You don't think warlock has "OP" early game? What game are you playing? That's an area they lack the least. They run like 8 of them.
Zoo would be a thing even with mediocre early game.
You don't think warlock has "OP" early game? What game are you playing? That's an area they lack the least. They run like 8 of them.
Zoo would be a thing even with mediocre early game.
btw, I started playing duelyst too, and alongside faeria, this games made me realize how well designed is the collection layout in hearthstone
In HS is easy to know which is your collection while knowing which cards are missing, and in duelyst even disenchanting a card is a drag.
Still, I'm liking more both games, will be good alternatives to HS while I expect the next expansion to be released, at least now I don't feel like laddering since the early game in this game really kills my mood to play it, specially when I prefer control decks
I'm sick of call of the wild, not enough cards actually beat that card well enough.
btw, I started playing duelyst too, and alongside faeria, this games made me realize how well designed is the collection layout in hearthstone
In HS is easy to know which is your collection while knowing which cards are missing, and in duelyst even disenchanting a card is a drag.
Still, I'm liking more both games, will be good alternatives to HS while I expect the next expansion to be released, at least now I don't feel like laddering since the early game in this game really kills my mood to play it, specially when I prefer control decks
Wasn't Fool's Bane supposed to destroy Call of the Wild and drive all the Hunters off the ladder? LOL
Kara sucked from a Warrior player's Point of View. Best card we got is probably, what, Curator? Fuck.
Hunter horseshit will beat them fairly easy.oh my goodness two control warrior back-to-back. What deck counters them? I just started doing ranked this month in standard would be nice to climb past 19. Normally id just wait a week or so for ewasy pickings but want to beat better players and git gud
Wasn't Fool's Bane supposed to destroy Call of the Wild and drive all the Hunters off the ladder? LOL
Hunter anything.oh my goodness two control warrior back-to-back. What deck counters them? I just started doing ranked this month in standard would be nice to climb past 19. Normally id just wait a week or so for ewasy pickings but want to beat better players and git gud
Some guy added me after a game, telling me to kill myself, I told him to google my past medication and to think about what he says and who its to (Its mental health meds, quite hardcore ones) and he said the following
If you have his full tag report him to Blizzard and attach the pics to your report.
Also, Fool's Bane is 3 attack. You'd have to hit Misha twice, which is 10 damage, plus another 4 if you either hit Huffer (5 if Leokk is still there) or hit Leokk twice. That's after Huffer has presumably hit you for 5 last turn as well. Doesn't seem that good.
Even if it was, that wouldn't be enough.
BTW, it's illegal to complain about what warrior gets. It's not like I made that rule up on the spot or anything. Fool's bane is actually pretty good though imho. It's just not a control card. It's a midrange card.
Well I suck at control warrior.
Control mage seems pretty good right now though. I like the playstyle a lot more too.
Hunter anything.
Honestly even Shaman these days can bring the pain to Warriors.
Control Paladin with Justicar can beat them too.
Slower Token Druid.
Honestly anything that isn't Aggro Shaman, Dragon Warrior, Token Druid or Hunter is really easy to counter in the game. That's why these decks are in their own tier 1 and the rest of the decks that can be countered are in tier 2 or lower.
This is a pretty good primer to start with.
Control Warrior is in a tough spot in this meta but it can still be a very fun and effective deck.
Don't expect to learn it in a day--I've been playing Control Warrior for a year at least and I'm still learning new things about the deck.
That's not Control Warrior.this was solid advice just straight up beat down this control warrior just now. Just had to ignore his little tricks and kept hitting him in the face
Late game he was dropping Grim patrons (well Turn 7->8 or so)
Oh for sure. I definitely know I am playing extremely suboptimally. I am lost right now at mulligan.
Thanks for the link. I'll read it through.
Haven't played HS in like a year. Logged on today and played my first tavern brawl and won a pack. Golden Onyxia in it. Worth keeping?
do you like druid?
Haven't played HS in like a year. Logged on today and played my first tavern brawl and won a pack. Golden Onyxia in it. Worth keeping?
Counterspelling an entomb feels so good. Second only to cotw.
I've always preferred having entomb get hit with Spellbender. Either way, it's good stuff.
I can't complain that Warrior got garbage? Who made up this rule? Warrior isn't even close to being the best class anymore, so I can complain that my favorite class probably got the fewest tools from Kara. Even Priest got a new staple card.
Fool's Bane is a bad midrange card because midrange Warrior decks don't have the armor gain to support that card, and it's bad in control decks because Gorehowl and Brawl are just better.
Besides, it's way overcosted. The cards you want that weapon to kill after turn 5 are all 4 health or better. Taking 10 damage to kill a 5/4 is bad in decks that don't run Justicar
I know people want to bring up Violet Illusionist, but running a bad card to support another bad card is usually a bad idea.
It was a joke man. Anyway, warrior gets great shit every single expansion. If you look back, they've never once failed to give warrior great stuff. It easily boasts the highest density of great cards in standard, and you want more great staple cards? And how is it not even close to the best class despite having dragon warrior and like 3-4 other viable warrior decks throughout the last couple months since WOG released?
Warrior is at least top 2 right now. There's absolutely nothing to complain about. Fool's Bane and Ironforge Portal are playable cards and Defend the King is a Bolster Warrior enabler (which really isn't a bad deck at all). Warrior is in the best spot right now in terms of archetype breadth.
So I know this isn't the greatest, but I'm having a lot of fun with it. Any suggestions on making it better? Soggoth the Slitherer isn't showing at the bottom, but he's in there.[img][/url][url=]upload img[/url][/QUOTE]
Why not run sunfury protectors? Tossing them on some fatties early is great for shutting down many common decks on ladder right now.
There's a few options for what you could axe, though I don't know which tech cards are working well for you. Personally I would probably cut convert and mindgames, the meta feels to quick for them right now.
Protect the king makes little sense for a class that has already an abundance of answers against Zoo.
Your opinion does not match up with what pretty much everyone else including top players think. It doesn't even match up the statistics as well.I'm just jealous that everyone is having fun playing with new cards and I'm sitting here looking at Warrior with the Kara filter turned on and crying.
I'd put Warrior at third, maybe even fourth in the meta. Shaman is the best class right now, because it has the best deck. Druid is second, Token Druid can beat any deck in the game right now. It's a toss up between Hunter and Warrior for third spot.
Warrior is no longer better than Shaman or Druid. It might not even be better than Hunter.
As far as archetype breadth, other classes are catching up. Look at Hunter: Secret Hunter, Hybrid Hunter, Midrange Hunter, Spell Hunter (aka Yogg'n'Load), and Barnes/Y'shaarj Hunter.
Mage has Tempo Mage, Control Mage, Freeze Mage, and Reno Mage.
Rogue has Miracle, Thief, Tempo, and Deathrattle.
Druid has Beast, Token, Ramp, C'thun and Malygos.
Bolster Warrior is a bad deck. Lots of people tried to make it work after Protect the King came out but it has completely disappeared from the meta since then.
Anyway, I guess Warrior was due some bad cards. Would be nice to have gotten some new tools to play with but I guess there's always next expansion.
Why not run sunfury protectors? Tossing them on some fatties early is great for shutting down many common decks on ladder right now.
There's a few options for what you could axe, though I don't know which tech cards are working well for you. Personally I would probably cut convert and mindgames, the meta feels to quick for them right now.
do people play wild pyromancer in yogg hunter? i'm playing a strict version with only 2x doomsayer and yogg as the only minions atm. pyro seems like it'd be good to have pings, but being hunter he could only trigger twice so idk. probably worth it but what do u guys think. this discard zoo shit is hard to decimate with the board clears you're limited to
also if you play hunters mark would pyromancer kill the minion ?
Yeah, hunter's mark kills the minion.
I don't know the answer to the rest of your questions, but I don't think yogg hunter runs wild pyro because king's elekk always draws yogg in that deck.
hmm well i made a version with only 2x doomsayer and yogg. isn't doomsayer kind of essential? i have some version with elekks but i feel like its so hard to clear the board without doomsayer, i can't survive without them, esp with these discardlocks running so rampant
Your opinion does not match up with what pretty much everyone else including top players think. It doesn't even match up the statistics as well.
You listed a bunch of Hunter decks that work the same or are too niche to even talk about.
Like Bolster Warrior crushes half the decks you posted, I don't know how much time you invested in it but it really isn't that bad of a deck.
Everyone brings Warrior to tournaments even now and they are banning it.
It's still a top deck on Ladder. Dragon Warrior is a top 2 deck in the game, second only to Shaman and is the only deck in the game that can consistently win against Aggro Shaman.
Hunter only has one real deck type and that one deck has two variations to it.
TBH I am not that familiar with yogg hunter. I think they only run elekk to guarantee yogg but I could be wrong.