman couldn't properly take advantage of it until now (Thing from Below).

Which makes it fairly mediocre and not blatantly overpowered.


Which makes it fairly mediocre and not blatantly overpowered.
I guess Doomhammer and Rockbiter weren't over powered back when Shaman didn't have the early aggression to utilize it.

Class tools change over time and they become better equipped to utilize cards that were previously released. Huntress may not belong in a blatantly over powered Hunter deck now but that may change down the line. We still have 2 years of this card in the future.

And the card is definitely not mediocre, you see it quite a bit online and it occasionally steals game. Any card that sees play in this cut throat meta is at least good.

It's more accurate to say that it's a potentially over powered card.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Cloaked Huntress is good for just all the reasons posted. She's not OP like mad scientist. Plus hunter doesn't have the card draw to just throw secrets up. Plus hunter secrets are 2 mana while she is 3 mana.

This means if you top deck her and a secret if you can't coin you you are just playing the secret as is if you don't have another 2 drop to play.

Secret pally worked cause you could stack secrets cause they were cheap, and then when turn 6 hit you could drop challenger and he'd auto pull secrets.

Huntress can swing some games if you pull her mid game and have a few secrets to play. There are a lot of cards that can work like that though.

What helps is she is 3/4 vs 4/3 so she isn't easily traded against all of those 3/2 mobs.

So she's good as a class card without being OP or UP.
I guess Doomhammer and Rockbiter weren't over powered back when Shaman didn't have the early aggression to utilize it.

Class tools change over time and they become better equipped to utilize cards that were previously released. Huntress may not belong in a blatantly over powered Hunter deck now but that may change down the line. We still have 2 years of this card in the future.

And the card is definitely not mediocre, you see it quite a bit online and it occasionally steals game. Any card that sees play in this cut throat meta is at least good.

It's more accurate to say that it's a potentially over powered card.

Doomhammer was always "OP". People have been running double doomhammer + double lava bursts decks as far back as basically the beginning of the game. It's power level has not changed.

And the meta has barely even settled. It's premature to claim a card makes the cut because people are running it right now. People are running all sorts of janky stuff atm. It's mediocre, being good enough to be ran but far from great. It's saving grace is it's stat line and that you don't need to play the secret immediately like with kiron tor mage.


I can't believe I'm finally seeing the light...

I made this Dragon Warrior deck and I've been having a very nice streak...

I know a lot hate the deck, but I actually find it amazing and just today jumped from rank 18 to rank 13...

also, any suggestions are welcome, I plan to add grommash at some point when I decide to craft him (it hurts to use the 1600 dust). No twilight Guardian, though... I had enough disgust crafting the Alex Champs being from TGT


Unless Hunter gets insane draw or secret tutoring to hand, Huntress isn't going to be broken. And Hunter isn't going to get those things.


And the meta has barely even settled. It's premature to claim a card makes the cut because people are running it right now. People are running all sorts of janky stuff atm. It's mediocre, being good enough to be ran but far from great. It's saving grace is it's stat line and that you don't need to play the secret immediately like with kiron tor mage.
It's also premature to call a card mediocre at this stage especially a card that is good enough to be ran.

People ran Doomhammers and Lava Burst but it was never that good before (not tier 1 good). That was the point. It's power level absolutely has changed since Shaman has aggressive early game to allow for Doomhammers to finish the game. It's like saying Mysterious Challengers power level hasn't changed with Minibot, Muster and Avenge gone...of course it has changed because that deck doesn't have the same early game as before.
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