Posted here a little while ago, bought 14 packs, 7 in gold, 7 in money, and I was wondering if there was any changes I should make, currently rank 19 with two stars.
Your deck is all over the place. It has some aggro cards but mostly based on control. Seems like if you lose board, you're done as nothing sticks.
Add fiery bats + Highmane + bows. Hunter without weapons is done in arena.
One Hunter's Mark is enough.
Call of the Wild if you don't have any.
Throw in tracking because you probably don't curve out well.
Leper Gnome was better when it was a 2 attack card. You can replace with Abusive Sergeant.
Another Dire Wolf.
Another Skill Command.
Jungle Panther is really slow. OK in arena, but maybe viable in a beast Druid although Stranglethorn Tiger is the best addition.
Ram Wrangler is too RNG dependent heavy as there are a lot of bad beasts.
Quickshot requires BRM.
Alternatively, build a ZooLock deck if your goal is cheap. Aggro Shaman is also cheap (although requires adventures for an annoying 1-mana minion).
Otherwise play Arena or spend more money.