In general, the game needs a LOT more draw options.
A lot of the good classes can easily draw their entire deck if they have a good enough reason to do so. Warrior, Rogue, Druid, Warlock etc. Even Priest can draw well enough under the right circumstances.
It's classes like Hunter and Shaman that are garbage designs which can't even do that which further limits their class archetype.
I thought Blizzard had learned their lesson with the previous expansion by going opposite of the design mistakes they have made but they kinda doubled up on the mistakes in Karazhan.
*They printed Stormcrack, Arcane Blast and Shadow Strike which are efficient tempo removal but they can't really hit face to kill your opponent with. This is GOOD design because it means people can't stack them up in a burn deck... but then they made Firelands Portal which is not only an excellent tempo removal but can ALSO HIT FACE!
*They printed minions like Infested Tauren and Twilight Summoner which are slow, non aggressive deathrattles with no tribal synergy so that you can't abuse them in aggressive decks... then they printed Kindly Grandmother which is an aggressive deathrattle minion for its cost and has double tribal synergy.
*They stopped printing good asymmetric AOEs because it feels bad to play against or whatever (which is fine as long as you are printing stuff like Elemental Destruction and Excavated Evil)... then they printed Maelstrom Portal.
In other news Kripp is on maximum tilt now. Probably going to quit Arena forever if his current Mage Arena run flops.