legendary cards aren't even that useful in Hearthstone, I'm not sure why people still are so fixated on them. Like the only Legendary you might need in your tempo deck you're doomed to play anyway is Ragnaros maybe, plus if the class legendary is useful for it or not, like Grom or Fandral. Like everything else is just fluff at best, unnecessary at most.
Game is really cheap right now. Best decks are like Aggro shaman, 2 epics plus Sir Finley if that counts, lol. Token druid has yogg and Fandral, maybe ancient of wars, those can be replaced honestly. You can build a very strong token druid deck still on budget without any of those. Innervate and wildgrowth are pretty good and free...
Dragon warrior is relatively expensive, alright. but still not too expensive. It's not like you should to go after bad and expensive decks like control paladin and rogue decks right away and keep losing to aggro shaman. Definition of p2l.
I'm just clawing my way up the ladder in TES Legends now as a new player and that game is cheap too but I feel Hearthstone is way way cheaper to play a tier 1 or deck or close to it. You can have multiple copies of same legendary in the deck, really powerful cards like Blood Dragon, (think like Dr. Boom) and decks have 50 cards! I can't even fill my deck right now without putting trash in it lol. And the ranked reward is 3 copies of a single card, it's an epic card plus bunch of gold and dust. TES might seem to give you more rewards than HS but decks are larger and you have 3 copies of each card in your deck, so they have to.
HS is dirt cheap right now compared with everything really.