Went 5-1 with this janky control priest deck on EU doing a quest. (I'm still 200G short there for the last wing of Kara).
Apparently my win condition is making my opponent concede when I am constantly healing out of range. I even made a "concede shaman" concede, that was a fun game.
So the concede Shaman played a turn two Totem Golem.. I had the coin so I played the same thing against him:
I didn't really feel satisfied with my homemade Golem so I decided to get my own;
Never have I been more upset that Anduin's supremely shitty sounding "Sorry" emote was nerfed.
He hexed my Priest of the Feast and ended up conceding when he was in top deck mode, I had a full hand, and my Ysera was stuck to the board for 3 turns.
I forgot how much I enjoyed playing as Priest.
Most of the decks I hate playing against, such as Hunter, I also hate piloting, but Priest is asymmetrical. I enjoy playing as them but I hate playing against them.
I forgot I took a screenshot of the Freeze Mage I made concede. This screenshot is after they played Alexstraza on turn 8 and hit me with two Fireballs, a Pyroblast, two forgotten Torches and a Roaring Torch, plus they pinged my face pretty much every turn.
Oh, and the secret I have up? A thoughtstolen Ice Block.